February 13, 1998
Mr. President:
The Revenue and Taxation Committee reports a favorable recommendation on S.B. 48, PAY-PER-VIEW BOXING TAX, by Senator P. Suazo, with the following amendments:
1. Page 1, Line 23: Delete "special revenue fund" and insert "restricted account in the General Fund"
2. Page 2, Line 7: After "50% of" delete "the" and insert "all"
3. Page 2, Line 10: After line 10 insert:
"(b) The costs of administering the fund may be deducted from the remaining fund monies after the distribution of fund monies required by Subsection (4)(a)."
4. Page 2, Line 11: Delete "(b)" and insert "(c)"
5. Page 2, Line 11: After "monies" insert "after the distributions set forth in Subsections 4(a) and 4(b)"
6. Page 3, Line 2: Delete "special revenue fund" and insert "restricted account"
Howard Nielson
Committee Chair
Voting: 3-2-4
3 SB0048.SC1 nwoodhea/OWA KMW/JBA 1:50 PM
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