To: Sen. Weiler, T.,
Subject: Margaret Plane Judicial Nomination
Date: 2020-12-04T17:02:18Z
Senator Weiler -
I am a constituent of yours from Woods Cross, having voted for you every opportunity I have had to do so. I am also a former employee of Margaret Plane. I am writing to express my support of her nomination to the State Court of Appeals from Governor Herbert, and hope that you and the Judicial Confirmation Committee will reconsider your decision not to schedule a hearing for her nomination.
I knew Ms. Plane in her time at the Salt Lake City Attorney's office. I was beyond impressed with her knowledge, professionalism and ability to see things from a wide perspective rather than a narrow looking glass. When I began working with her, I admit that I had reservations about whether my political leanings would be an issue in an office that I believed to be in opposition to my own beliefs. I could not have been more wrong. Ms. Plane fostered an all-inclusive environment, and encouraged those with views she may not have held to express them and be a voice to bring different perspectives to any conversation.
As you were recently quoted by the Salt Lake Tribune that "The Utah Senate takes its advice and consent role very seriously", I would hope that taking this role so seriously would include, at the very least, to consider someone so well qualified in every way with a hearing. Whether that leads to an ultimate confirmation or not, Ms. Plane at the very least should get an opportunity to come before the Senate and have the same opportunity as any other nominee put forward by the Governor.
Thank you.
Scott Mark