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S.B. 84






Sponsor: Lyle W. Hillyard

15    This act affects sections of Utah Code Annotated 1953 as follows:
16    AMENDS:
17         53A-1a-103, as enacted by Chapter 47, Laws of Utah 1992
18         53A-1a-104, as enacted by Chapter 47, Laws of Utah 1992
19         53A-1a-105, as last amended by Chapter 340, Laws of Utah 1996
20         53A-1a-106, as last amended by Chapter 310, Laws of Utah 1997
21         53A-1a-107, as last amended by Chapters 105 and 109, Laws of Utah 1996
22         53A-1a-201, as last amended by Chapter 53, Laws of Utah 1995
23         53A-1a-202, as last amended by Chapter 53, Laws of Utah 1995
24         53A-1a-203, as enacted by Chapter 46, Laws of Utah 1992
26         53A-1a-102 (Repealed 06/30/02), as last amended by Chapter 61, Laws of Utah 1996
27    Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:

1        Section 1. Section 53A-1a-102 (Repealed 06/30/02) is repealed and reenacted to read:
2         53A-1a-102 (Repealed 06/30/02). Education Strategic Plans -- Content -- Involvement
3     of Strategic Planning Committee for Public and Higher Education.
4        (1) The State Board of Education and State Board of Regents shall:
5        (a) have ongoing strategic planning for their respective education systems; and
6        (b) prepare a written strategic plan for their respective systems every three years;
7        (i) the State Board of Regents' first plan to be completed by September 1, 1998, with
8    subsequent plans completed by September 1 in each third year; and
9        (ii) the State Board of Education's second plan to be completed by September 1, 2000,
10    with subsequent plans completed by September 1 in each third year.
11        (2) (a) The boards shall involve the Strategic Planning Committee for Public and Higher
12    Education on an ongoing basis in developing the strategic plans required under Subsection (1)(b).
13        (b) The committee shall submit a copy of each written plan in the appropriate year to the
14    Legislature as part of its annual report required under Section 53A-1a-202.
15        (3) Each strategic plan shall include at least the following components:
16        (a) the education system's mission;
17        (b) system goals that address issues critical for accomplishing the mission;
18        (c) the objectives to be accomplished during the years following submission of the
19    strategic plan;
20        (d) revenues or resources needed to accomplish the goals and objectives and sources from
21    which the revenues or resources may be drawn; and
22        (e) performance measures required to report on implementing and meeting the goals and
23    objectives.
24        (4) (a) The boards shall consult with the strategic planning committee on any
25    modifications to their respective plans and objectives to be accomplished during the second and
26    third year of each plan.
27        (b) The strategic planning committee shall report its activities under Subsection (4)(a) to
28    the Legislature as part of its annual report required under Section 53A-1a-202.
29        Section 2. Section 53A-1a-103 is amended to read:
30         53A-1a-103. Public education's mission.
31        The Legislature recognizes that [public education's] the mission of public education in Utah

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1    is to [assure Utah the best educated citizenry in the world and each individual the training to
2    succeed in a global society, by] be a world leader in providing [students with learning and
3    occupational skills, character development, literacy, and] the opportunities and instructional
4    support for each student to gain the basic knowledge [through a responsive educational system that
5    guarantees local school communities autonomy, flexibility, and client choice, while holding them
6    accountable for results], understanding, and life skills necessary to be a literate, civil, responsible,
7    and contributing citizen in a diverse, changing, and integrated society, with the understanding that:
8        (1) basic knowledge includes the arts, humanities, and sciences as defined by the State
9    Core Curriculum;
10        (2) life skills are defined as lifelong learning, complex thinking, effective communication,
11    responsible citizenship, employability, character development, and ethics; and
12        (3) literate means the ability to use words and numbers to communicate and apply basic
13    knowledge.
14        Section 3. Section 53A-1a-104 is amended to read:
15         53A-1a-104. Ideal characteristics of public education system.
16        It is the intent of the Legislature to assist [in maintaining a] the state's public education
17    system [that has] in acquiring and maintaining the following characteristics:
18        [(1) assumes that all students have the ability to learn and that each student departing the
19    system will be prepared to achieve success in productive employment, further education, or both;]
20        [(2) provides a personalized education plan or personalized education occupation plan for
21    each student, which involves the]
22        (1) each student, the student's parent or guardian, and school personnel [in establishing the
23    plan] work together to develop a student education plan, hereafter referred to as an SEP, at the
24    elementary level and a student education/occupation plan, hereafter referred to as an SEOP, at the
25    secondary level to help guide the student's education;
26        [(3) provides students with the knowledge and skills to take responsibility for their
27    decisions and to make appropriate choices;]
28        (2) each school has a climate of safety, civility, and respect;
29        [(4) assures] (3) opportunities are provided for [students] each student to [exhibit the
30    capacity] demonstrate the abilities to learn, [think,] reason, create, communicate, exhibit aesthetic
31    awareness, and work effectively, both individually and in groups;

