From: David Nelson
To: Rep. Perry, L.,
Subject: ACT: Vote on these bills (January 27)
Date: 2014-01-27T22:40:51Z
Since 1986, I have lobbied members of the Utah Legislature about matters which are important to many Utahns. I have supported and opposed hundreds of bills and resolutions which would have disproportionately affected our state and, as a result, have helped shape better public policy.
My lobbying is based on the proposed effect of legislation on: --The weapon rights and liberties of all citizens --The equal rights and liberties of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender citizens At the 2014 general session of the 60th Utah Legislature, I encourage the following actions: SUPPORT H.B. 012 -- Consumer Credit Protection Amendments (Rep. Ray, P.) H.B. 037 -- Public Waters Access Act (Rep. Pitcher, D.) H.B. 075 -- Restoration of Civil Rights for Nonviolent Felons (Rep. Oda, C.) H.B. 225 -- Primary Law Enforcement Duties for Sheriffs (Rep. Ray, P.) H.B. 244 -- Voting and Voter Registration Amendments (Rep. Anderegg, J.) H.B. 248 -- Crime Victims Restitution Act Amendments (Rep. McKell, M.) H.B. 268 -- Dangerous Weapons Amendments (Rep. Greene, B.) H.B. 276 -- Disorderly Conduct Amendments (Rep. Ray, P.) H.B. 284 -- Public Employee Health Care Amendments (Rep. Romero, A.) H.B. 288 -- Division of Wildlife Amendments (Rep. Noel, M.) S.B. 013 -- Theft Amendments (Sen. Thatcher, D.) S.B. 036 -- Voter Information Amendments (Sen. Mayne, K.) S.B. 100 -- Antidiscrimination Amendments (Sen. Urquhart, S.) S.B. 145 -- Background Check Amendments (Sen. Bramble, C.) S.C.R. 004 -- Concurrent Resolution on Wildlife Enhancement (Sen. Christensen, A.) OPPOSE H.B. 023 -- Suicide Prevention Revisions (Rep. Eliason, S.) H.B. 078 -- Marriage Defense Fund (Rep. Nelson, M.) H.B. 231 -- Marriage Modifications (Rep. Anderegg, J.) H.J.R. 001 -- Joint Resolution on Religious Liberty (Rep. Anderegg, J.) Please contact me if you have comments or questions about this message with which I may help you. Thank you for your deliberate consideration and ongoing work to help lead Utah. Respectfully, David Nelson Millcreek, Utah