Agency: Department of Commerce Line Item: Commerce General Regulation Intent Language Under Section 63-38-8 of the Utah Code, it is the intent of the Legislature funds for the Division of Public Utilities lapse to the Division's Professional and Technical Services fund. Funds up to $1,500,000 for the Division of Public Utilities - Professional and Technical Services are non-lapsing. Funds for the Committee of Consumer Services lapse to the Committee's Professional and Technical Services fund. Funds for the Committee of Consumer Services- Professional and Technical Services are non-lapsing. Commerce is authorized to allow State Fleet Services to purchase one additional fleet vehicle for DOPL investigations and provide an appropriate workstation with up to $18,900 existing division funds. The Legislature intends that the Department of Commerce implement provisions of "Construction Trades Exemption" (H.B. 459, 2008 General Session) using resources provided in "State Agency and Higher Education Base Budget Appropriations" (S.B. 1, 2008 General Session) and "New Fiscal Year Supplemental Appropriations Act" (H.B. 2, 2008 General Session). Funding Detail Sources of Finance | 2005 Actual | 2006 Actual | 2007 Actual | 2008 Actual | 2009 Approp | General Fund | $0 | $50,000 | $50,000 | $0 | $175,000 | General Fund, One-time | $0 | $100,000 | $20,000 | $100,000 | $650,000 | Federal Funds | $199,100 | $249,000 | $240,800 | $214,200 | $246,200 | Dedicated Credits Revenue | $1,483,700 | $1,557,100 | $1,881,500 | $964,400 | $1,487,500 | GFR - Commerce Service | $14,783,400 | $15,320,900 | $17,174,500 | $18,495,400 | $18,748,100 | GFR - CSF - PURF | $3,761,300 | $3,904,400 | $4,024,700 | $4,298,300 | $4,424,700 | GFR - Factory Built Housing Fees | $0 | $104,700 | $104,700 | $104,700 | $104,700 | GFR - Geologist Ed. & Enf. | $0 | $10,000 | $10,000 | $10,000 | $10,000 | GFR - Nurses Ed & Enf Fund | $0 | $10,000 | $10,000 | $10,000 | $10,000 | GFR - Pawnbroker Operations | $0 | $45,000 | $45,000 | $45,000 | $129,000 | Transfers | $22,300 | $328,300 | $421,700 | $320,700 | $0 | Transfers - Within Agency | ($22,300) | ($328,300) | ($421,700) | ($320,700) | $0 | Pass-through | $0 | $27,200 | $36,400 | $31,700 | $50,000 | Beginning Nonlapsing | $572,800 | $1,020,100 | $1,718,900 | $1,028,900 | $300,000 | Beginning Fund Balances - CSF | $0 | ($317,800) | $100,000 | $843,900 | $0 | Closing Nonlapsing | ($1,122,400) | ($1,818,800) | ($2,665,900) | ($2,450,200) | $0 | Lapsing Balance | ($1,813,900) | ($1,390,700) | ($1,211,300) | ($1,186,300) | $0 | Total | $17,864,000 | $18,871,100 | $21,539,300 | $22,510,000 | $26,335,200 |
  | Programs: | 2005 Actual | 2006 Actual | 2007 Actual | 2008 Actual | 2009 Approp | Administration | $2,857,400 | $3,151,300 | $3,689,900 | $3,769,700 | $3,424,800 | Occupational & Professional Licensing | $6,322,200 | $6,585,900 | $7,690,800 | $7,818,300 | $10,010,900 | Securities | $1,326,100 | $1,424,500 | $1,569,500 | $1,637,700 | $1,797,100 | Consumer Protection | $922,400 | $983,400 | $1,203,800 | $1,431,000 | $1,466,600 | Corporations and Commercial Code | $1,743,500 | $1,727,900 | $1,950,100 | $2,128,400 | $2,544,900 | Real Estate | $1,279,400 | $1,485,100 | $1,737,500 | $1,834,900 | $2,155,700 | Public Utilities | $2,478,600 | $2,736,100 | $2,791,700 | $3,007,300 | $3,678,200 | Committee of Consumer Services | $716,800 | $559,300 | $680,700 | $643,600 | $992,700 | Building Operations and Maintenance | $217,600 | $217,600 | $225,300 | $239,100 | $264,300 | Total | $17,864,000 | $18,871,100 | $21,539,300 | $22,510,000 | $26,335,200 |
