Fiscal Note

HB0347S01 - Alcoholic Beverage Control Act Modifications

State Impact:
Enacting this bill reduces Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control current expense and personal service costs by $950,000 per year. An additional day of operation in a year in which a statewide election occurs will generate profit of approximately $140,000 for that year, every other year. Transition credits authorized by the bill will reduce Liquor Control Fund revenue by no more than $1,090,000. If the statutory credit cap is reached in the first year of implementation (FY 2010) - a year in which no statewide election occurs - the net impact on the Liquor Control Fund would be a loss of $140,000. This loss would decrease by $140,000 amounts that are transferred to the General Fund. Once the cap is reached, all new revenue will accrue to the General Fund.

Funding SourceFY 2009
FY 2010
FY 2011
FY 2009
FY 2010
FY 2011
General Fund$0$0$0$0($140,000)$1,090,000
Liquor Control Fund$0($950,000)($950,000)$0($950,000)$0






Individual, Business and/or Local Impact:
Enactment of this bill likely will not result in direct, measurable costs and/or benefits for individuals. Businesses and individuals may be impacted due to changes in the proposed statutes.

3/9/2009, 5:15:15 PM, Lead Analyst: Schoenfeld, J.D.Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst