February 20, 1998

Mr. Speaker:

    The Transportation Committee reports a favorable recommendation on 1st Sub. S.B. 24, SNOWMOBILE SPECIAL LICENSE PLATES, by Senator J. Holmgren, with the following amendments:
1.    Page 6, Line 18,
    Goldenrod 2-11-98:    Delete "(i)"

2.    Page 6, Line 19a,
    Goldenrod 2-11-98:    After "to the division" insert "from restricted revenue in the Off-highway Vehicle Account in the General Fund"

3.    Page 6, Lines 19b-19c,
    Goldenrod 2-11-98:    Delete all of lines 19b and 19c


        Don E. Bush
        Committee Chair

Voting: 8-0-7
3 SB0024.HC1 bbushman/BNC DSL/BNC 6:19 PM

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