February 4, 1998
Mr. Speaker:
The Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Environment Committee reports a favorable recommendation on S.B. 11, TRANSPLANTS OF WILDLIFE, by Senator A. Myrin, with the following amendments:
1. Page 8, Line 1: After "species to" insert ": (i)"
2. Page 8, Line 2: After line 2 insert the following:
"(ii) the Resource Development Coordinating Committee created in Section 63-28a-2.
(3) After receiving comments from local government officials and
the Resource Development Coordinating Committee, the division
3. Page 8, Line 3: At the beginning of line 3 delete "(d)" and after "sites" insert ", or a revised list,"
Renumber remaining subsections accordingly.
Bradley T. Johnson
Committee Chair
Voting: 8-0-6
3 SB0011.HC1 bweeks/CSS JBL/CCS 10:27 AM
Bill Number