To: Sen. McKell, M.,
Subject: Fwd: Removal of the word DIXIE out of Dixie State University
Date: 2021-01-12T00:12:49Z
Subject : Removal of the word DIXIE out of Dixie State UniversityDear Senator,I would like to first thank you for your service to our country. The purpose of this letter is to share with you why you should vote to remove the word “Dixie” from Dixie State University. This change will not remove the heritage or history of the word Dixie. I understand how difficult this is for those who have relatives that came to Dixie’s Utah to raise cotton and settle here in St George. We will not cancel the history behind the name “Dixie”I have been on the DSU board of Trustees for three years and feel it is truly an honor to serve the University. This issue has come up a number of times in the past which was the reason the University hired an organization who would complete an in depth impact study on the name Dixie. Over 3,000 people were interviewed through various methods. The impact study was shared with the Trustees, Board of Higher Education, the Community and was available to anyone to review the results.After we were given the document, I reviewed it very carefully and in my opinion it was clear that the name “Dixie” needed to change. When you have 49% of Faculty and staff along with 41% of current students believe the name will have a negative impact of the university, we need to take action. When you have 41% of our out of state recruiting areas believe the name will have a negative impact on the institutions brand, we need to take action. I will not share with you all the details of the study as I am certain it was already sent to your office.Our focus as Trustees should be about serving our students (our customer) offering the programs that are needed in the marketplace, having jobs after they graduate, and not having to explain the name of their university to a potential employer. We want every student to be successful, I hope you will vote to remove the name “Dixie” which will help our students reach their goals.Thank YouSent from my iPadHave a Wonderful DayColleen M. Kvetko413 Fairway DriveMidway, UT. 84049Cell. 239-272-3483Ckvetko@aol.comHave a Wonderful DaySent from my iPad