  | Categories of Expenditure | 2005 Actual | 2006 Actual | 2007 Actual | 2008 Actual | 2009 Approp | Personal Services | $13,813,000 | $14,709,500 | $15,298,300 | $16,614,200 | $18,615,100 | In-State Travel | $69,700 | $86,200 | $102,800 | $109,900 | $137,000 | Out of State Travel | $108,500 | $94,800 | $87,400 | $83,700 | $138,500 | Current Expense | $3,080,200 | $3,022,000 | $4,187,700 | $3,791,300 | $5,813,500 | DP Current Expense | $599,600 | $684,000 | $1,721,000 | $1,628,900 | $1,435,600 | DP Capital Outlay | $53,000 | $55,200 | $0 | $179,500 | $0 | Capital Outlay | $47,000 | $168,600 | $35,300 | $8,800 | $0 | Other Charges/Pass Thru | $93,000 | $50,800 | $106,800 | $71,900 | $195,500 | Transfers | $0 | $0 | $0 | $21,800 | $0 | Total | $17,864,000 | $18,871,100 | $21,539,300 | $22,510,000 | $26,335,200 |
  | Other Indicators | 2005 Actual | 2006 Actual | 2007 Actual | 2008 Actual | 2009 Approp | Budgeted FTE | 262.0 | 256.0 | 260.0 | 261.0 | 261.0 | Vehicles | 34 | 36 | 36 | 36 | 36 |
| Subcommittee Table of ContentsProgram: Administration Function Administration oversees and manages the department. Administration includes centralized accounting, payroll, personnel, and budget functions. The mission of the administrative office 'is to provide administrative support (financial, human resources, information technology, public relations, and adjudicative) to the divisions within the Department of Commerce The Department of Commerce administrative office is also responsible for the administration of the New Motor Vehicle Franchise Act, Power Boat Franchise Act, and the Office of the Property Rights Ombudsman.' Statutory Authority The following laws pertain to the administrative functions of the Department of Commerce. - UCA 13-14- New Motor Vehicle Franchise Act
- UCA 13-35- is the is thePower Boat Franchise Act
- UCA 13-43- Office of the Property Rights Ombudsman Funding Detail
Funding Detail Commerce's Executive Director administers several line items. The main appropriation for the department is called 'Commerce General Regulation' and includes the programs. Additional line items are: Real Estate Education, Public Utilities Professional & Technical, and the Committee of Consumer Services Professional & Technical. Sources of Finance | 2005 Actual | 2006 Actual | 2007 Actual | 2008 Actual | 2009 Approp | General Fund | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | ($50,000) | Dedicated Credits Revenue | $582,600 | $595,900 | $665,000 | $0 | $0 | GFR - Commerce Service | $2,538,000 | $1,981,100 | $2,745,300 | $3,116,500 | $3,474,800 | GFR - Pawnbroker Operations | $0 | $45,000 | $0 | $0 | $0 | Transfers | $22,300 | $872,100 | $752,700 | $839,200 | $0 | Beginning Nonlapsing | $248,700 | $524,500 | $801,200 | $0 | $0 | Beginning Fund Balances - CSF | $0 | $0 | $0 | $843,900 | $0 | Closing Nonlapsing | ($524,500) | ($801,200) | ($843,900) | ($614,000) | $0 | Lapsing Balance | ($9,700) | ($66,100) | ($430,400) | ($415,900) | $0 | Total | $2,857,400 | $3,151,300 | $3,689,900 | $3,769,700 | $3,424,800 |
