Link to Zipped WordPerfect Committee Report 4K bytes

        February 3, 1998

Mr. President:

    The Health and Environment Committee reports a favorable recommendation on H.B. 57, ACUPUNCTURE PRACTICE AMENDMENTS, by Representative A. Bradshaw, with the following amendments:

1.     Page 1, Line 27:    Delete line 27

2.    Page 3, Lines 28-31
    Lilac 1-26-98:    Reinstate lines 28-31

3.    Page 4, Lines 1-14
    Lilac 1-26-98:    Reinstate lines 1-14

4.     Page 4, Line 31
    Lilac 1-26-98:    After "(6)" delete the remainder of line 31 and insert "establish procedures, as defined by rule, which shall enable patients to give informed consent to treatment; and"

5.     Page 5, Lines 1-2:    
    Lilac 1-26-28:    Delete lines 1-2

6.     Page 6, Line 25:    After "includes" delete the remainder of line 25 and insert "the failure to transmit records in the English language to the division, the patient's practitioner, or a third party insurance payor upon request."

7.     Page 6, Line 26:    Delete line 26

8.     Page 8, Lines 15-16:    Delete lines 15-16


        Robert Muhlestein
        Committee Chair

Voting: 4-0-2
3 HB0057.SC2 cmackey/JBA RCL/ALH 10:35 AM

Bill Number
Action Class
Action Code

