To: Sen. Weiler, T.,
Subject: RE: Margaret Plane
Date: 2020-12-04T18:24:53Z
Dear Senators,
Did I really just read this article in the news? You are denying a hearing for Margaret Plane? I am deeply disturbed at this unjustified action. There is no reason to deny her except strictly partisan reasons. The Utah constitution allows for her to be considered. Our Governor Herbert appointed her! He has made a brilliant non partisan and non gender specific decision to have her as an Appellate Judge. He never believed you as a group would pull this kind of disgraceful move. You claim you want to have both side work together for the greater good of this state. This denial is only adding to the divide to the politics within this state by ignoring our constitution. Otherwise you are denying because she is a woman. That is sexual discrimination worthy of further investigation. Either way it is unjustified. Margaret Place is highly qualified, integellant, well educated, fair minded, and highly regarded as a top attorney in this state. with no reason at all to be denied without a hearing. You need to represent all the people of this state and listen to her. You will be amazed at her brilliance and bipartisan fair thinking. How can you decide when you have not hear her? How can you justify that thinking and believe you are upholding our constitution, and what you swore to protect? She has always worked hard and earned the respect of so many people. If this appointment goes by unheard it will be one of our saddest times in this state government. A travesty of great proportions of which you are entirely to blame for. Sincerely Christine Martin