Committee Summary Function The Executive Appropriations Committee (EAC) serves as the "hub" committee for all appropriations subcommittees. Under Joint Rule 3-2-402, EAC coordinates the activities of the eight appropriations subcommittees and formulates a state-wide budget for consideration of the Joint Appropriations Committee. The Joint Appropriations Committee - consisting of all members of the Legislature - then debates, modifies, approves, or disapproves the budget on the House and Senate floors.
 EAC meets each December to:
- adopt revenue estimates;
- set-aside amounts for fiscal notes and other costs;
- allocate revenue to appropriations subcommittees;
- adopt an overall budget figure; and,
- authorize a base budget bill.
After appropriations subcommittees have completed their work in February of each year, EAC accepts and reviews subcommittee reports. It then considers the requests of subcommittees relative to one another and relative to total available revenue. By the 38th day of the General Session, EAC must make decisions necessary to draft final appropriations bills. In addition to its role as budget clearinghouse, EAC hears and considers directly the budget requests of the following entities:
Funding Detail Sources of Finance | 2007 Actual | 2008 Actual | 2009 Actual | 2010 Actual | 2011 Approp | General Fund | $25,191,700 | $28,951,800 | $27,862,900 | $26,114,200 | $27,243,100 | General Fund, One-time | $1,832,940 | $2,832,220 | $2,055,700 | $3,402,000 | $2,445,000 | Federal Funds | $26,111,800 | $36,112,300 | $42,601,600 | $34,755,400 | $30,486,100 | Dedicated Credits Revenue | $687,800 | $871,900 | $2,040,500 | $980,500 | $948,800 | Restricted Revenue | $0 | $6,700 | $0 | $11,200 | $0 | Transfers | $317,000 | ($79,000) | $41,900 | ($114,100) | $75,700 | Transfers - Intergovernmental | $0 | $59,900 | $10,700 | $0 | $0 | Beginning Nonlapsing | $3,934,300 | $4,745,700 | $5,398,300 | $6,246,400 | $1,393,200 | Closing Nonlapsing | ($4,745,900) | ($5,398,700) | ($6,246,400) | ($6,995,400) | ($1,382,100) | Lapsing Balance | $59,900 | $0 | ($70,600) | $0 | $0 | Total | $53,389,540 | $68,102,820 | $73,694,600 | $64,400,200 | $61,209,800 |
  | Agencies | 2007 Actual | 2008 Actual | 2009 Actual | 2010 Actual | 2011 Approp | Legislature | $17,542,740 | $19,462,720 | $19,498,200 | $18,608,400 | $19,591,300 | Capitol Preservation Board | $2,864,600 | $5,504,200 | $4,211,600 | $4,041,800 | $4,280,700 | National Guard | $31,915,000 | $42,071,800 | $48,805,200 | $40,070,600 | $36,029,500 | Veterans' Affairs | $1,067,200 | $1,064,100 | $1,179,600 | $1,679,400 | $1,308,300 | Total | $53,389,540 | $68,102,820 | $73,694,600 | $64,400,200 | $61,209,800 |
  | Categories of Expenditure | 2007 Actual | 2008 Actual | 2009 Actual | 2010 Actual | 2011 Approp | Personnel Services | $28,641,300 | $31,280,680 | $32,199,700 | $30,851,000 | $31,558,800 | In-state Travel | $412,800 | $459,400 | $579,800 | $383,300 | $382,400 | Out-of-state Travel | $487,500 | $628,860 | $441,400 | $463,400 | $376,800 | Current Expense | $14,286,240 | $16,931,200 | $18,723,400 | $16,024,700 | $18,442,500 | DP Current Expense | $694,200 | $937,980 | $845,100 | $647,000 | $617,900 | DP Capital Outlay | $8,301,600 | $182,400 | $64,700 | $61,400 | $556,700 | Capital Outlay | $18,100 | $17,431,500 | $20,649,000 | $12,353,900 | $9,194,800 | Other Charges/Pass Thru | $547,800 | $250,800 | $191,500 | $3,615,500 | $79,900 | Total | $53,389,540 | $68,102,820 | $73,694,600 | $64,400,200 | $61,209,800 |
  | Other Indicators | 2007 Actual | 2008 Actual | 2009 Actual | 2010 Actual | 2011 Approp | Budgeted FTE | 258.0 | 271.0 | 268.4 | 269.5 | 273.4 | Vehicles | 34 | 34 | 34 | 40 | 36 |
| Committee Table of Contents |