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        January 30, 1998

Mr. Speaker:

    The Revenue and Taxation Committee reports a favorable recommendation on H.B. 177, COLLECTION OF UNIFORM MOTOR VEHICLE FEES AMENDMENT, by Representative D. Bush, with the following amendments:


2.     Page 1, Line 12:    After line 12 insert:
        "This act enacts uncodified material."

3.     Page 2, Line 16:    Bracket "contract" and insert "rules made under Subsection (8)(a)"

4.     Page 2, Line 17:    After "penalty" insert "of one-half of the difference between the reimbursement fee specified under Subsection (3) and the reimbursement fee for fiscal year 1997-98"

5.     Page 2, Line 18:    Bracket "contract" and insert "rules made under Subsection (8)(a)"

6.     Page 2, Lines 19-20        Bracket "in accordance with Section 63-38-3.2, sufficient to cover
        the costs of" and insert " for" after "fees" insert "as provided in         Subsection (2) (a)"

7.    Page 2, Line 21:    After "based on" insert "two dollars per standard unit for the first 5,000 standard units in each county and" and after "per standard unit" insert "for all other standard units"
8.     Page 3, Line 8:    After line 8 insert:
        "(8)(a) In accordance with Title 63, Chapter 46a, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the commission shall make rules specifying the performance standards and applicable training requirements for all contracts required by this section.
        (b) Beginning on July 1, 1998, each new contract entered into under this section shall be subject to the rules made under Subsection (8)(a)."

9.     Page 3, Line 8:    After line 8 insert:
        "Section 2. Legislative intent.
         It is the intent of the Legislature that the commission shall report to the Revenue and Taxation Interim Committee during the 1998 interim on the rules made as required under Subsection 59-2-406 (8) and on the implementation of the other changes to Section 59-2-406 in H.B. 177, "Collection of Motor Vehicle Fees Amendment. "

        Renumber remaining sections accordingly.


        Raymond W. Short
        Committee Chair

Voting: 12-1-2
3 HB0177.HC1 pmackay/BRH DSL/BNC 7:37 AM