From: Susie Schnell
To: Rep. McKell, M.,
Subject: Please Vote NO on HB 96
Date: 2014-02-07T15:24:29Z
Please Vote NO on HB 96, the Utah School Readiness Initiative.

There is insufficient proof that 3-4 year olds institutionalized in school at such an early age outperform other children after the age of 8. In fact, many studies find quite the opposite with various social problems arising from being taken out of the home too early. Head Start has been a big failure. Why would we continue putting our educational dollars in a system proven to fail our children academically and socially? Studies show that children do better all around when they stay at home longer before being sent to school. I object the idea that this is the answer to low income neighborhoods. Isn't this how these permanent mandatory programs for all start? There are already programs to help those in need. We don't need this additional law which only amounts to being a money maker for private public partnerships. 

Please Vote NO on HB 96. We don't need to follow the pattern of communist countries who have been down the same road of taking very young children out of their homes in order to have the state take charge of their little minds at government expense. My mother escaped one such country at the age of 4 because this was Stalin's plan too. Let's learn from the past and give our children a better chance in life.


Susan Schnell
Highland UT delegate