February 12, 1998
Mr. Speaker:
The Business, Labor, and Economic Development Committee reports a favorable recommendation on H.B. 152, ESTHETICIAN LICENSING ACT, by Representative S. Allen, with the following amendments:
1. Page 10, Line 9: After "surgery," insert "massage,"
2. Page 11, Line 2: Reinstate "2,500" and delete "1,200"
3. Page 11, Line 2: Reinstate "15" and delete "nine"
4. Page 11, Line 9: Delete "2,500" and insert "1,200"
5. Page 11, Line 9: Delete "15" and insert "nine"
6. Page 12, Line 6: Delete "and"
7. Page 12, Line 6: After line 6 insert:
"(12) failing as an apprentice supervisor to comply with division rules relating to apprenticeship programs under this chapter; and"
8. Page 12, Line 7: Bracket "(12)" and insert "(13)"
Peter C. Knudson
Committee Chair
Voting: 9-3-0
3 HB0152.HC1 pmackay/MCP KMW/JBA 9:40 AM
Bill Number