February 18, 1998

Mr. Speaker:

    The Education Committee reports a favorable recommendation on H.B. 392, TRAINING IN AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE, by Representative D. Hogue, with the following amendments and recommends it be placed on the Consent Calendar.

                    Page 1, Line 5: After "EDUCATON;" delete "REQUIRING" and insert "PROVIDING FOR"

             Page 1, Line 7: After "SCHOOL" delete "AND" and insert "OR"

            Page 1, Line 24: After "school" delete "and" and insert "or"


        Ron Bigelow
        Committee Vice Chair

        D. Hogue

Voting: 9-0-3
4 HB0392.HC1 jholyoak/JWL JLW/JWL 10:00 AM

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