Fiscal Note - State of Utah - 2011 General Session

SB0030S01 - Extension of Recycling Market Development Zone Act and Related Tax Credits

State Government (UCA 36-12-13(2)(b)):
Enactment of this bill could reduce revenue to the Education Fund by $1,485,000 in FY 2011, by $2,053,500 in FY 2012.

State Budget Detail TableFY 2011FY 2012FY 2013
Education Fund($1,485,000)($2,053,500)$0
   Total Revenue($1,485,000)($2,053,500)$0
Net Impact, All Funds (Rev.-Exp.)($1,485,000)($2,053,500)$0
   Net Impact, General/Education Funds (Rev.-Exp.)($1,485,000)($2,053,500)$0

Local Governments (UCA 36-12-13(2)(c)):
Enactment of this bill likely will not result in direct, measurable costs for local governments.

Direct Expenditures by Utah Residents and Businesses (UCA 36-12-13(2)(d)):
Enactment of this bill would decrease income tax liabilities for individuals and businesses eligible for credits by $1,485,000 in FY 2011, by $2,053,500 in FY 2012.

3/8/2011, 9:10:36 AM, Lead Analyst: Wilko, A./Attny: RLROffice of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst