Link to Zipped WordPerfect Committee Report 3K bytes

        January 20, 1998

Mr. Speaker:

    The Business, Labor, and Economic Development Committee reports a favorable recommendation on H.B. 26, TRADE OR BUSINESS NAMES, by Representative R. Bigelow, with the following amendments:

1.    Page 3, Line 29:    After "(v)" insert "for a corporation incorporated in or authorized to do business in this state"

2.    Page 4, Line 24:    After "Subsection (1)" delete "(a)" and insert "(c)"

3.    Page 7, Line 5:    After "(f)" insert "for a limited partnership that is formed in or registered as a foreign limited partnership in this state"

4.    Page 10, Line 13:    After "(f)" insert "for a limited liability company that is formed in or registered as a foreign limited liability company in this state"

5.    Page 11, Line 2:    After "Subsection" delete "(10)" and insert "(9)"


        Peter C. Knudson
        Committee Chair

Voting: 10-0-2
3 HB0026.HC1 pmackay/MCP PO/MCP 4:14 PM

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