  | Categories of Expenditure | 2005 Actual | 2006 Actual | 2007 Actual | 2008 Actual | 2009 Approp | Personal Services | $1,655,200 | $1,754,600 | $1,206,000 | $1,342,100 | $1,434,100 | In-State Travel | $4,300 | $7,900 | $11,600 | $2,200 | $10,000 | Out of State Travel | $4,600 | $4,700 | $4,500 | $800 | $12,000 | Current Expense | $505,900 | $548,900 | $827,600 | $888,900 | $1,354,500 | DP Current Expense | $568,400 | $623,700 | $1,620,700 | $1,470,300 | $588,700 | DP Capital Outlay | $53,000 | $55,200 | $0 | $38,400 | $0 | Capital Outlay | $5,400 | $156,300 | $19,500 | $0 | $0 | Other Charges/Pass Thru | $60,600 | $0 | $0 | $27,000 | $25,500 | Total | $2,857,400 | $3,151,300 | $3,689,900 | $3,769,700 | $3,424,800 |
  | Other Indicators | 2005 Actual | 2006 Actual | 2007 Actual | 2008 Actual | 2009 Approp | Budgeted FTE | 21.5 | 14.5 | 15.0 | 15.0 | 15.0 |
| Subcommittee Table of ContentsProgram: Occupational & Professional Licensing Function The Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing (DOPL) is responsible for licensing and regulating approximately fifty-seven occupations and professions within 303 subcategories. Licensing an occupation or profession is established by law. The division establishes minimum requirements for licensing, investigates unlawful or unprofessional conduct, and conducts administrative proceedings against individuals who allegedly engage in unlawful or unprofessional conduct. The division also oversees the Medical Malpractice Pre-litigation Hearing Program, the Uniform Building Code Act, the Residence Lien Recovery Fund, and Construction Standards for Manufactured Housing. 'The mission of the Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing (DOPL) is to safeguard the public health, safety, and welfare through appropriate licensing and regulation of persons engaged in certain professions or occupations. In connection with its mission, the Division makes available to the public, at their request or upon the Division's initiative for compelling reason, information known to the Division which may be released under the provisions of law, and which is necessary for the public to know to ensure their health, safety, and welfare.' Statutory Authority Utah Code Annotated 58 contains individual licensing acts for each occupation and profession administered by DOPL. Chapter 1 of Title 58 and Chapter 1 of Title R156 are called "umbrella chapters" because they consist of general provisions that apply uniformly to all occupations and professions regulated by DOPL. However, the provisions in the specific chapters under these titles are unique to each respective occupation or profession. Funding Detail The majority of the funding that comes to DOPL is through fees assessed on the various licenses and profession that are administered through the Division. Sources of Finance | 2005 Actual | 2006 Actual | 2007 Actual | 2008 Actual | 2009 Approp | General Fund | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $175,000 | General Fund, One-time | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $650,000 | Dedicated Credits Revenue | $644,200 | $755,300 | $912,100 | $815,000 | $1,237,500 | GFR - Commerce Service | $6,420,000 | $6,831,400 | $7,483,500 | $7,641,200 | $7,394,700 | GFR - Factory Built Housing Fees | $0 | $104,700 | $104,700 | $104,700 | $104,700 | GFR - Geologist Ed. & Enf. | $0 | $10,000 | $10,000 | $10,000 | $10,000 | GFR - Nurses Ed & Enf Fund | $0 | $10,000 | $10,000 | $10,000 | $10,000 | GFR - Pawnbroker Operations | $0 | $0 | $45,000 | $45,000 | $129,000 | Transfers - Within Agency | ($22,300) | ($328,300) | ($421,700) | ($320,700) | $0 | Beginning Nonlapsing | $324,100 | $495,600 | $763,700 | $1,028,900 | $300,000 | Closing Nonlapsing | ($495,600) | ($763,500) | ($1,028,900) | ($1,108,900) | $0 | Lapsing Balance | ($548,200) | ($529,300) | ($187,600) | ($406,900) | $0 | Total | $6,322,200 | $6,585,900 | $7,690,800 | $7,818,300 | $10,010,900 |
