February 26, 1998

Mr. President:

    The Education Committee reports a favorable recommendation on H.B. 300, EDUCATOR BACKGROUND CHECK AMENDMENTS, by Representative J. Alexander, with the following amendments:
1.    Page 1, Line 8:    After "EDUCATION" delete "ALL"

2.    Page 2, Line 11:    After "only" delete the rest of line 11 and insert "the following matters to the extent that they are relevant to the"

3.    Page 2, Line 12:    After "applicant" delete the period and insert a colon ":
        (A) convictions;
        (B) any matters involving an alleged sexual offense;
        (C) any matters involving an alleged felony or class A misdemeanor drug offense;
        (D) any matters involving an alleged offense against the person under Title 76 Chapter 5;
        (E) any matters involving a felony or class A misdemeanor property offense alleged to have occurred within the previous three years; and
        (F) any matters involving any other type of criminal offense if more than one occurrence of the same type of offense is alleged to have taken place within the previous eight years.


        Lorin Jones
        Committee Chair

Voting: 4-0-3
3 HB0300.SC1 sainswor/JWL JLW/JWL 10:06 AM

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