February 6, 1998
Mr. Speaker:
The Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Committee reports a favorable recommendation on H.B. 133, EFFECTIVE LAW ENFORCEMENT, by Representative J. Swallow, with the following amendments:
1. Page 1, Line 10: After "CRIME" delete ";"
2. Page 1, Line 11: Delete all of Line 11 except "."
3. Page 2, Line 10: After "composed of" reinstate "19" and delete "22"
4. Page 2, Line 31: After "remaining" reinstate "five" and delete "eight"
5. Page 3, Line 6: After "education;" reinstate "and"
6. Page 3, Line 7: After "representative" reinstate "." and delete ";"
7. Page 3, Lines 8-12: Delete all of Lines 8-12
8. Page 4, Line 4: After "all" delete "state and local"
9. Page 4, Line 15: After "63-25a-104.5" delete "and make copies"
10. Page 4, Line 16: Delete all of Line 16 except ";"
11. Page 5, Line 15: After "before" delete "September" and insert "October"
12. Page 5, Line 21: After "years;" insert "and"
13. Page 5, Line 22: After "Utah" insert "and other states"
14. Page 5, Line 23: Delete all of Line 23
15. Page 5, Line 27: After "agencies" delete "and political subdivisions"
16. Page 5, Line 28: Delete "efficient" and insert "effective"
17. Page 5, Line 30: After "state;" insert "and"
18. Page 5, Line 31: After "agencies" delete "and political subdivisions"
19. Page 6, Line 1: After "victimization" delete "; and" and insert "."
20. Page 6, Line 2: Delete all of Line 2
21. Page 6, Line 8: Delete "25" and insert "26"
22. Page 6, Line 31: Delete "three" and insert "four"
23. Page 7, Line 3: After "violence;" delete "and"
24. Page 7, Line 4: After "who" delete "is a recovered alcoholic or a recovered drug abuser." and insert "has been personally affected by alcohol or other drug abuse; and
(iv) one citizen representative."
25. Page 7, Line 19: Delete "study" and insert "consolidate and review studies concerning"
26. Page 7, Line 22: After "measured by" delete "violent crime" and insert "available indicators of drug use, crime, and violence"
27. Page 7, Line 24: After "meet" delete "at least"
28. Page 7, Line 27: After "[annually.], " insert "and" and delete ", and all political subdivisions of the state"
29. Page 7, Line 27: After Line 27 insert:
" Section 8. Coordination clause.
If this bill and S.B. 187, Utah Council on Victims, both pass in the 1998 General Session, it is the intent of the Legislature that:
(1) Subsection 63-25a-102(1)(o) be inserted and read: "the chair of
the Utah Council on Victims.";
(2) The number of members on the commission in Subsection 63-25a-102(1) be adjusted to add the chair of the Utah Council on
Victims; and
(3) Subsection 63-25a-102(1) be adjusted for technical changes as needed."
Robert H. M. Killpack
Committee Chair
Voting: 10-0-1
3 HB0133.HC1 snewton/CA SCA/CA 9:33 AM