  | Categories of Expenditure | 2005 Actual | 2006 Actual | 2007 Actual | 2008 Actual | 2009 Approp | Personal Services | $4,857,300 | $5,179,300 | $5,651,200 | $5,957,000 | $6,519,300 | In-State Travel | $48,300 | $54,800 | $68,400 | $82,800 | $98,000 | Out of State Travel | $34,300 | $29,700 | $23,400 | $27,200 | $45,000 | Current Expense | $1,337,500 | $1,277,300 | $1,838,100 | $1,677,500 | $2,908,000 | DP Current Expense | $12,100 | $44,800 | $49,000 | $43,200 | $320,600 | Capital Outlay | $32,700 | $0 | $0 | $8,800 | $0 | Other Charges/Pass Thru | $0 | $0 | $60,700 | $0 | $120,000 | Transfers | $0 | $0 | $0 | $21,800 | $0 | Total | $6,322,200 | $6,585,900 | $7,690,800 | $7,818,300 | $10,010,900 |
  | Other Indicators | 2005 Actual | 2006 Actual | 2007 Actual | 2008 Actual | 2009 Approp | Budgeted FTE | 99.0 | 96.0 | 96.0 | 96.0 | 96.0 | Vehicles | 26 | 27 | 27 | 27 | 27 |
| Subcommittee Table of ContentsProgram: Securities Function The Division of Securities administers and enforces the Utah Uniform Securities Act. It licenses broker-dealers, agents, investment advisors, investment adviser representatives, and certified dealers. It audits registration and exemption filings made by businesses issuing securities. The Division investigates securities violations and initiates administrative actions to deny, revoke or suspend licenses or registrations to stop unlawful activities. It also brings civil injunctive actions and refers investigations to state or local prosecutors for criminal prosecution. 'The mission of the division is to enhance Utah's business climate by protecting Utah's investors through education, enforcement, and fair regulation of Utah's investment industry while creating opportunities for capital formation.' Statutory Authority Utah Code Annotated Chapter Sections 61-1-1 through 61-1-30 describe the function and authority of the Division of Securities. Funding Detail The Division of Securities is funded primarily through Dedicated Credit it collects by administering the Utah Uniform Securities Act. Sources of Finance | 2005 Actual | 2006 Actual | 2007 Actual | 2008 Actual | 2009 Approp | Dedicated Credits Revenue | $0 | $4,100 | $0 | $0 | $0 | GFR - Commerce Service | $1,417,200 | $1,540,300 | $1,652,800 | $1,741,600 | $1,797,100 | Transfers | $0 | ($43,000) | ($43,000) | ($43,000) | $0 | Beginning Nonlapsing | $0 | $0 | $4,000 | $0 | $0 | Closing Nonlapsing | $0 | ($4,100) | $0 | $0 | $0 | Lapsing Balance | ($91,100) | ($72,800) | ($44,300) | ($60,900) | $0 | Total | $1,326,100 | $1,424,500 | $1,569,500 | $1,637,700 | $1,797,100 |
  | Categories of Expenditure | 2005 Actual | 2006 Actual | 2007 Actual | 2008 Actual | 2009 Approp | Personal Services | $1,249,200 | $1,362,200 | $1,490,800 | $1,557,800 | $1,691,600 | In-State Travel | $100 | $200 | $200 | $300 | $500 | Out of State Travel | $1,800 | $1,400 | $900 | ($500) | $2,000 | Current Expense | $74,700 | $60,500 | $77,200 | $79,800 | $60,000 | DP Current Expense | $300 | $200 | $400 | $300 | $43,000 | Total | $1,326,100 | $1,424,500 | $1,569,500 | $1,637,700 | $1,797,100 |
  | Other Indicators | 2005 Actual | 2006 Actual | 2007 Actual | 2008 Actual | 2009 Approp | Budgeted FTE | 22.0 | 22.0 | 22.0 | 22.0 | 22.0 | Vehicles | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 |
