To: Rep. Perry, L.,
Subject: Please vote NO on HB96 Preschool Bill
Date: 2014-02-07T02:37:34Z
I have lots of questions about this bill... PLEASE VOTE NO:
  • Do we REALLY think institutionalizing 3-4 year old babies is a good idea?
  • When 3 and 4 year olds, who lack the maturity, mental capacity and attention spans to learn in institutional settings . . . when they learn best through the active involvement of play . . . how can we expect any real benefit?
  • Isn't this just government funded daycare?
  • Is this the best use of our education dollars?
  • Why would we want to institute any program that rewards failure?
  • Why are we trying yet another pre-school program when 'Head Start' has proved to be ineffective and a waste of money by every measure?
  • How is this pre-school program any different than 'Head Start', and how will the results be measured?
  • When countries such as Finland and Denmark lead the world in academic achievement without formally educating their children until age 8, why do we want to do the opposite with our tiny children?
  • With anti-social behavior on the rise, why would we want to put our child at risk for Attachment Disorder by separating them from their parents at such a young age for hours of preschool?
Starting on line 84 of the bill it states Local Education Agencies (LEAs or SCHOOLS) have "a data system capacity to collect longitudinal academic outcome data. . with a statewide unique student identifier."  Longitudinal data is the study of the same child who is researched and observed over a long period of time.   The data is classified as P20W which means, Preschool, thru 20 years of schooling, into Workforce.

Thank you, Stuart Wallace, 801-792-5296, South Jordan Utah