February 5, 1998

Mr. Speaker:

    The Revenue and Taxation Committee reports a favorable recommendation on H.B. 65, SALES TAX EXEMPTION FOR PASSENGER TRANSPORTATION, by Representative B. Allen, with the following amendments:
1.     Page 8, Line 13:    After "county" insert "of the first, second, or third class" after ";" insert "or"

2.     Page 8, Line 14:    After "contiguous to" delete the remainder of line 14 and insert "a county described in Subsection (24)(a)."

3.     Page 8, Line 15 - 16:    Delete lines 15 and 16


        Raymond W. Short
        Committee Chair

Voting: 12-0-3
3 HB0065.HC1 pmackay/BRH RLR/BRH 10:22 AM

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