| Subcommittee Table of ContentsProgram: Consumer Protection Function The Division of Consumer Protection helps consumers and businesses deal with dishonest commercial practices. The division enforces thirteen consumer protection statutes. It responds to consumer complaints, prevents and corrects unfair and deceptive business practices, provides consumer relief and promotes consumer education programs. The division's primary goal is to balance the need to provide a regulatory environment that is firm, reasonable, and fair against the need to protects consumers and encourage business growth. The mission of the division is to 'respond to consumer complaints, unfair and deceptive business practices, and provide consumer education. The Division has a three-pronged approach to consumer protection: education, registration, and enforcement.' Statutory Authority The Division of Consumer Protection statutory comes from 18 different statutes. - UCA-13-2 is the authorizing statute for the division
- UCA-13-15 is the Business Disclosure Act
- UCA-13-22 is the Charitable Solicitation Act
- UCA-13-39 is the Child Protection Act
- UCA-13-11 is the Consumer Sales Practices Act
- UCA-13-21 is the Credit Services Organizations Act
- UCA-13-23 is the Health Spa Services Protection Act
- UCA-13-10a is the Music Licensing Practices Act
- UCA-13-20 is the New Motor Vehicles Warranty Act (Lemon Law)
- UCA-13-32a is the Pawnshop Transaction Information Act
- UCA-13-41 is the Prize Notice Regulation Act
- UCA-13-34 is the Postsecondary Proprietary School Act
- UCA-76-6a is the Pyramid Scheme Act
- UCA-13-25a is the Telephone and Facsimile Solicitation Act
- UCA-13-5 is the Unfair Practices Act
- UCA-13-42 is the Uniform Debt-Management Act
Funding Detail The Division of Consumer Protection is primarily funded through the Commerce Service Fund and some General Funds. Sources of Finance | 2005 Actual | 2006 Actual | 2007 Actual | 2008 Actual | 2009 Approp | General Fund | $0 | $50,000 | $50,000 | $0 | $50,000 | General Fund, One-time | $0 | $100,000 | $20,000 | $100,000 | $0 | GFR - Commerce Service | $964,300 | $1,047,300 | $1,022,900 | $1,412,900 | $1,416,600 | Transfers | $0 | ($40,900) | $0 | $0 | $0 | Beginning Nonlapsing | $0 | $0 | $150,000 | $0 | $0 | Closing Nonlapsing | $0 | ($150,000) | $0 | $0 | $0 | Lapsing Balance | ($41,900) | ($23,000) | ($39,100) | ($81,900) | $0 | Total | $922,400 | $983,400 | $1,203,800 | $1,431,000 | $1,466,600 |
  | Categories of Expenditure | 2005 Actual | 2006 Actual | 2007 Actual | 2008 Actual | 2009 Approp | Personal Services | $878,800 | $941,300 | $1,126,700 | $1,276,000 | $1,390,400 | In-State Travel | $0 | $0 | $0 | $100 | $500 | Out of State Travel | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $500 | Current Expense | $42,200 | $41,900 | $74,600 | $54,300 | $75,200 | DP Current Expense | $1,400 | $200 | $2,500 | $600 | $0 | DP Capital Outlay | $0 | $0 | $0 | $100,000 | $0 | Total | $922,400 | $983,400 | $1,203,800 | $1,431,000 | $1,466,600 |
  | Other Indicators | 2005 Actual | 2006 Actual | 2007 Actual | 2008 Actual | 2009 Approp | Budgeted FTE | 17.5 | 18.5 | 20.0 | 20.0 | 20.0 | Vehicles | 1 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 |
| Subcommittee Table of ContentsProgram: Corporations and Commercial Code Function The Corporations and Commercial Code Division is the State's filing office for all corporations, commercial code, business registration, limited partnerships, limited liability companies, notaries public, collection agencies, trademarks, and agricultural liens. The Division registers businesses and provides information, expedites customer needs and makes available its records and data collections for public research. Through online web applications, the Division of Corporations provides customers with accessible, convenient and responsive service to business name searches, annual business renewals, Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) and agricultural lien filings and searches. The mission of the division is 'to serve business enterprises by providing registration and informational assistance. Additionally, the Division serves the public by facilitating access to all of its records and data. The Division functions as Utah's filing office and repository for all corporations, commercial code filings, business registrations, limited partnerships, limited liability companies, limited liability partnerships, collection agencies, and trademarks.' Statutory Authority The laws that govern the Division of Corporations and Commercial Code can be found in the following chapters of the Utah Code Annotated: - UCA-12 is Collection Agency Statute
- UCA-46-Notaries Public Reform Act
- UCA-63-30d-is the Governmental Immunity Act
- UCA-70-Registration and Protection of Trademarks and Service Marks Act
- UCA-70-is the Uniform Commercial Code
Funding Detail Sources of Finance | 2005 Actual | 2006 Actual | 2007 Actual | 2008 Actual | 2009 Approp | GFR - Commerce Service | $1,889,700 | $2,248,700 | $2,479,400 | $2,626,000 | $2,544,900 | Transfers | $0 | ($288,000) | ($288,000) | ($288,000) | $0 | Beginning Fund Balances - CSF | $0 | $0 | $100,000 | $0 | $0 | Closing Nonlapsing | $0 | ($100,000) | $0 | $0 | $0 | Lapsing Balance | ($146,200) | ($132,800) | ($341,300) | ($209,600) | $0 | Total | $1,743,500 | $1,727,900 | $1,950,100 | $2,128,400 | $2,544,900 |
  | Categories of Expenditure | 2005 Actual | 2006 Actual | 2007 Actual | 2008 Actual | 2009 Approp | Personal Services | $1,522,100 | $1,498,600 | $1,666,800 | $1,783,400 | $1,942,700 | In-State Travel | $100 | $700 | $500 | $3,900 | $1,000 | Out of State Travel | $6,500 | $9,000 | $4,300 | $800 | $10,000 | Current Expense | $212,300 | $218,100 | $243,300 | $241,300 | $303,200 | DP Current Expense | $2,500 | $1,500 | $35,200 | $99,000 | $288,000 | Total | $1,743,500 | $1,727,900 | $1,950,100 | $2,128,400 | $2,544,900 |
  | Other Indicators | 2005 Actual | 2006 Actual | 2007 Actual | 2008 Actual | 2009 Approp | Budgeted FTE | 38.0 | 39.0 | 39.0 | 40.0 | 40.0 |
| Subcommittee Table of ContentsProgram: Real Estate Function The Division of Real Estate regulates Utah's real estate industry. It protects the public through education and licensing. The Division licenses all real estate brokers, sales agents, and appraisers. It investigates, and when necessary, conducts disciplinary proceedings. The Division screens all subdivided lands and time-share projects and insures full disclosure in offerings. The Division audits broker trust accounts, and monitors sales and appraisals to ensure they are fair and reasonable. The Division also administers the Utah Residential Mortgage Practices Act and registers residential mortgage professionals and companies not affiliated with financial institutions. The division mission is to 'protect the public through education, licensure and regulation of appraisal, mortgage, and real estate professionals.' Statutory Authority The following statutes govern the authority of the Division of Real Estate: - UCA-61-2 Division of Real Estate
- UCA-61-2a-Real Estate Recovery Fund Act
- UCA-61-2b-Real Estate Appraiser Licensing and Certification Act
- UCA-61-02c-Utah Residential Mortgage Practices Act
Funding Detail Sources of Finance | 2005 Actual | 2006 Actual | 2007 Actual | 2008 Actual | 2009 Approp | Dedicated Credits Revenue | $256,900 | $201,800 | $304,400 | $149,400 | $250,000 | GFR - Commerce Service | $1,220,200 | $1,438,800 | $1,559,300 | $1,725,900 | $1,855,700 | Transfers | $0 | ($63,100) | $0 | ($61,000) | $0 | Pass-through | $0 | $27,200 | $36,400 | $31,700 | $50,000 | Lapsing Balance | ($197,700) | ($119,600) | ($162,600) | ($11,100) | $0 | Total | $1,279,400 | $1,485,100 | $1,737,500 | $1,834,900 | $2,155,700 |
  | Categories of Expenditure | 2005 Actual | 2006 Actual | 2007 Actual | 2008 Actual | 2009 Approp | Personal Services | $788,500 | $998,100 | $1,086,000 | $1,383,600 | $1,517,700 | In-State Travel | $4,300 | $10,600 | $11,500 | $12,500 | $8,000 | Out of State Travel | $12,200 | $15,600 | $12,600 | $13,900 | $14,000 | Current Expense | $432,400 | $421,100 | $590,800 | $382,000 | $505,000 | DP Current Expense | $700 | $3,900 | $800 | $1,800 | $61,000 | DP Capital Outlay | $0 | $0 | $0 | $41,100 | $0 | Capital Outlay | $8,900 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | Other Charges/Pass Thru | $32,400 | $35,800 | $35,800 | $0 | $50,000 | Total | $1,279,400 | $1,485,100 | $1,737,500 | $1,834,900 | $2,155,700 |
  | Other Indicators | 2005 Actual | 2006 Actual | 2007 Actual | 2008 Actual | 2009 Approp | Budgeted FTE | 18.0 | 20.0 | 22.0 | 22.0 | 22.0 | Vehicles | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
| Subcommittee Table of ContentsProgram: Public Utilities Function The Division of Public Utilities administers rules and orders of the Public Service Commission and state public utility laws. The Division has quasi-judicial and rule making roles. The Division's regulations substitute for economic competition among non-competing businesses. The rulings must balance utilities financial health while representing rate payer interests. There are approximately 163 public utilities operating in Utah. The mission of the division is to promote the public interest in utility regulation and work to ensure that all utility customers have access to safe, reliable service at reasonable rates. Statutory Authority UCA-54-04a establishes the division and their ruling making authority. Funding Detail Sources of Finance | 2005 Actual | 2006 Actual | 2007 Actual | 2008 Actual | 2009 Approp | Federal Funds | $199,100 | $249,000 | $240,800 | $214,200 | $246,200 | GFR - Commerce Service | $100,700 | $0 | $0 | $0 | ($100) | GFR - CSF - PURF | $2,942,200 | $3,027,300 | $3,107,700 | $3,331,700 | $3,432,100 | Transfers | $0 | ($108,800) | $0 | ($108,800) | $0 | Closing Nonlapsing | $0 | $0 | ($556,800) | ($429,800) | $0 | Lapsing Balance | ($763,400) | ($431,400) | $0 | $0 | $0 | Total | $2,478,600 | $2,736,100 | $2,791,700 | $3,007,300 | $3,678,200 |
  | Categories of Expenditure | 2005 Actual | 2006 Actual | 2007 Actual | 2008 Actual | 2009 Approp | Personal Services | $2,329,800 | $2,542,200 | $2,551,800 | $2,712,300 | $3,211,200 | In-State Travel | $9,500 | $10,100 | $7,000 | $6,800 | $15,000 | Out of State Travel | $18,800 | $28,000 | $29,800 | $31,600 | $40,000 | Current Expense | $119,000 | $118,900 | $180,600 | $198,100 | $303,200 | DP Current Expense | $1,500 | $9,600 | $12,200 | $13,600 | $108,800 | Capital Outlay | $0 | $12,300 | $0 | $0 | $0 | Other Charges/Pass Thru | $0 | $15,000 | $10,300 | $44,900 | $0 | Total | $2,478,600 | $2,736,100 | $2,791,700 | $3,007,300 | $3,678,200 |
  | Other Indicators | 2005 Actual | 2006 Actual | 2007 Actual | 2008 Actual | 2009 Approp | Budgeted FTE | 36.0 | 36.0 | 36.0 | 36.0 | 36.0 | Vehicles | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 |
| Subcommittee Table of ContentsProgram: Committee of Consumer Services Function The Committee is a policy board that represents the interests of residential, small business and agricultural rate payers before the Public Service Commission. The Committee is composed of nine staff members and one Assistant Attorney General. The mission of the committee is 'to represent the interests of small business owners, farmers and ranchers, and residential customers of natural gas, electric, and telephone utilities in Utah. The Committee meets regularly in public meetings to listen to its constituents and provide direction to the staff. The Committee has the statutory responsibility to advocate positions most advantageous to a majority of its constituency before the Public Service Commission of Utah.' Statutory Authority Utah Code Annotated 54-10-Provides the mission and the authority of the Department of Commerce, Committee of Consumer Services. Funding Detail Sources of Finance | 2005 Actual | 2006 Actual | 2007 Actual | 2008 Actual | 2009 Approp | GFR - Commerce Service | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $100 | GFR - CSF - PURF | $819,100 | $877,100 | $917,000 | $966,600 | $992,600 | Transfers | $0 | $0 | $0 | ($25,500) | $0 | Beginning Fund Balances - CSF | $0 | ($317,800) | $0 | $0 | $0 | Closing Nonlapsing | ($102,300) | $0 | ($236,300) | ($297,500) | $0 | Total | $716,800 | $559,300 | $680,700 | $643,600 | $992,700 |
  | Categories of Expenditure | 2005 Actual | 2006 Actual | 2007 Actual | 2008 Actual | 2009 Approp | Personal Services | $532,100 | $433,200 | $519,000 | $602,000 | $908,100 | In-State Travel | $3,100 | $1,900 | $3,600 | $1,300 | $4,000 | Out of State Travel | $30,300 | $6,400 | $11,900 | $9,900 | $15,000 | Current Expense | $138,600 | $117,700 | $130,200 | $30,300 | $40,100 | DP Current Expense | $12,700 | $100 | $200 | $100 | $25,500 | Capital Outlay | $0 | $0 | $15,800 | $0 | $0 | Total | $716,800 | $559,300 | $680,700 | $643,600 | $992,700 |
  | Other Indicators | 2005 Actual | 2006 Actual | 2007 Actual | 2008 Actual | 2009 Approp | Budgeted FTE | 10.0 | 10.0 | 10.0 | 10.0 | 10.0 |
| Subcommittee Table of ContentsProgram: Building Operations and Maintenance Function The Department of Commerce is primarily located at the Heber M. Wells Building off of 300 South and 100 East in Salt Lake City. The building is owned and operated by the Department of Administrative Services, Division of Facilities and Construction Management (DFCM). Funding Detail Sources of Finance | 2005 Actual | 2006 Actual | 2007 Actual | 2008 Actual | 2009 Approp | GFR - Commerce Service | $233,300 | $233,300 | $231,300 | $231,300 | $264,300 | Transfers | $0 | $0 | $0 | $7,800 | $0 | Lapsing Balance | ($15,700) | ($15,700) | ($6,000) | $0 | $0 | Total | $217,600 | $217,600 | $225,300 | $239,100 | $264,300 |
  | Categories of Expenditure | 2005 Actual | 2006 Actual | 2007 Actual | 2008 Actual | 2009 Approp | Current Expense | $217,600 | $217,600 | $225,300 | $239,100 | $264,300 | Total | $217,600 | $217,600 | $225,300 | $239,100 | $264,300 |
Subcommittee Table of Contents |