Fiscal Note - State of Utah - 2011 General Session

HB0121S01 - Sexual Solicitation Amendments

State Government (UCA 36-12-13(2)(b)):
Enactment of this bill will cost the Courts $6,000 in General Fund annually beginning FY 2012. The bill will increase ongoing state General Fund revenues by $3,200 annually.

State Budget Detail TableFY 2011FY 2012FY 2013
General Fund$0$3,200$3,200
   Total Revenue$0$3,200$3,200
General Fund$0$6,000$6,000
   Total Expenditure$0$6,000$6,000
Net Impact, All Funds (Rev.-Exp.)$0($2,800)($2,800)
   Net Impact, General/Education Funds (Rev.-Exp.)$0($2,800)($2,800)

Local Governments (UCA 36-12-13(2)(c)):
Enactment of this bill likely will not result in direct, measurable costs for local governments.

Direct Expenditures by Utah Residents and Businesses (UCA 36-12-13(2)(d)):
There will be 32 convictions annually beginning FY 2012, at $100 per convicition providing $3,200 in state revenues each year in General Funds.

2/24/2011, 11:53:16 AM, Lead Analyst: Ricks, G./Attny: SCAOffice of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst