Fiscal Note - State of Utah - 2012 General Session

HB0314 - Wage Reporting Amendments

State Government (UCA 36-12-13(2)(b)):
Enactment of this bill wil increase federal funds revenue and expenditures by $877,000 in FY 2013 and $313,500 in FY 2014 and each fiscal year thereafter. The bill will also increase revenues to the Unemployment Insurance Special Administrative Expense Account by $3,360,000 in FY 2013 and by $1,120,000 in FY 20014 and each fiscal year thereafter. Implementing the bill will cost the Department of Workforce Services approximately $3,122,300 from the General Fund in FY 2013 and $1,129,200 ongoing from the General Fund in FY 2014 and each fiscal year thereafter.

State Budget Detail TableFY 2012FY 2013FY 2014
Federal Funds$0$877,000$313,500
Restricted Funds$0$3,360,000$1,120,000
   Total Revenue$0$4,237,000$1,433,500
General Fund$0$1,129,200$1,129,200
General Fund, One-Time$0$1,993,100$0
Federal Funds$0$877,000$313,500
   Total Expenditure$0$3,999,300$1,442,700
Net Impact, All Funds (Rev.-Exp.)$0$237,700($9,200)
   Net Impact, General/Education Funds (Rev.-Exp.)$0($3,122,300)($1,129,200)

Local Governments (UCA 36-12-13(2)(c)):
All contributory and reimbursable government employers will be required to report each of their employees occupational title and hours worked on their quarterly UI wage report submission. Any employer with more than 250 employees would be required to program their systems to file it electronically. Penalties of $50 to $250 would be assessed and collected for each submission missing data.

Direct Expenditures by Utah Residents and Businesses (UCA 36-12-13(2)(d)):
All contributory and reimbursable employers will be required to report each of their employees occupational title and hours worked on their quarterly UI wage report submission. Any employer with more than 250 employees would be required to program their systems to file it electronically. Penalties of $50 to $250 would be assessed and collected for each submission missing data.

2/15/2012, 10:54:03 AM, Lead Analyst: Ricks, G./Attny: PLAOffice of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst