Agency: Transportation Line Item: Construction Management Function The Construction Program enables the Department to manage the projects from the design stage through their completion without switching back and forth between line items for accounting and tracking purposes. The functions of this line item are separated as programs within the line item as Rehabilitation / Preservation, and State and Federal Construction. Statutory Authority The Construction Program of the Utah Department of Transportation is governed by the Utah Transportation Code 72-06 Intent Language There is appropriated to the Department of Transportation from the Transportation Fund, not otherwise appropriated, a sum sufficient, but not more than the surplus of the Transportation Fund, to be used by the Department for the construction, rehabilitation and preservation of State highways in Utah. The Legislature intends that the appropriation, fund first, a maximum participation with the federal government for the construction of federally designated highways, as provided by law, and last, the construction of State highways, as funding permits. The Legislature intends to clarify Item 1of Chapter 6 Laws of Utah Third Special Session 2006. The Legislature intends that the portion used for corridor preservation be placed in the Transportation Corridor Preservation Revolving Loan Fund and the match portion for local governments be non-lapsing. The Legislature also intends that the match portion for local governments is intended to match funds expended on current and future state roads. The Legislature also intends that the match portion for local governments be available for a two year period from the date the local option transportation corridor preservation fee was initially imposed. Any unexpended local matching funds revert to the Transportation Corridor Preservation Revolving Loan Fund. The Legislature intends to clarify uses of the funding provided in item 142 of Chapter 383 Laws of Utah General Session 2007. Of the $100,000,000 one time appropriation from the General Fund $30,000,000 is to be used for corridor preservation with $16,000,000 placed in the Transportation Corridor Preservation Revolving Loan Fund and the remaining $14,000,000 is to be used as a match for local governments. The Legislature also intends that the $14,000,000 be non-lapsing and be expended only on current and future state roads. The Legislature intends that the match portion for local governments be available for a two year period from the date the local option transportation corridor preservation fee was initially imposed. Any unexpended local matching funds revert to the Transportation Corridor Preservation Revolving Loan Fund. The Legislature intends that from Fiscal Year 2009 General Funds appropriated to the Department of Transportation in Item 231, Senate Bill, "State Agency and Higher Education Base Budget Appropriations" (2008 General Session), that $5 million shall be used for a project to address congestion generated by traffic from Hill Air Force Base at the Clearfield and Roy Interchanges on 1-15. The improvements shall include moving Base gates eastward, away from the interstate, and improving roadways into the Base. The Legislature intends that from Fiscal Year 2009 General Funds appropriated to the Department of Transportation in Item 231, Senate Bill, "State Agency and Higher Education Base Budget Appropriations" (2008 General Session), that $1.0 million shall be used for a project to study the construction of a raised highway traversing Utah Lake, including evaluating: (a) transportation alternatives; (b) potential environmental impacts; ( c) preliminary structure design options; and (d) alignment and location options. Funding Detail Sources of Finance | 2005 Actual | 2006 Actual | 2007 Actual | 2008 Actual | 2009 Approp | General Fund | $0 | $0 | $35,000,000 | $35,000,000 | $32,300,000 | General Fund, One-time | $0 | $0 | $0 | $100,000,000 | $1,500,000 | Transportation Fund | $104,617,700 | $73,545,500 | $117,445,900 | $28,093,800 | $46,416,400 | Transportation Fund, One-time | $0 | $124,914,900 | $0 | $0 | $0 | Transportation Investment Fund of 2005 | $0 | $30,000,000 | $55,000,000 | $105,000,000 | $60,365,800 | Federal Funds | $176,490,900 | $131,790,000 | $231,060,700 | $256,261,300 | $152,831,400 | Dedicated Credits Revenue | $11,190,900 | $15,068,200 | $23,886,100 | $33,131,200 | $1,550,000 | Trust and Agency Funds | $20,000 | $42,900 | $0 | $0 | $0 | Designated Sales Tax | $1,124,600 | $1,124,600 | $1,122,100 | $30,647,900 | $24,700,000 | Transfers - Within Agency | ($42,200) | ($445,000) | $0 | $0 | $0 | Beginning Nonlapsing | $0 | $0 | $0 | $10,000,000 | $0 | Beginning Nonlapsing - Safe Sidewalk | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $1,500,000 | Closing Nonlapsing | $0 | $0 | ($10,000,000) | ($18,335,000) | $0 | Lapsing Balance | $0 | $0 | ($74,144,500) | ($54,957,900) | $0 | Total | $293,401,900 | $376,041,100 | $379,370,300 | $524,841,300 | $321,163,600 |
  | Programs: | 2005 Actual | 2006 Actual | 2007 Actual | 2008 Actual | 2009 Approp | Federal Construction - New | $129,481,100 | $150,169,800 | $66,560,000 | $189,146,100 | $91,527,500 | Rehabilitation/Preservation | $199,692,800 | $183,636,500 | $221,688,200 | $221,160,400 | $130,145,700 | State Construction - New | ($35,772,000) | $42,234,800 | $36,122,100 | $9,534,800 | $39,124,600 | Transportation Investment Fund of 2005 | $0 | $0 | $55,000,000 | $105,000,000 | $60,365,800 | Total | $293,401,900 | $376,041,100 | $379,370,300 | $524,841,300 | $321,163,600 |
  | Categories of Expenditure | 2005 Actual | 2006 Actual | 2007 Actual | 2008 Actual | 2009 Approp | Personal Services | $0 | $0 | $0 | $90,100 | $0 | In-State Travel | $0 | $200 | $0 | $9,900 | $0 | Out of State Travel | $0 | $11,400 | $2,300 | $0 | $0 | Current Expense | $42,781,300 | $32,674,600 | $42,339,400 | $14,318,000 | $28,661,300 | DP Current Expense | $649,800 | $296,300 | $93,200 | $338,800 | $0 | Capital Outlay | $244,879,700 | $340,998,500 | $336,935,400 | $507,377,900 | $288,452,300 | Other Charges/Pass Thru | $5,091,100 | $2,060,100 | $0 | $2,706,600 | $4,050,000 | Total | $293,401,900 | $376,041,100 | $379,370,300 | $524,841,300 | $321,163,600 |
Subcommittee Table of ContentsProgram: Federal Construction - New Function The Federal Construction-New portion of the Construction budget includes funds for the interstate system and other federally sponsored highways. The interstate highway network in Utah is part of the 42,500 mile National System of Interstate and Defense Highways. During recent years, the Utah Department of Transportation has seen the reconstruction and capacity increasing projects on the federal system as a high priority use for this program. Statutory Authority The Construction Program of the Utah Department of Transportation is governed by the Utah Code Annotated 72-6. Funding Detail Sources of Finance | 2005 Actual | 2006 Actual | 2007 Actual | 2008 Actual | 2009 Approp | Transportation Fund | $4,911,300 | $4,719,600 | $65,811,300 | $0 | $5,811,300 | Federal Funds | $117,287,200 | $131,790,000 | $203,002,400 | $187,596,100 | $84,166,200 | Dedicated Credits Revenue | $7,262,600 | $13,617,300 | $23,886,100 | $1,550,000 | $1,550,000 | Trust and Agency Funds | $20,000 | $42,900 | $0 | $0 | $0 | Transfers - Within Agency | $0 | $0 | ($141,995,300) | $0 | $0 | Closing Nonlapsing | $0 | $0 | ($10,000,000) | $0 | $0 | Lapsing Balance | $0 | $0 | ($74,144,500) | $0 | $0 | Total | $129,481,100 | $150,169,800 | $66,560,000 | $189,146,100 | $91,527,500 |
  | Categories of Expenditure | 2005 Actual | 2006 Actual | 2007 Actual | 2008 Actual | 2009 Approp | In-State Travel | $0 | $200 | $0 | $0 | $0 | Out of State Travel | $0 | $11,400 | $2,300 | $0 | $0 | Current Expense | $3,059,500 | $6,083,300 | $23,493,200 | $0 | $5,178,800 | DP Current Expense | $602,000 | $296,300 | $93,200 | $0 | $0 | Capital Outlay | $121,885,300 | $143,063,600 | $42,971,300 | $189,146,100 | $86,348,700 | Other Charges/Pass Thru | $3,934,300 | $715,000 | $0 | $0 | $0 | Total | $129,481,100 | $150,169,800 | $66,560,000 | $189,146,100 | $91,527,500 |
Subcommittee Table of ContentsProgram: Rehabilitation/Preservation Function The Rehabilitation/Preservation program is one of the largest recommended appropriations of any program at the Department of Transportation. Approximately $42 million will be available for highway rehabilitation projects based on Utah Code Section 72-2-106 UCA, which states that two/elevenths of the taxes collected from the motor fuel tax and the special fuel tax, exclusive of the formula amount appropriated to the Class B and C Road Account will be used for highway rehabilitation. The actual amount available will depend upon the total collection of motor fuel and special fuel taxes collected during the fiscal year. The balance of funding for the Rehabilitation/Preservation Program is $68,665,200 from Federal Funds. Some of the major activities in the Rehabilitation/Preservation budget are the traffic control program, the betterment program, and the reconstruction program. The Traffic Control program involves traffic signal lighting and other traffic control devices which are not within the scope of another state or federal aid construction project. The Betterment Program involves highway improvements which more than restore the highway to its former good condition without major changes in its original structure. Betterments, for the most part, are relatively small projects needed to take care of surface or drainage problems which are beyond normal maintenance The Reconstruction program, in general, involves widening, changing alignments, increasing the structural capacity, or improving the safety of existing highways. The program supplements the federal aid program in providing the funds needed to support rehabilitation needs which are ineligible for federal funding or are beyond the scope of projected federal aid. Funding Detail Sources of Finance | 2005 Actual | 2006 Actual | 2007 Actual | 2008 Actual | 2009 Approp | Transportation Fund | $87,544,000 | $58,721,600 | $51,634,600 | $28,093,800 | $37,905,100 | Transportation Fund, One-time | $0 | $124,914,900 | $0 | $0 | $0 | Federal Funds | $59,203,700 | $0 | $28,058,300 | $68,665,200 | $68,665,200 | Designated Sales Tax | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $23,575,400 | Transfers - Within Agency | $52,945,100 | $0 | $141,995,300 | $124,401,400 | $0 | Total | $199,692,800 | $183,636,500 | $221,688,200 | $221,160,400 | $130,145,700 |
