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H.B. 204 Enrolled





Sponsor: Thomas Hatch

    This act affects sections of Utah Code Annotated 1953 as follows:
         32A-4-106, as last amended by Chapter 95, Laws of Utah 1994
    Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
        Section 1. Section 32A-4-106 is amended to read:
         32A-4-106. Operational restrictions.
        Each person granted a restaurant liquor license and the employees and management
    personnel of the restaurant shall comply with the following conditions and requirements. Failure
    to comply may result in a suspension or revocation of the license or other disciplinary action taken
    against individual employees or management personnel.
        (1) (a) Liquor may not be purchased by a restaurant liquor licensee except from state stores
    or package agencies.
        (b) Liquor purchased may be transported by the licensee from the place of purchase to the
    licensed premises.
        (c) Payment for liquor shall be made in accordance with rules established by the
        (2) [Beginning July 1, 1991, a] A restaurant liquor licensee may not sell or provide any
    primary liquor except in one ounce quantities dispensed through a calibrated metered dispensing
    system approved by the department in accordance with commission rules adopted under this title,
    except that:
        (a) liquor need not be dispensed through a calibrated metered dispensing system if used
    as a secondary flavoring ingredient in a beverage subject to the following restrictions:

        (i) the secondary ingredient may be dispensed only in conjunction with the purchase of a
    primary liquor;
        (ii) the secondary ingredient is not the only liquor in the beverage;
        (iii) the licensee shall designate a location where flavorings are stored on the floor plan
    provided to the department; and
        (iv) all flavoring containers shall be plainly and conspicuously labeled "flavorings";
        (b) liquor need not be dispensed through a calibrated metered dispensing system if used as
    a flavoring on desserts and in the preparation of flaming food dishes, drinks, and desserts;
        (c) wine may be served by the glass in quantities not exceeding five ounces per glass; and
        (d) heavy beer may be served in original containers not exceeding one liter.
        (3) (a) Restaurants licensed to sell liquor may sell beer in any size container not exceeding
    two liters, and on draft for on-premise consumption without obtaining a separate on-premise beer
    retailer license from the commission.
        (b) Restaurants licensed under this chapter that sell beer pursuant to Subsection (3)(a) shall
    comply with all appropriate operational restrictions under Chapter 10, Beer Retailer Licenses, that
    apply to on-premise beer retailers except when those restrictions are inconsistent with or less
    restrictive than the operational restrictions under this chapter.
        (c) Failure to comply with the operational restrictions under Chapter 10 [as set forth in], Beer
    Retailer Licenses, required by Subsection (3)(b) may result in a suspension or revocation of the
        (i) state liquor license; and [its]
        (ii) alcoholic beverage license issued by the local authority.
        (4) Wine may be served in accordance with commission rule in containers not exceeding 750
        (5) (a) Liquor may not be stored or sold in any place other than as designated in the
    licensee's application, unless the licensee first applies for and receives approval from the department
    for a change of location within the restaurant.
        (b) A patron [or guest] may only make alcoholic beverage purchases in the restaurant from

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    a server designated and trained by the licensee.
        (c) Any alcoholic beverage may only be consumed at the patron's [or guest's] table.
        (d) Liquor may not be stored where it is visible to patrons of the restaurant.
        (6) (a) Alcoholic beverages may not be dispensed directly to a patron [or guest] from the
    storage area [but].
        (b) Alcoholic beverages shall be delivered by a server to the patron.
        (7) The liquor storage area shall remain locked at all times other than those hours and days
    when liquor sales are authorized by law.
        (8) (a) Liquor may not be sold or offered for sale at a restaurant during the following days
    or hours:
        (i) on the day of any regular general election, regular primary election, or statewide special
    election until after the polls are closed;
        (ii) on the day of any municipal, special district, or school election, but only:
        (A) within the boundaries of the municipality, special district, or school district[,]; and [only]
        (B) if closure is required by local ordinance; and
        (iii) on any other day after 12 midnight and before 12 noon.
        (b) The hours of beer sales are those specified in Chapter 10, Beer Retailer Licenses, for
    on-premise beer licensees.
        (9) Alcoholic beverages may not be sold except in connection with an order for food
    prepared, sold, and served at the restaurant.
        (10) Alcoholic beverages may not be sold, delivered, or furnished to any:
        (a) minor;
        (b) person actually, apparently, or obviously drunk;
        (c) known habitual drunkard; or
        (d) known interdicted person.
        (11) (a) Liquor may not be sold except at prices fixed by the commission.
        (b) Mixed drinks and wine may not be sold at discount prices on any date or at any time.
        (12) [A] Each restaurant patron [or guest] may have only one alcoholic beverage at a time

