Title 20A  Chapter 16  Part 3  Section 301

IndexUtah Code
Title 20AElection Code
Chapter 16Uniform Military and Overseas Voters Act
Part 3Voter Registration
Section 301Overseas voter's registration address.
(Effective 5/3/2023)

Effective 5/3/2023
20A-16-301.  Overseas voter's registration address.
     Subject to Section 20A-16-103, in registering to vote, an overseas voter who is eligible to vote in the state shall:
(1) use and be assigned to the voting precinct of the address of the last place of residence of the voter in the state; or
(2) if the address described in Subsection (1) is no longer a recognized residential address, be assigned an address, for voting purposes, in the applicable voting precinct.

Amended by Chapter 215, 2023 General Session