H.B. 208

House Floor Amendments

February 12, 1998 8:08 AM

Representative Alexander proposes the following amendments:

1.    Page 9, Line 17:    Reinstate "Employment" and delete "Unemployment Insurance"

2.    Page 10, Line 12:    Reinstate "and the Legislature"

3.    Page 10, Line 13:    Bracket "and in" and insert:
        (i) reducing and preventing unemployment;
        (ii) encouraging the adoption of practical methods of vocational training, retraining, and vocational guidance;
        (iii) monitoring the implementation of the Wagner-Peyser Act;
        (iv) promoting the creation and development of job opportunities and the reemployment of unemployed workers throughout the state in every possible way; and
        (v) appraising the industrial potential of the state.
        (i) The council shall assure"

4.    Page 10, Line 14:    Bracket "those" and insert "the" and after "problems" insert "listed in Subsection (5)(h)"

         Renumber the remaining subsections accordingly.

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HB208001.3 Cloftis