H.B. 345

House Floor Amendments

February 18, 1998 2:33 PM

Representative Katherine Bryson proposes the following amendments:

1.    Page 5, Line 29:    Delete "official action" and insert "notarial act"

2.    Page 6, Lines 5-10:    Delete lines 5-10 and insert:
        "(1) A nonattorney notary may not provide advice or counsel to another person concerning legal documents or legal proceedings, including immigration matters."

3.    Page 6, Line 11:    Delete "(4)" and insert "(2)"

4.    Page 6, Lines 11-12:    Delete "by any means or in any language" and insert "in any language other than English"

5.    Page 6, Line 23:    Delete "(4)" and insert "(2)"

6.    Page 7, Line 3:    After "fee" insert ", not to exceed the approved federal mileage rate,"

7.    Page 9, Line 25:    Delete ", punishable upon conviction by a fine not exceeding $1,000"

8.    Page 10, Line 4:    After "misdemeanor" insert ", if not otherwise a criminal offense under this code,"

9.    Page 10, Line 4:    After "for" insert ": (a) a notary to perform an act in violation of Section 46-1-9; or (b)"

10.    Page 10, Line 4:    Delete "require" and insert "solicit"