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1        [(5) offers a] (4) a world-class curriculum [that enables] is implemented in each school
2    to help all students [to successfully compete] succeed in a global society[, and to succeed as
3    citizens of a participatory democracy];
4        [(6) incorporates] (5) an information retrieval system [that provides] is functioning in each
5    school to provide students, parents, and educators with reliable, useful, and timely data on the
6    progress of each student;
7        (6) rigorous recruitment, selection, professional development, retention, and certification
8    policies provide for competent teachers and administrators;
9        (7) [attracts and retains excellent] teachers [for every classroom and provides recognition,
10    rewards,] and administrators throughout the system receive competitive compensation [for their
11    excellence], and excellence in teaching and school leadership is both recognized and rewarded;
12        (8) [empowers] each school district and [public] school [to create its own vision and plan
13    to achieve results consistent with the objectives outlined in this chapter] has a strategic plan and
14    planning process compatible with the mission of Public Education and consistent with the State
15    Strategic Plan;
16        (9) [uses] technology [to improve] is accessible and appropriately used in each school in
17    teaching [and], learning [processes], and [for] in the delivery of educational services;
18        (10) [promotes ongoing] research and development projects [at the district and the school
19    level that are directed at] for improving [or enhancing public education] administration, teaching,
20    and learning are supported at all levels of the system and project results are widely shared;
21        (11) the system offers a public school choice program, which gives students and their
22    parents options to best meet the student's personalized education needs; and
23        [(12) emphasizes the involvement of educators, parents, and the community at large in the
24    educational process by allowing them to be involved in establishing and implementing educational
25    goals and participating in decision-making at the school site.]
26        (12) funding at all levels of the system is allocated on the basis of equity;
27        (13) each student's parent or guardian is encouraged and assisted by teachers and
28    administrators to be actively involved in the student's learning;
29        (14) each school has appropriate site-based decision making in place that involves parents
30    of students attending the school, educators and other staff at the school, and other community
31    members in developing educational goals;

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1        (15) each school has processes in place that promote collaboration between and among
2    students, parents of students at the school, school personnel, local communities, state agencies, and
3    other entities to remove barriers and increase learning opportunities for students;
4        (16) policies and processes are established at all system levels to enhance the quality and
5    increase the number of productive business/school partnerships;
6        (17) accountability mechanisms for monitoring and responding to high standards and
7    performance expectations are established and maintained at all levels;
8        (18) students acquire credits by demonstrating competency; and
9        (19) school districts and schools recognize and respect the diverse backgrounds of the
10    students, parents, and community.
11        Section 4. Section 53A-1a-105 is amended to read:
12         53A-1a-105. Parental participation in educational process -- Employer support.
13        (1) The Legislature recognizes the importance of parental participation in the educational
14    process in order for students to achieve and maintain high levels of performance.
15        (2) It is, therefore, the policy of the state to:
16        (a) [expect that] encourage parents [shall] to provide a home environment that values
17    education and send their children to school prepared to learn;
18        (b) [rely upon school districts and schools to] provide opportunities for parents [of
19    students] to be involved in establishing and implementing educational goals for their respective
20    schools and students;
21        (c) [expect] encourage employers to [recognize the need for] accommodate parents and
22    members of the community [to] as they participate in the public education system in order to help
23    students achieve and maintain excellence; and
24        (d) [have] expect the State Board of Education[,] and local school boards[, school
25    community councils, and school directors] to work with employers to develop policies and
26    programs that [would allow employees] provide opportunities for greater employee participation
27    in the public education system during school hours.
28        (3) (a) Each local school board shall adopt a policy on parental involvement in the schools
29    of the district.
30        (b) The local board shall design its policy to build consistent and effective communication
31    between parents of students enrolled in the district and the [teachers and administrators] educators

