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S.B. 224
11 This act enacts uncodified material.
12 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
13 Section 1. Air Quality, Transportation, Water, and Land Use Task Force -- Creation
14 -- Membership -- Quorum -- Compensation -- Staffing.
15 (1) There is created the Air Quality, Transportation, Water, and Land Use Task Force
16 consisting of the following 20 members:
17 (a) three members of the Senate, two of whom belong to the majority party and are
18 appointed by the president of the Senate, and one of whom belongs to the minority party and is
19 appointed by the minority leader of the Senate;
20 (b) five members of the House of Representatives, three of whom belong to the majority
21 party and are appointed by the speaker of the House of Representatives, and two of whom belong
22 to the minority party and are appointed by the minority leader of the House of Representatives;
23 (c) seven members jointly agreed upon and appointed by the president of the Senate and
24 the speaker of the House of Representatives as follows:
25 (i) two individuals knowledgeable and experienced in air quality regulation or medical
26 research, which may include individuals from academia, local health departments, the Utah
27 Department of Environmental Quality, and air quality experts;
1 (ii) two individuals knowledgeable and experienced in transportation planning, which may
2 include individuals from metropolitan planning organizations, public transit authorities, the Utah
3 Department of Transportation, and transportation planning experts;
4 (iii) two individuals knowledgeable and experienced in land use planning and zoning,
5 which may include municipal, county, or state land use planning officials, local government
6 elected officials, and land use planning experts; and
7 (iv) one member of the general public who has both interest and expertise in air quality,
8 transportation, water, or land use planning, but who does not have any direct or indirect financial
9 interest in air quality, transportation, water, or land use planning;
10 (d) one representative of the State Office of Planning and Budget, appointed by the
11 governor; and
12 (e) four members, each appointed by the organization that member represents:
13 (i) one representative of the Utah League of Cities and Towns;
14 (ii) one representative of the Utah Association of Counties;
15 (iii) one representative of the state's school districts; and
16 (iv) one representative of the Utah Association of Special Districts.
17 (2) (a) The president of the Senate shall appoint a senator appointed to the task force as
18 cochair of the task force.
19 (b) The speaker of the House of Representatives shall appoint a representative appointed
20 to the task force as cochair of the task force.
21 (3) (a) A majority of the members of the task force constitutes a quorum.
22 (b) The action of a majority of a quorum constitutes the action of the task force.
23 (4) (a) Members of the Legislature who are members of the task force shall receive
24 compensation as provided in Section 36-2-2.
25 (b) Members of the task force who are not legislators may not receive additional
26 compensation for their work as members of the task force.
27 (5) The Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel shall provide staff support
28 to the task force.
29 Section 2. Task force duties.
30 (1) (a) The task force shall study and recommend a comprehensive policy and solutions
31 to problems and conflicts regarding the interrelationship of air quality, transportation, water, and
1 land use issues.
2 (b) The task force may refer to and consider the information and findings generated by the
3 Air Quality, Transportation, and Land Use Task Force that met during the 1996 legislative interim.
4 The task force was created by Senate Bill 243 in the 1996 General Session.
5 (2) Issues the task force may address include:
6 (a) the public's desires regarding an appropriate balance between air quality, transportation
7 mobility, water, and land use;
8 (b) the interrelationship between land use, transportation, water, and air quality planning
9 in developing long-term solutions;
10 (c) transportation demand management;
11 (d) long-term mobility options;
12 (e) congestion air pollution relief options regarding air pollution caused by traffic
13 congestion;
14 (f) market pricing of the roadways systems;
15 (g) funding for current and future infrastructure needs;
16 (h) the needs and capabilities of levels of local government, the interaction between
17 various local governments, and the interaction between local governments and the state regarding
18 long-term planning for air quality, transportation, water, and land use planning;
19 (i) current and long-term needs and management of the state's water resources;
20 (j) how government can comply with the federal Energy Policy Act;
21 (k) whether a bond fund should be created as a capital source to fund increased alternative
22 fuel vehicle purchases and conversions as well as assist with stationary source pollution control
23 costs;
24 (l) determine whether state transportation funding mechanisms should be changed to usage
25 and pollution-based revenue systems; and
26 (m) consider other relevant topics and issues as identified by the task force.
27 (3) (a) The issues listed in this section are intended only to be potential study items for the
28 task force. The list does not represent a predetermined final outcome of the task force.
29 (b) The task force shall prioritize study topics focusing on the greatest problems or areas
30 where solutions can be found.
31 (c) Any implementation of recommendations resulting from the study remains the
1 prerogative of the Legislature.
2 (4) The task force shall report its findings and recommendations to the Health and
3 Environment, Transportation and Public Safety, and State and Local Affairs Interim Committees
4 before November 30, 1997.
5 Section 3. Appropriation.
6 There is appropriated from the General Fund for fiscal year 1996-97:
7 (1) $4,000 to the Senate to pay for the compensation and expenses of senators who are
8 members of the task force;
9 (2) $6,500 to the House of Representatives to pay for compensation and expenses of
10 representatives who are members of the task force; and
11 (3) $25,000 to the Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel for staffing
12 expenses associated with the task force.
13 Section 4. Effective date.
14 If approved by two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, this act takes effect
15 upon approval by the governor, or the day following the constitutional time limit of Utah
16 Constitution Article VII, Section 8, without the governor's signature, or in the case of a veto, the
17 date of veto override.
18 Section 5. Repeal date.
19 This act is repealed November 30, 1997.
Legislative Review Note
as of 2-4-97 8:28 AM
A limited legal review of this bill raises no obvious constitutional or statutory concerns.
Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel
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