Compendium of Budget Information for the 2012 General Session
Public Education Appropriations Subcommittee | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Subcommittee Table of Contents | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Agency: School Building Programs Line Item: School Building Programs Function The School Building Programs assist school districts in the construction or renovation of school facilities and paying debt service. Funding Detail
Program: Capital Outlay Foundation Program Function The Capital Outlay Foundation Program supports capital facility construction, rennovation, and debt service in qualifying school districts. A school district receives funding based on its local property tax effort and property tax yield per student when compared to a foundation guarantee funding level. The State Board of Education determines the foundation guarantee level per ADM (Average Daily Membership) that fully allocates the funding appropriated by the Legislature. "If a school district imposes the highest combined capital levy rate in the prior year, the State Board of Education shall allocate an amount equal to the product of the following: (1) the qualifying school districts's prior year ADM; and (2) an amount equal to the difference between the following: (a) the foundation guarantee level per ADM for that fiscal year and (b) the qualifying school district's prior year property tax yield per ADM" (USOE, Finance and Statistics, Website, March 2010). During the 2010 General Session, the Legislature modified the program by eliminating base funding levels for all school districts with more than 1,000 students in ADM. The Legislature also modified the program to set "the base tax rate at the average of the highest school district's capital and debt service levies and the statewide average of school districts' capital and debt service levies" (USOE, Finance and Statistics, Website, March 2010). Finally, revisions direct the State Board of Education to determine a district's allocation of funds under the program using data from two fiscal years prior to the allocation year. Funding Detail Funding for the Capital Outlay Foundation Program has decreased from $39.4 million in FY 2008 to $12.6 million in FY 2011. The Education Fund revenue is allocated to six districts, with 39% going to Nebo District, 15% to Box Elder District, 14% to Tooele District, 11% to Alpine District, 8% to Cache District, 7% to South Sanpete District, 2% to Tintic and Piute districts, 1% to Garfield and Wayne districts, and about one half percent to Daggett, North Summit, and Rich school districts. ![]()
Program: Capital Outlay Enrollment Growth Program Function The Enrollment Growth Program provides funding to school districts experiencing the most pressing needs for facilities due to rapid student enrollment growth. Funds are distributed to qualifying school districts "whose average net enrollment for the prior three years is a net increase in enrollment and the yield per ADM is less than two times the prior year's average yield per ADM for Utah school districts" (USOE, Finance and Statistics, Website, March 2010). A school district that qualifies for an Enrollment Growth Program distribution receives funding in the "same proportion that the district's three-year average net enrollment bears to the total three-year enrollment of all the districts that meet the above criteria" (USOE, Finance and Statistics, Website, March 2010). Funding Detail Costs associated with the Capital Outlay Enrollment Growth Program have declined from $37.9 million in FY 2008 to $1.9 million in FY 2011. In the previous fiscal year, about 36% of the funds went to Alpine School District ($680,540), followed by Nebo with 12% ($234,993), Jordan with 11% ($202,161), Davis with 7% ($135,389), and Cache at 6% ($112,055). ![]()