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1    assigned to their children's schools.
2        (c) The policy shall provide parents with the opportunity to be actively involved in their
3    children's education and to be informed of:
4        (i) the importance of [the] parental involvement [of parents] in [directly affecting the
5    success of] their children's educational efforts; and
6        (ii) groups and organizations that [may] provide instruction and training to parents to
7    [help] improve their children's academic success and support their academic efforts.
8        Section 5. Section 53A-1a-106 is amended to read:
9         53A-1a-106. School district and individual school powers.
10        (1) In order to acquire and develop the characteristics listed in Section 53A-1a-104, each
11    school district and each public school within its respective district shall implement a
12    [comprehensive] system of accountability [in which students advance through public schools by
13    demonstrating competency in required skills and mastery of required knowledge through the use
14    of diverse assessment instruments such as authentic and criterion referenced tests, projects, and
15    portfolios] to evaluate the performance of each student.
16        (2) (a) Each school district and public school is authorized and encouraged to do the
17    following:
18        (i) develop and implement programs integrating technology into [the] curriculum,
19    instruction, and [student] assessment;
20        (ii) increase teacher and parent involvement in decision-making at the school site;
21        [(iii) implement a public school choice program to give parents, students, and teachers
22    greater flexibility in designing and choosing among programs with different focuses between
23    schools within the same district and between different districts, subject to space availability,
24    demographics, and legal and performance criteria;]
25        [(iv)] (iii) establish strategic planning at both the district and school level [and site-based
26    decision making programs at the school level] consistent with this chapter;
27        (iv) establish site-based decision-making programs at the school level consistent with this
28    chapter;
29        (v) provide opportunities for each student to acquire and develop academic and
30    occupational knowledge, skills, and abilities consistent with an SEP or an SEOP;
31        (vi) participate in [ongoing] research and development projects primarily [at the school

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1    level] aimed at improving the quality of education within the system; and
2        (vii) involve business and industry in the education process through the establishment of
3    partnerships [with the business community at the district and school level].
4        (b) (i) Each school district, in consultation with its teachers, school community councils
5    or similar entities, and the State Board of Education, shall establish policies to provide for the
6    effective implementation of [a personalized student education plan (SEP) or student
7    education/occupation plan (SEOP)] an SEP or SEOP for each student [at the school site].
8        (ii) The policies shall include guidelines and expectations:
9        (A) for recognizing the student's accomplishments and strengths;
10        (B) for planning, monitoring, and managing education and career development;
11        (C) for an on-going partnership involving students, parents, and school personnel in the
12    process, to include at least two annual SEP conferences at the elementary level, involving the
13    student, the student's parent or guardian, and school personnel, and at least one individual SEOP
14    conference held annually in grades 7-11, with an optional conference in grade 12, involving the
15    student, the student's parent or guardian, and school personnel, and at least one small group SEOP
16    conference in grade 12 and at least one small group SEOP conference in grade 7 or 8 and 9 or 10
17    involving the student, the student's parent or guardian, and school personnel; and
18        (D) for identifying and obtaining adequate resources, [such as] including time and training,
19    required for a successful program.
20        (iii) (A) The State Board of Education shall provide guidelines, after receiving input from
21    local school boards, as to what constitutes the makeup of a small group SEOP.
22        (B) Nothing in Subsection (2)(b) prevents parents or guardians from having additional
23    conferences with school personnel on matters related to their students.
24        (iv) Time spent during the school day to implement SEPs and SEOPs is considered part
25    of the school term referred to in Subsection 53A-17a-103(5).
26        (3) A school district or [public] an individual school may submit proposals [to modify or
27    waive] requesting the modification or waiver of rules or policies of a supervisory authority within
28    the public education system in order to acquire or develop the characteristics listed in Section
29    53A-1a-104.
30        (4) (a) Each school district and public school shall make an annual report to its patrons on
31    its activities [under this section] consistent with this chapter.

