January 29, 1998
Mr. Speaker:
The Transportation Committee reports a favorable recommendation on H.B. 34, DINOSAUR DIAMOND PREHISTORIC HIGHWAY DESIGNATION, by Representative J.
Seitz, with the following amendments and recommends it be placed on the Consent Calendar.
1. Page 1, Line 7: Delete the period and insert "; AND PROVIDING A COORDINATION CLAUSE."
2. Page 1, Line 15: After "north to" insert "the frontage road of"
3. Page 1, Line 16: After "west on" insert "the frontage road of"
Page 1, Line 27: After line 27 insert:
"Section 2. Coordination clause.
If this bill and H.B. 202, Transportation Code Recodification, both
pass during the 1998 General Session, it is the intent of the
Legislature that the section in this bill be renumbered to conform to
the renumbering in H.B. 202."
Don E. Bush
Committee Chair
J. Seitz
Voting: 13-0-2
4 HB0034.HC1 bbushman/BNC DSL/BNC 10:29 AM
Bill Number