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    before [him] the patron on [his] the patron's table.
        (13) [Beginning July 1, 1991, no] No more than one ounce of primary liquor may be served
    to a patron [or guest] at a time, except:
        (a) wine as provided in Subsection (2)(c); and
        (b) heavy beer as provided in Subsection (2)(d).
        (14) Alcoholic beverages may not be purchased by the licensee, or any employee or agent
    of the licensee, for patrons [or guests] of the restaurant.
        (15) Alcoholic beverages purchased in a restaurant may not be served or consumed at any
    location where they are stored or dispensed.
        (16) (a) A wine service may be performed and a service charge assessed by the restaurant
    as authorized by commission rule for wine purchased at the restaurant or carried in by a patron.
        (b) If wine is carried in by a patron, the patron shall deliver the wine to a server or other
    representative of the licensee upon entering the licensee premises.
        (17) (a) [Beginning January 1, 1991, a] A person may not bring onto the premises of a
    restaurant liquor licensee any alcoholic beverage for on-premise consumption, except a person may
    bring, subject to the discretion of the licensee, cork-finished wine onto the premises of any restaurant
    liquor licensee and consume wine pursuant to Subsection (16).
        (b) [Beginning January 1, 1991, a] A restaurant, whether licensed under this title or
    unlicensed [under this title], or its officers, managers, employees, or agents may not allow:
        (i) a person to bring onto the restaurant premises any alcoholic beverage for on-premise
    consumption; or [allow]
        (ii) consumption of any such alcoholic beverage on its premises, except cork-finished wine
    under Subsection (17)(a).
        (c) [Beginning January 1, 1991, if any] If a restaurant licensee, or any of its officers,
    managers, employees, or agents violates this Subsection (17):
        (i) the commission may immediately suspend or revoke the restaurant's liquor license and
    the restaurant licensee is subject to possible criminal prosecution under Chapter 12; and
        (ii) the local authority may immediately suspend or revoke the restaurant's:

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        (A) local liquor license[,];
        (B) local consent under Subsection 32A-4-102(1)(c)[,]; or
        (C) local business license.
        (18) Alcoholic beverages purchased from the restaurant may not be removed from the
    restaurant premises.
        (19) (a) Minors may not be employed by a restaurant licensee to sell or dispense alcoholic
        (b) Notwithstanding Subsection (19)(a), a minor may be employed to enter the sale at a cash
    register or other sales recording device.
        (20) An employee of a restaurant liquor licensee, while on duty, may not:
        (a) consume an alcoholic beverage; or
        (b) be under the influence of alcoholic beverages.
        (21) (a) Advertising or other reference to the sale of liquor and wine is not allowed on a food
    menu except that a statement of availability of a liquor and wine menu on request, the content and
    form of which is approved by the department, may be attached to or carried on a food menu. The
    context of both food and liquor and wine menus may not in any manner attempt to promote or
    increase the sale of alcoholic beverages.
        (b) A server, employee, or agent of a licensee may not draw attention to the availability of
    alcoholic beverages for sale, unless a patron or guest first inquires about it.
        (c) Any set-up charge, service charge, chilling fee, or any other charge or fee made in
    connection with the sale, service, or consumption of liquor may be stated in food or alcoholic
    beverage menus.
        (22) Each restaurant liquor licensee shall display in a prominent place in the restaurant:
        (a) the liquor license that is issued by the department;
        (b) a list of the types and brand names of liquor being served through its calibrated metered
    dispensing system; and
        (c) a sign in large letters stating: "Warning: The consumption of alcoholic beverages
    purchased in this establishment may be hazardous to your health and the safety of others."

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        (23) The following acts or conduct in a restaurant licensed under this chapter are considered
    contrary to the public welfare and morals, and are prohibited upon the premises:
        (a) employing or using any person in the sale or service of alcoholic beverages while the
    person is unclothed or in attire, costume, or clothing that exposes to view any portion of the female
    breast below the top of the areola or any portion of the pubic hair, anus, cleft of the buttocks, vulva,
    or genitals;
        (b) employing or using the services of any person to mingle with the patrons while the
    person is unclothed or in attire, costume, or clothing described in Subsection (23)(a);
        (c) encouraging or permitting any person to touch, caress, or fondle the breasts, buttocks,
    anus, or genitals of any other person;
        (d) permitting any employee or person to wear or use any device or covering, exposed to
    view, that simulates the breast, genitals, anus, pubic hair, or any portion of these;
        (e) permitting any person to use artificial devices or inanimate objects to depict any of the
    prohibited activities described in this subsection;
        (f) permitting any person to remain in or upon the premises who exposes to public view any
    portion of [his or her] that person's genitals or anus; or
        (g) showing films, still pictures, electronic reproductions, or other visual reproductions
        (i) acts or simulated acts of sexual intercourse, masturbation, sodomy, bestiality, oral
    copulation, flagellation, or any sexual acts prohibited by Utah law;
        (ii) any person being touched, caressed, or fondled on the breast, buttocks, anus, or genitals;
        (iii) scenes wherein artificial devices or inanimate objects are used to depict, or drawings
    are used to portray, any of the prohibited activities described in this subsection; or
        (iv) scenes wherein a person displays the vulva or the anus or the genitals.
        (24) Nothing in Subsection (23) precludes a local authority from being more restrictive of
    acts or conduct of the type prohibited in Subsection (23).
        (25) (a) Although live entertainment is permitted on the premises of a restaurant liquor
    licensee, a licensee may not allow any person to perform or simulate sexual acts prohibited by Utah