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1        (b) The reporting process shall involve participation from teachers, parents, and the
2    community at large in determining how well the district or school is performing.
3        (c) The State Board of Education shall receive a copy of each report and make a summary
4    report to the strategic planning committee referred to in Section 53A-1a-102.
5        Section 6. Section 53A-1a-107 is amended to read:
6         53A-1a-107. State Board of Education assistance to districts and schools.
7        (1) In order to assist school districts and individual schools in acquiring and maintaining
8    the characteristics of the public education system set forth in Section 53A-1a-104, the State Board
9    of Education shall:
10        (a) provide the framework for [an education system] a world class curriculum, including
11    core competencies and [their assessment, in which] assessments for use in school districts and
12    public schools to permit students to advance by demonstrating competency in subject matter and
13    mastery of skills;
14        (b) assist school districts in establishing policies for the effective implementation of
15    [student education plans] SEPs and [student education/occupation plans] SEOPs required under
16    Subsection 53A-1a-106(2)(b);
17        (c) develop [and disseminate], implement, and periodically review a state model
18    curriculum[, structured to incorporate the concepts of quality versus quantity, depth versus breadth,
19    subject integration and application, applied thinking skills, character development, and a global
20    prospective, which districts and schools may use to assist teachers in helping] to help students
21    acquire the competencies and skills required [to advance] for advancement through the public
22    education system[, and periodically review and, if appropriate, revise the curriculum];
23        [(d) conduct a statewide public awareness program on competency-based educational
24    systems;]
25        [(e)] (d) compile and publish, for the state as a whole, a set of educational performance
26    indicators describing trends in student performance;
27        [(f)] (e) promote a public education climate of high expectations and academic excellence;
28        [(g)] (f) [disseminate successful site-based decision-making models to districts and
29    schools and] provide inservice and evaluation programs for site-based plans;
30        [(h) provide a mechanism for widespread dissemination of information about]
31        (g) promote strategic planning for public education[, including involvement of] that

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1    involves business and industry as partners in the education process, in order to ensure the
2    understanding and support of all the individuals and groups concerned with the mission of public
3    education as outlined in Section 53A-1a-103;
4        [(i) provide for] (h) establish and facilitate a research and development [clearing house]
5    information system at the state level to receive and share with school districts and public schools
6    information on effective and innovative practices and programs in education;
7        [(j)] (i) help school districts develop and implement guidelines and inservice programs for
8    administrators and teachers focused on improving interaction with parents and promoting greater
9    parental involvement in the public schools; and
10        [(k)] (j) in concert with the State Board of Regents and the state's colleges of education
11    review and revise teacher certification requirements to [be consistent with teacher preparation for
12    participation in] prepare teachers to provide personalized education [programs within the public
13    schools] for all public school students.
14        (2) (a) The board shall make an annual report to the Legislature on its activities under this
15    section.
16        (b) The reporting process shall involve participation from school districts and schools in
17    helping to evaluate how well the board has assisted the schools and school districts.
18        Section 7. Section 53A-1a-201 is amended to read:
19         53A-1a-201. Strategic Planning for Public and Higher Education Committee --
20     Membership -- Quorum -- Termination date.
21        (1) There is created a [Task Force on] Strategic Planning for Public and Higher Education
22    Committee.
23        (2) The [task force] committee shall consist of the following members:
24        (a) three members [shall be state senators] of the Senate appointed by the president of the
25    Senate, no more than two of whom may be from the same political party;
26        (b) [three] five members [shall be state representatives] of the House of Representatives
27    appointed by the speaker of the House of Representatives, no more than [two] three of whom may
28    be from the same political party;
29        (c) [one member shall be] the governor or the governor's designee;
30        (d) [one member shall be] the state superintendent of public instruction or the
31    superintendent's designee;

