February 25, 1998
Mr. Speaker:
The Political Subdivisions Committee has returned H.B. 315, STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT SEVERANCE PACKAGE AUTHORITY, by Representative G. Cox, to the Rules Committee without recommendation and with the following amendments:
1. Page 1, Line 24: After "include" insert ": (i)"
2. Page 1, Line 25: Delete "(i)" and insert "(A)"
3. Page 1, Line 26: Delete "(ii)" and insert "(B)" and after "compensatory" insert "leave"
4. Page 1, Line 27: Delete "(iii)" and insert "(C)" and after "pay" insert:
(ii) funds in a retirement or pension plan that have accumulated over the course of the employee's employment; or
(iii) remuneration paid to an employee in settlement of a liability claim or lawsuit that does not involve the issue of whether the employee is entitled to severance pay"
David Ure
Committee Chair
Voting: - -
14 HB0315.HC1 kholt/JTW RHR/JTW 12:42 PM
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