January 22, 1998
Mr. Speaker:
The Education Committee reports a favorable recommendation on H.J.R. 9, RESOLUTION ENCOURAGING SCHOOL BREAK FOR 2002 OLYMPICS, by
Representative G. Cox, with the following amendments:
1. Page 2, line 9: after "encourage" delete the remainder of line 9 and lines 10-11 and insert "the State Board of Education to provide flexibility in
the number of days school must be held during a week, or the
number of hours school must be held during a day in the
2001-2002 school year so that local boards of education can
structure school schedules which allow students to participate in
the Olympic Winter Games and still complete the fulfillment of all
education requirements."
Ron Bigelow
Vice Chairman
Voting: 9-0-3
3 HJR009.HC1 jholyoak/JWL ECM/JDH 10:53 AM
Bill Number