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1        (e) [one member shall be] the commissioner of higher education or the commissioner's
2    designee;
3        (f) [one member shall be] a member of the State Board of Education appointed by the
4    governor in consultation with the board;
5        (g) [one member shall be] a member of the State Board of Regents appointed by the
6    governor in consultation with the board; and
7        (h) [14] 12 members[, who shall be] appointed jointly by the governor, the state
8    superintendent of public instruction, and the commissioner of higher education.
9        (3) The [14] 12 members appointed under Subsection (2)(h) shall be men and women who:
10        (a) are representative of the interests of public and higher education;
11        (b) are selected from nominees submitted by community-based organizations of
12    demonstrated effectiveness and other nominees, such as teachers and faculty, school
13    administrators, and local school or institutional board members; and
14        (c) reflect or represent:
15        (i) diverse racial, ethnic, limited English proficiency, Indian tribe, and national origin
16    backgrounds that are found in the state's student population;
17        (ii) low-income families;
18        (iii) persons with disabilities; and
19        (iv) business and labor.
20        (4) (a) The president of the Senate shall designate a Senate cochair for the [task force]
21    committee.
22        (b) The speaker of the House of Representatives shall designate a House cochair for the
23    [task force] committee.
24        (5) If a member cannot continue to serve on the [task force] committee for any reason, a
25    replacement shall be chosen by the authority that made the original appointment.
26        (6) A majority of the [task force] committee is a quorum for the transaction of business.
27        (7) (a) The [task force] committee may create public education and higher education
28    subcommittees to focus on specific issues within their respective systems as well as on issues that
29    overlap both systems.
30        (b) The [task force] committee members who serve on a subcommittee may, by majority
31    vote, expand the membership of the subcommittee but not the membership of the [task force]

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1    committee.
2        (c) Those invited to serve on a subcommittee who are not members of the [task force]
3    committee shall serve without compensation.
4        (8) The [task force] committee shall terminate on June 30, 2002, unless reauthorized by
5    the Legislature.
6        Section 8. Section 53A-1a-202 is amended to read:
7         53A-1a-202. Committee duties and powers.
8        (1) The [task force] committee shall:
9        (a) [engage in] work with the State Board of Education, through the office of the state
10    Superintendent of Public Instruction, and State Board of Regents, through the office of the
11    Commissioner of Higher Education, as the boards develop their strategic [planning] plans for the
12    state's systems of public and higher education required under Section 53A-1a-102;
13        [(b) monitor and evaluate the progress of public and higher education in achieving the
14    objectives outlined in this chapter and in the state's strategic plan for public and higher education;]
15        (b) identify critical education issues of concern for the Legislature and other stakeholders
16    in public and higher education, and propose goals and objectives for dealing with those issues to
17    both boards;
18        (c) review both boards' strategic plans prior to their submission to the Legislature and may
19    offer suggestions for modifications, if the committee determines that those suggestions would
20    improve the plans;
21        [(c)] (d) [study and review funding mechanisms and available] work with both systems'
22    boards and offices in their ongoing strategic planning process and evaluate any resources,
23    legislation, or policy required by each system to accomplish the mission, goals, and objectives of
24    [the state's] its strategic plan [for public and higher education]; and
25        [(d)] (e) work with [the Utah Tomorrow Strategic Planning Committee] other public and
26    private entities engaged in strategic planning efforts to coordinate [planning efforts for public and
27    higher education] their efforts with those of the committee.
28        [(2) The task force may recommend new mechanisms or programs or suggest
29    modifications in existing programs in order to provide additional revenues or resources to either
30    or both education systems.]
31        [(3) (a)] (2) The [task force] committee shall make an annual report to the Legislature[,]

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1    and the governor[, the State Board of Education, and the State Board of Regents] on its [evaluation
2    of strategic planning in public and higher education and the programs authorized in this chapter]
3    activities and recommend desirable programs, funding, or legislation needed to accomplish the
4    mission, goals, and objectives established in each system's strategic plan.
5        [(b) As part of its report, the task force may make recommendations for any necessary
6    changes or modifications in this chapter and in the state's strategic plan for public and higher
7    education.]
8        Section 9. Section 53A-1a-203 is amended to read:
9         53A-1a-203. Compensation for members -- Staff.
10        (1) Nonlegislative [task force] committee members shall serve without compensation, but
11    they may be reimbursed for expenses and mileage as established by the Division of Finance.
12        (2) Legislative [task force] committee members shall be reimbursed as provided by
13    legislative rule.
14        (3) (a) The Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst shall provide staff and support services
15    to the task force.
16        (b) The office may contract with other persons to provide services to the [task force]
17    committee.

Legislative Review Note
    as of 12-31-97 9:52 AM

A limited legal review of this bill raises no obvious constitutional or statutory concerns.

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

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