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    law, including sexual intercourse, masturbation, sodomy, bestiality, oral copulation, flagellation, the
    touching, caressing, or fondling of the breast, buttocks, anus, or genitals, or the displaying of the
    pubic hair, anus, vulva, or genitals. Entertainers shall perform only upon a stage or at a designated
    area approved by the commission.
        (b) Nothing in Subsection (25)(a) precludes a local authority from being more restrictive of
    acts or conduct of the type prohibited in Subsection (25)(a).
        (26) A restaurant liquor licensee may not engage in or permit any form of gambling, as
    defined and proscribed by Title 76, Chapter 10, Part 11, Gambling, on the premises of the restaurant
    liquor licensee.
        (27) (a) Each restaurant liquor licensee shall maintain an expense ledger or record showing
    in detail:
        (i) quarterly expenditures made separately for:
        (A) malt or brewed beverages[,];
        (B) set-ups[,];
        (C) liquor[,];
        (D) food[,]; and
        (E) all other items required by the department; and
        (ii) sales made separately for:
        (A) malt or brewed beverages[,];
        (B) set-ups[,];
        (C) food[,]; and
        (D) all other items required by the department.
        (b) [This] The record required by Subsection (27)(a) shall be kept:
        (i) in a form approved by the department; and [shall be kept]
        (ii) current for each three-month period.
        (c) Each expenditure shall be supported by:
        (i) delivery tickets[,];
        (ii) invoices[,];

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        (iii) receipted bills[,];
        (iv) canceled checks[,];
        (v) petty cash vouchers[,]; or
        (vi) other sustaining data or memoranda.
        (28) (a) Each restaurant liquor licensee shall maintain accounting and other records and
    documents as the department may require.
        (b) Any restaurant or person acting for the restaurant, who knowingly forges, falsifies, alters,
    cancels, destroys, conceals, or removes the entries in any of the books of account or other documents
    of the restaurant required to be made, maintained, or preserved by this title or the rules of the
    commission for the purpose of deceiving the commission, council, or department, or any of their
    officials or employees, is subject to the immediate suspension or revocation of the restaurant's liquor
    license and possible criminal prosecution under Chapter 12, Criminal Offenses.
        (29) (a) A restaurant liquor licensee may not close or cease operation for a period longer than
    240 hours, unless [written notice is given to]:
        (i) the restaurant liquor license notifies the department in writing at least seven days before
    the closing[,]; and
        (ii) the closure or cessation of operation is first approved by the department.
        (b) [In] Notwithstanding Subsection (29)(a), in the case of emergency closure, immediate
    notice of closure shall be made to the department by telephone.
        (c) The department may authorize a closure or cessation of operation for a period not to
    exceed 60 days. The department may extend the initial period an additional 30 days upon written
    request of the restaurant licensee and upon a showing of good cause. A closure or cessation of
    operation may not exceed a total of 90 days without commission approval.
        (d) Any notice shall include:
        (i) the dates of closure or cessation of operation[,];
        (ii) the reason for the closure or cessation of operation[,]; and
        (iii) the date on which the licensee will reopen or resume operation.
        (e) Failure of the licensee to provide notice and to obtain department authorization prior to

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    closure or cessation of operation shall result in an automatic forfeiture of:
        (i) the license; and [the forfeiture of]
        (ii) the unused portion of the license fee for the remainder of the license year effective
        (f) Failure of the licensee to reopen or resume operation by the approved date shall result in
    an automatic forfeiture of:
        (i) the license; and [the forfeiture of]
        (ii) the unused portion of the license fee for the remainder of the license year.
        (30) Each restaurant liquor licensee shall maintain at least 70% of its total restaurant
    business from the sale of food, which does not include mix for alcoholic beverages or service
        (31) [There shall be no] A person may not transfer [of] a restaurant liquor license from one
    location to another, without prior written approval of the commission.
        (32) (a) A person, having been granted a restaurant liquor license may not sell, exchange,
    barter, give, or attempt in any way to dispose of the license whether for monetary gain or not.
        (b) A restaurant liquor license has no monetary value for the purpose of any type of
        (33) Each server of alcoholic beverages in a licensee's establishment shall keep a written
    beverage tab for each table or group that orders or consumes alcoholic beverages on the premises.
    The beverage tab shall list the type and amount of alcoholic beverages ordered or consumed.
        (34) A person's willingness to serve alcoholic beverages may not be made a condition of
    employment as a server with a restaurant that has a restaurant liquor license.

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