Fiscal Note
HB0033 - Groundwater Recharge and Recovery Act Amendments
State Impact:
Water Rights estimates the cost to process an application at $1,200. The Division estimates that costs can be covered with its existing budget.
Funding Source | FY 2010 Approp. | FY 2011 Approp. | FY 2012 Approp. | FY 2010 Revenue | FY 2011 Revenue | FY 2012 Revenue |
General Fund | $0 | $1,200 | $1,200 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Total | $0 | $1,200 | $1,200 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Individual, Business and/or Local Impact:
A proof on a recharge and recovery project must be prepared by a licensed engineer or surveyor and could cost up to $10,000.
1/4/2010, 9:51:15 AM, Lead Analyst: Djambov, I./Attny: CRP | Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst |