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S.B. 33 Enrolled
This act affects sections of Utah Code Annotated 1953 as follows:
30-3-33, as enacted by Chapter 131, Laws of Utah 1993
30-3-34, as enacted by Chapter 131, Laws of Utah 1993
30-3-35, as enacted by Chapter 131, Laws of Utah 1993
30-3-35.5, Utah Code Annotated 1953
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
Section 1. Section 30-3-33 is amended to read:
30-3-33. Advisory guidelines.
In addition to the visitation [
30-3-35.5, advisory guidelines are suggested to govern all visitation arrangements between parents.
These advisory guidelines include:
(1) visitation schedules mutually agreed upon by both parents are preferable to a
court-imposed solution;
(2) the visitation schedule shall be utilized to maximize the continuity and stability of the
child's life;
attend family functions including funerals, weddings, family reunions, religious holidays, important
ceremonies, and other significant events in the life of the child or in the life of either parent which
may inadvertently conflict with the visitation schedule;
child at the times specified, and the child's regular school hours shall not be interrupted;
picked up and shall be present at the custodial home or shall make reasonable alternate arrangements
to receive the child at the time he is returned;
accommodate the work schedule of both parents and may increase the visitation allowed to the
noncustodial parent but shall not diminish the standardized visitation provided in Section 30-3-35
and Section 30-3-35.5;
accommodate the distance between the parties and the expense of exercising visitation;
to comply with a court-ordered visitation schedule;
receiving notice of all significant school, social, sports, and community functions in which the child
is participating or being honored, and the noncustodial parent shall be entitled to attend and
participate fully;
preschool and daycare reports and medical records and shall be notified immediately by the custodial
parent in the event of a medical emergency;
within 24 hours of any change;
reasonable hours and uncensored mail privileges with the child;
and the court shall encourage the parties to cooperate in allowing the noncustodial parent, if willing
and able, to provide child care;
address, and telephone number of the other parent and shall provide the noncustodial parent with the
name, current address, and telephone number of all surrogate care providers unless the court for good
cause orders otherwise; and
celebrated by the parents, and the parent who celebrates a religious holiday that the other parent does
not celebrate shall have the right to be together with the child on the religious holiday.
Section 2. Section 30-3-34 is amended to read:
30-3-34. Best interests -- Rebuttable presumption.
(1) If the parties are unable to agree on a visitation schedule, the court may establish a
visitation schedule consistent with the best interests of the child.
(2) The advisory guidelines as provided in Section 30-3-33 and the visitation schedule as
provided in Section 30-3-35 and Section 30-3-35.5 shall be presumed to be in the best interests of
the child. The visitation schedule shall be considered the minimum visitation to which the
noncustodial parent and the child shall be entitled unless a parent can establish otherwise by a
preponderance of the evidence[
should be awarded based upon [
(a) visitation would endanger the child's physical health[
significantly impair the child's emotional development;
(b) the distance between the residency of the child and the noncustodial parent;
(c) a substantiated or unfounded allegation of child abuse [
(d) the lack of demonstrated parenting skills without safeguards to ensure the child's
well-being during visitation;
(e) the financial inability of the noncustodial parent to provide adequate food and shelter for
the child during periods of visitation;
(f) the preference of the child if the court determines the child to be of sufficient maturity;
(g) the incarceration of the noncustodial parent in a county jail, secure youth corrections
facility, or an adult corrections facility; [
(h) shared interests between the child and the noncustodial parent;
(i) the involvement of the noncustodial parent in the school, community, religious, or other
related activities of the child;
(j) the availability of the noncustodial parent to care for the child when the custodial parent
is unavailable to do so because of work or other circumstances;
(k) a substantial and chronic pattern of missing, canceling, or denying regularly scheduled
(l) the minimal duration of and lack of significant bonding in the parents' relationship prior
to the conception of the child;
(m) the visitation schedule of siblings;
(n) the lack of reasonable alternatives to the needs of a nursing child; and
(3) The court shall enter the reasons underlying its order for visitation that:
(a) incorporates a visitation schedule provided in Section 30-3-35 or Section 30-3-35.5; or
(b) provides more or less visitation than a visitation schedule provided in Section 30-3-35
or Section 30-3-35.5.
schedule except by mutual consent of the parties or a court order.
Section 3. Section 30-3-35 is amended to read:
30-3-35. Minimum schedule for visitation for children 5 to 18 years of age.
(1) The visitation schedule [
(2) If the parties do not agree to a visitation schedule, the following schedule shall be
considered the minimum visitation to which the noncustodial parent and the child shall be entitled:
(a) one weekday evening to be specified by the noncustodial parent or the court from 5:30
p.m. until 8:30 p.m;
(b) alternating weekends beginning on the first weekend after the entry of the decree from
6 p.m. on Friday until 7 p.m. on Sunday continuing each year;
(c) holidays take precedence over the weekend visitation, and changes shall not be made to
the regular rotation of the alternating weekend visitation schedule;
(d) if a holiday falls on a regularly scheduled school day, the noncustodial parent shall be
responsible for the child's attendance at school for that school day;
(e) if a holiday falls on a weekend or on a Friday or Monday and the total holiday period
extends beyond that time so that the child is free from school and the parent is free from work, the
noncustodial parent shall be entitled to this lengthier holiday period;
(f) in years ending in an odd number, the noncustodial parent is entitled to the following
(i) child's birthday on the day before or after the actual birthdate beginning at 3 p.m. until
9 p.m.; at the discretion of the noncustodial parent, he may take other siblings along for the birthday;
(ii) Human Rights Day beginning 6 p.m. the day before the holiday until 7 p.m. on the
(iii) Easter holiday beginning at 6 p.m. on Friday until Sunday at 7 p.m., unless the holiday
extends for a lengthier period of time to which the noncustodial parent is completely entitled;
(iv) Memorial Day beginning 6 p.m. on Friday until Monday at 7 p.m., unless the holiday
extends for a lengthier period of time to which the noncustodial parent is completely entitled;
(v) July 24th beginning 6 p.m. on the day before the holiday until 11 p.m. on the holiday;
(vi) Veteran's Day holiday beginning 6 p.m. the day before the holiday until 7 p.m. on the
holiday; and
(vii) the first portion of the Christmas school vacation as defined in Subsection 30-3-32(3)(b)
plus Christmas Eve and Christmas Day until 1 p.m., so long as the entire holiday is equally divided;
(g) in years ending in an even number, the noncustodial parent is entitled to the following
(i) child's birthday on actual birthdate beginning at 3 p.m. until 9 p.m.; at the discretion of
the noncustodial parent, he may take other siblings along for the birthday;
extends for a lengthier period of time to which the noncustodial parent is completely entitled;
at 6 p.m. on Wednesday until Sunday at 7 p.m. unless the holiday extends for a lengthier period of
time to which the noncustodial parent is completely entitled;
30-3-32(3)(b) plus Christmas day beginning at 1 p.m. until 9 p.m., so long as the entire Christmas
holiday is equally divided;
(h) Father's Day shall be spent with the natural or adoptive father every year beginning at
9 a.m. until 7 p.m. on the holiday;
(i) Mother's Day shall be spent with the natural or adoptive mother every year beginning at
9 a.m. until 7 p.m. on the holiday;
(j) extended visitation with the noncustodial parent may be:
(i) up to four weeks consecutive at the option of the noncustodial parent;
(ii) two weeks shall be uninterrupted time for the noncustodial parent; and
(iii) the remaining two weeks shall be subject to visitation for the custodial parent consistent
with these guidelines;
(k) the custodial parent shall have an identical two-week period of uninterrupted time during
the children's summer vacation from school for purposes of vacation;
(l) if the child is enrolled in year-round school, the noncustodial parent's extended visitation
shall be 1/2 of the vacation time for year-round school breaks, provided the custodial parent has
holiday and phone visits;
(m) notification of extended visitation or vacation weeks with the child shall be provided
at least 30 days in advance to the other parent; and
(n) telephone contact shall be at reasonable hours and for reasonable duration.
Section 4. Section 30-3-35.5 is enacted to read:
30-3-35.5. Minimum schedule for visitation for children under five years of age.
(1) The visitation schedule in this section applies to children under five years old.
(2) If the parties do not agree to a visitation schedule, the following schedule shall be
considered the minimum visitation to which the noncustodial parent and the child shall be entitled:
(a) for children under five months of age:
(i) six hours of visitation per week to be specified by the court or the noncustodial parent
(A) divided into three visitation periods; and
(B) in the custodial home, established child care setting, or other environment familiar to
the child;
(ii) two hours on holidays and in the years specified in Subsections 30-3-35(f) through (i)
preferably in the custodial home, the established child care setting, or other environment familiar to
the child;
(b) for children five months of age or older, but younger than 10 months of age:
(i) nine hours of visitation per week to be specified by the court or the noncustodial parent
(A) divided into three visitation periods; and
(B) in the custodial home, established child care setting, or other environment familiar to
the child;
(ii) two hours on the holidays and in the years specified in Subsections 30-3-35(f) through
(i) preferably in the custodial home, the established child care setting, or other environment familiar
to the child;
(c) for children 10 months of age or older, but younger than 18 months of age:
(i) one eight hour visit per week to be specified by the noncustodial parent or court;
(ii) one three hour visit per week to be specified by the noncustodial parent or court;
(iii) eight hours on the holidays and in the years specified in Subsections 30-3-5(f) through
(i); and
(iv) brief phone contact with the noncustodial parent at least two times per week;
(d) for children 18 months of age or older, but younger than three years of age:
(i) one weekday evening for two hours between 5:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. to be specified by
the noncustodial parent or court;
(ii) alternative weekends beginning on the first weekend after the entry of the decree from
6:00 p.m. on Friday until 7:00 p.m. on Sunday continuing each year;
(iii) visitation on holidays as specified in Subsections 30-3-35(c) through (i);
(iv) extended visitation may be:
(A) two one-week periods, separated by at least four weeks, at the option of the noncustodial
(B) one week shall be uninterrupted time for the noncustodial parent;
(C) the remaining week shall be subject to visitation for the custodial parent consistent with
these guidelines; and
(D) the custodial parent shall have an identical one-week period of uninterrupted time for
vacation; and
(v) brief phone contact with the noncustodial parent at least two times per week;
(e) for children three years of age or older, but younger than five years of age:
(i) one weekday evening between 5:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. to be specified by the
noncustodial parent or court;
(ii) alternative weekends beginning on the first weekend after the entry of the decree from
6:00 p.m. on Friday until 7:00 p.m. on Sunday continuing each year;
(iii) visitation on holidays as specified in Subsections 30-3-35(c) through (i);
(iv) extended visitation with the noncustodial parent may be:
(A) two two-week periods, separated by at least four weeks, at the option of the noncustodial
(B) one two-week period shall be uninterrupted time for the noncustodial parent;
(C) the remaining two-week period shall be subject to visitation for the custodial parent
consistent with these guidelines; and
(D) the custodial parent shall have an identical two-week period of uninterrupted time for
vacation; and
(v) brief phone contact with the noncustodial parent at least two times per week.
(3) A parent shall notify the other parent at least 30 days in advance of extended visitation
or vacation weeks.
(4) Telephone contact shall be at reasonable hours and for reasonable duration.
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