February 6, 1998

Mr. Speaker:

    The Business, Labor, and Economic Development Committee reports a favorable recommendation on H.B. 313, CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN PRACTICE ACT AMENDMENTS, by Representative J. Haymond, with the following amendments:
1.    Page 1, Line 7:    After the semicolon delete the rest of the line 7

2.    Page 1, Line 8:    Delete line 8


4.    Page 1, Line 14:    After line 14 insert:
        " 58-73-301, as renumbered and amended by Chapter 253, Laws of Utah 1996
         58-73-304, as renumbered and amended by Chapter 253, Laws of Utah 1996"

5.    Page 2, Line 10:    After line 10 insert:
        (3) "Chiropractic assistant" means a person who performs activities related to the practice of chiropractic under the supervision of a licensed chiropractic physician in accordance with division rule established in collaboration with the board."

         Renumber remaining subsections accordingly.
6.    Page 3, Line 17:    After line 17 insert:
        "Section 2. Section 58-73-301 is amended to read:
                  58-73-301 .   Licensure required -- License classifications.
         (1) A license is required to engage in the practice of chiropractic, except as specifically provided in Section [ 58-1-307 or ] 58-73-304 .
         (2) The division shall issue to a person who qualifies under this chapter a license in the classification of chiropractic physician.
        Section 3. Section 58-73-304 is amended to read:
         58-73-304 .   Exemptions from licensure.
         (1) [ In addition to the exemptions from licensure in Section 58-1-307 , an intern-in-training in a chiropractic college or university may ] Except as provided in Subsection (2), the exemptions from licensure set forth in Section 58-1-307 apply.
         (2) With regard to Subsections 58-1-307(1)(b) and (c), the only exemption from licensure permitted is a preceptorship which may permit a student to engage in acts or practices included within the definition of the practice of chiropractic, while:
         [ (1) ] (a) performing the duties and activities which are part of the approved program of education and training of [ the ] a college or university accredited by the Council on Chiropractic Education; and
         [ (2) ] (b) under a form of supervision approved by the division.
         (3) In addition to the exemptions provided in Subsection (1) and (2), a chiropractic assistant while working under the supervision of a licensed chiropractic physician is exempt from licensure under this chapter to the extent the chiropractic assistant is engaged in tasks appropriately delegated by the supervisor in accordance with the standards and ethics of the practice of chiropractic and division rule established in collaboration with the board. "

         Renumber remaining sections accordingly.

7.    Page 3, Line 22:    After the semicolon insert "and"

8.    Page 3, Line 24:    Delete the semicolon and insert a period

9.    Page 3, Lines 27-31:    Delete lines 27-31

10.    Page 4, Lines 1-31:    Delete lines 1-31

11.    Page 5, Lines 1-18:    Delete lines 1-18

         Renumber remaining subsections accordingly.

12.    Page 6, Line 31    After "rule" delete "in"
13.     Page 7, Line 1    Delete "collaboration with the board"

14.    Page 7, Line 2    After "division" delete "in collaboration with the board"

15.    Page 7, Line 3    After "knowledge" insert "; or (iii) meet the requirements for current active certification in acupuncture under guidelines established by the division as demonstrated through a current certificate or other appropriate documentation"


        Peter C. Knudson
        Committee Chair

Voting: 6-4-2
3 HB0313.HC1 pmackay/MCP RCL/ALH 8:44 AM