February 6, 1998

Mr. Speaker:

    The Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Committee reports a favorable recommendation on H.B. 321, STALKING AMENDMENTS, by Representative J. Haymond, with the following amendments:

1.    Page 3, Line 14:    After "verdict" insert ", finding or plea of guilty, guilty and mentally ill, plea of no contest, or acceptance of a plea in abeyance"

2.    Page 3, Line 16:    After "verdict" insert ", finding or plea of guilty, guilty and mentally ill, plea of no contest, or acceptance of a plea in abeyance"

3.    Page 3, Line 18:    After "permanent" insert "criminal"

4.    Page 8, Line 26:    After "sheriff" delete "," and insert "or" and after "constable" delete "," and insert ". In addition, a" and after "peace officer" delete "," and after "enforcement officer" insert "may serve a temporary stalking injunction, notices of renewal, and notices of modification. All service shall be done"


        Robert H. M. Killpack
        Committee Chair

Voting: 9-0-2
3 HB0321.HC1 snewton/CA ECM/JDH 9:36 AM

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