Fiscal Note - State of Utah - 2011 General Session

SB0139S01 - Revocation of Motor Vehicle Registration

State Government (UCA 36-12-13(2)(b)):
Individuals with 4 or more parking citations will be required to pay a vehicle reinstatement fee, which increases dedicated credit revenue to the Tax Commission by $66,000 in FY 2012 and $20,200 in FY 2013. Certain individuals will not register their vehicles, which decreases revenue to the Transportation Fund by $7,000 in FY 2012 and $4,700 in FY 2013, decreases revenue to the Transportation Investment Fund of 2005 by $12,600 in FY 2012 and $8,600 in FY 2013, decreases revenue to Tax Commission Dedicated Credits by $1,600 in FY 2012 and $1,100 in FY 2013, and decreases revenue to the Centennial Highway Fund by $6,300 in FY 2012 and $4,300 in FY 2013.

State Budget Detail TableFY 2011FY 2012FY 2013
Transportation Fund$0($4,700)($4,700)
Transportation Fund, One-time$0($2,300)$0
Transportation Fund Restricted$0($12,600)($8,600)
Transportation Fund Restricted$0($6,300)($4,300)
Dedicated Credits$0($1,600)($1,100)
Dedicated Credits$0$66,000$20,200
   Total Revenue$0$38,500$1,500
Dedicated Credits$0($1,600)($1,100)
Dedicated Credits$0$66,000$20,200
   Total Expenditure$0$64,400$19,100
Net Impact, All Funds (Rev.-Exp.)$0($25,900)($17,600)
   Net Impact, General/Education Funds (Rev.-Exp.)$0$0$0

Local Governments (UCA 36-12-13(2)(c)):
Enactment of this bill increases revenue from parking fines to local governments by $610,600 in FY 2012 and $186,400 in FY 2013.

Direct Expenditures by Utah Residents and Businesses (UCA 36-12-13(2)(d)):
In addition to paying past fines of, on average, $925, in FY 2012 about 1,300 individuals with 4 or more parking tickets in certain counties and cities will be required to pay an additional fine of $100 to register their vehicle. The total fee and fines paid by individuals amounts to $676,600 in FY 2012, of which $66,000 goes to the Tax Commission and $610,600 goes to local governments.

2/15/2011, 10:26:37 AM, Lead Analyst: Young, T./Attny: SCHOffice of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst