Agency: Community and Culture Line Item: Indian Affairs Function The Utah Division of Indian Affairs (UDIA) was created in 1953. The Division exists to enhance intergovernmental relations by promoting growth and prosperity for tribes and American Indian citizens. The Division functions as a liaison between State, Tribal, federal and local governmental entities. Statutory Authority Statutory authority for the Division of Indian Affairs is provided in UCA 9-9-103. Responsibilities established in statute are listed below: - Develop programs that will allow Indian citizens residing on or off reservations an opportunity to share in the progress of Utah;
- Promote an atmosphere in which Indian citizens are provided alternatives so that individual citizens may choose for themselves the kinds of lives they will live, both socially and economically;
- Promote programs to help the tribes and Indian communities find and implement solutions to their community problems;
- Promote government-to-government relations between the State and tribal governments.
- Provide information and referral services.
- Repatriation of human remains in accordance with State (Native American Grave Protection and Repatriation Act) NAGPRA law.
Funding Detail The Indian Affairs budget provides funding for the Director and two support staff. Most of the funding is from the General Fund however, a small allocation is from dedicated credit revenues. Sources of Finance | 2005 Actual | 2006 Actual | 2007 Actual | 2008 Actual | 2009 Approp | General Fund | $210,500 | $254,300 | $238,700 | $249,300 | $248,600 | General Fund, One-time | $0 | $0 | ($300) | $0 | $0 | Federal Funds | $1,400 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | Dedicated Credits Revenue | $0 | $8,100 | $7,200 | $18,000 | $25,000 | Beginning Nonlapsing | $13,500 | $0 | $52,900 | $50,900 | $12,700 | Closing Nonlapsing | $0 | ($52,900) | ($50,900) | ($18,000) | $0 | Lapsing Balance | ($4,700) | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | Total | $220,700 | $209,500 | $247,600 | $300,200 | $286,300 |
  | Programs: | 2005 Actual | 2006 Actual | 2007 Actual | 2008 Actual | 2009 Approp | Indian Affairs | $220,700 | $209,500 | $247,600 | $300,200 | $286,300 | Total | $220,700 | $209,500 | $247,600 | $300,200 | $286,300 |
  | Categories of Expenditure | 2005 Actual | 2006 Actual | 2007 Actual | 2008 Actual | 2009 Approp | Personal Services | $167,000 | $168,000 | $189,100 | $205,300 | $213,300 | In-State Travel | $4,500 | $7,200 | $9,600 | $12,800 | $7,700 | Out of State Travel | $4,200 | $2,800 | $9,400 | $2,200 | $9,800 | Current Expense | $35,500 | $25,000 | $35,200 | $61,100 | $52,800 | DP Current Expense | $1,800 | $4,100 | $2,300 | $2,100 | $5,300 | DP Capital Outlay | $0 | $0 | $0 | $16,700 | $0 | Other Charges/Pass Thru | $7,700 | $2,400 | $2,000 | $0 | ($2,600) | Total | $220,700 | $209,500 | $247,600 | $300,200 | $286,300 |
  | Other Indicators | 2005 Actual | 2006 Actual | 2007 Actual | 2008 Actual | 2009 Approp | Budgeted FTE | 3.0 | 3.0 | 3.0 | 3.0 | 3.0 |
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