Significant Dates of the 2003 General Session
55th Utah State Legislature

Date Day Weekday Significant Dates Reference
01-Dec-02 -50 Sunday Last day for governmental entities to request bills Utah Code Section 36-21-1
Last day for legislators to prioritize up to three bills JR-19.01
18-Dec-02 -33 Wednesday Last day for Executive Appropriations Committee to set initial budget JR-3.02
20-Jan-03 1 Monday First day of session Utah Const. Art. VI, Sec. 2
30-Jan-03 11 Thursday Last day to request bills (by noon) JR-19.02
Last day to approve bills for numbering (by noon) JR-19.02
21-Feb-03 33 Friday Last day for legislators to prioritize bills and other programs with fiscal impact JR-19.03
26-Feb-03 38 Wednesday Final meeting for the Executive Appropriations Committee on all budget matters JR-3.02
28-Feb-03 40 Friday Bonding bill available to legislators by noon and final action taken on it by calendared closing time JR-19.04
Last day to pass bills with fiscal note of $10,000 or more JR-19.03
02-Mar-03 42 Sunday Last day for a motion to reconsider SR-32.04 & HR-32.04
Last day to consider bills from own house SR-25.13 & HR 25.13
03-Mar-03 43 Monday General appropriations bill, supplemental appropriations bill, and school finance bill available to legislators by calendared floor time and final action taken on each bill by calendared closing time JR.19.05
05-Mar-03 45 Wednesday Second supplemental appropriations bill available to legislators by calendared floor time and final action taken by noon JR-19.06
Last day of session Utah Const. Art. VI, Sec. 16
25-Mar-03 +20 Tuesday Last day governor may sign or veto bills Utah Const. Art. VII, Sec. 8
04-May-03 +60 Sunday Last day a veto-override session may begin Utah Const. Art. VII, Sec. 8
05-May-03 +61 Monday Normal effective date for bills Utah Const. Art. VI, Sec. 25
First day to file bills for the 2004 General Session JR-4.27
Revised March 23, 1999