January 30, 1998
Mr. Speaker:
The Health and Human Services Committee reports a favorable recommendation on H.C.R. 6, NUCLEAR WASTE STORAGE OPPOSITION RESOLUTION, by Representative R. Becker, with the following amendments:
1. Page 2, Line 4: Delete ", including the 2002 Winter Olympics, would" and insert "could"
2. Page 2, Line 26: After Line 26 insert:
"WHEREAS to the extent the State of Utah, Tooele County, and
neighboring landowners would suffer significant economic harm as
a result of the proposed disposal site, these parties should be
compensated for these losses;"
3. Page 3, Line 21: After "Skull Valley" and before "." insert ", unless and until the issues identified in this resolution are resolved and the requirements
of the State of Utah are met"
4. Page 3, Line 21: After Line 21 insert:
"BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Legislature, the Governor
concurring therein, urge the federal Nuclear Regulatory
Commission, the Utah congressional delegation, and any federal or
state courts or agencies to ensure that land owners adjacent to and in
the vicinity of the proposed nuclear waste repository be considered
in any analysis of impacts, and that these parties be fully
compensated by the consortium for the loss of value to their
property, including diminution in potential value of these properties
for future uses or development as a result of the proposal to establish
or the actual establishment of a nuclear waste repository."
Nora B. Stephens
Committee Chair
Voting: 6-3-2
3 HCR006.HC1 bbushman/MDA SCA/CA 9:59 AM
Bill Number