From: Jenny G
To: Sen. McKell, M.,
Subject: Dixie Name Change
Date: 2021-01-15T22:59:24Z
Dear Senator, 

I just wanted to take a moment to share my feelings about the Dixie State name change. I am a faculty member at Dixie State, having worked there for 10 years. I have lived in Washington County since 2004. As a member of this community and employee of DSU, I fully support the name change. If the word Dixie harms people (whether it be the students themselves when they look for a job or anyone who hears it as we send those students out into the world because of the connotation that so many outside of Utah hold with that word), then the word Dixie doesn't belong in our name. The people of southern Utah, those who attend DSU, and those who work there are not about hurting people.  Though it can be hard to let go of a piece of who we are, the bigger piece and the piece that matters most is the goodness within all those people. The most important part of that goodness is not wanting to hurt others and wanting to do what is right. Deep down we all know what is right. It's time to let go of that little piece and keep the piece that is worth keeping.

Thank you for your time,
Jennifer Gibb
DSU faculty