  | Categories of Expenditure | 2005 Actual | 2006 Actual | 2007 Actual | 2008 Actual | 2009 Approp | Current Expense | $25,166,500 | $14,595,100 | $18,846,200 | $14,314,500 | $23,482,500 | Capital Outlay | $173,570,000 | $168,693,700 | $202,842,000 | $206,845,900 | $106,663,200 | Other Charges/Pass Thru | $956,300 | $347,700 | $0 | $0 | $0 | Total | $199,692,800 | $183,636,500 | $221,688,200 | $221,160,400 | $130,145,700 |
Subcommittee Table of ContentsProgram: State Construction - New Function The State Construction-New program is responsible for the construction of state highway projects that have prioritized importance as necessary highways but might not be eligible for federal funding. An example of projects that are considered in the State Construction-New budget is the Bangerter Highway. The $1,124,600 from the Designated Sales Tax is the required funding from provisions of Title 59-12-103 that appropriates $562,300 each year to State Park access roads and $562,300 to corridor preservation. Action of the Legislature during the 2007 General Session (House Bill 383) repealed provisions of Title 59-12-103 that required 3% of the amounts of sales tax collected from a 1/16 cent sales tax be used for corridor preservation and 3% for park access roads. Corridor preservation received direct appropriations for FY 2008 from other funding sources. Park access roads will now compete with other statewide transportation projects for funding. Funding Detail Sources of Finance | 2005 Actual | 2006 Actual | 2007 Actual | 2008 Actual | 2009 Approp | General Fund | $0 | $0 | $35,000,000 | $35,000,000 | $32,300,000 | General Fund, One-time | $0 | $0 | $0 | $100,000,000 | $1,500,000 | Transportation Fund | $12,162,400 | $10,104,300 | $0 | $0 | $2,700,000 | Transportation Investment Fund of 2005 | $0 | $30,000,000 | $0 | $0 | $0 | Dedicated Credits Revenue | $3,928,300 | $1,450,900 | $0 | $31,581,200 | $0 | Designated Sales Tax | $1,124,600 | $1,124,600 | $1,122,100 | $30,647,900 | $1,124,600 | Transfers - Within Agency | ($52,987,300) | ($445,000) | $0 | ($124,401,400) | $0 | Beginning Nonlapsing | $0 | $0 | $0 | $10,000,000 | $0 | Beginning Nonlapsing - Safe Sidewalk | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $1,500,000 | Closing Nonlapsing | $0 | $0 | $0 | ($18,335,000) | $0 | Lapsing Balance | $0 | $0 | $0 | ($54,957,900) | $0 | Total | ($35,772,000) | $42,234,800 | $36,122,100 | $9,534,800 | $39,124,600 |
  | Categories of Expenditure | 2005 Actual | 2006 Actual | 2007 Actual | 2008 Actual | 2009 Approp | Personal Services | $0 | $0 | $0 | $90,100 | $0 | In-State Travel | $0 | $0 | $0 | $9,900 | $0 | Current Expense | $14,555,300 | $11,996,200 | $0 | $3,500 | $0 | DP Current Expense | $47,800 | $0 | $0 | $338,800 | $0 | Capital Outlay | ($50,575,600) | $29,241,200 | $36,122,100 | $6,385,900 | $35,074,600 | Other Charges/Pass Thru | $200,500 | $997,400 | $0 | $2,706,600 | $4,050,000 | Total | ($35,772,000) | $42,234,800 | $36,122,100 | $9,534,800 | $39,124,600 |
Subcommittee Table of ContentsProgram: Transportation Investment Fund of 2005 Function The Transportation Investment Fund of 2005 was created under Title 72-2-124. The funds deposited into the Transportation Investment Fund of 2005 are to be used by the Department to pay the costs of maintenance, construction, reconstruction, or renovation to state and federal highways prioritized by the Transportation Commission through the prioritization process for new transportation capacity projects adopted under Section 72-1-304. Actions of the Legislature during the 2007 General Session created an ongoing appropriation of $105,000,000 for projects outlined in the Transportation Investment Fund of 2005. Funding Detail Sources of Finance | 2005 Actual | 2006 Actual | 2007 Actual | 2008 Actual | 2009 Approp | Transportation Investment Fund of 2005 | $0 | $0 | $55,000,000 | $105,000,000 | $60,365,800 | Total | $0 | $0 | $55,000,000 | $105,000,000 | $60,365,800 |
  | Categories of Expenditure | 2005 Actual | 2006 Actual | 2007 Actual | 2008 Actual | 2009 Approp | Capital Outlay | $0 | $0 | $55,000,000 | $105,000,000 | $60,365,800 | Total | $0 | $0 | $55,000,000 | $105,000,000 | $60,365,800 |
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