1st Sub. S.B. 133

House Floor Amendments

March 4, 1998 5:23 PM

Representative Walsh proposes the following amendments:

1.    Page 5, Line 3:    After "(b)" delete "A county legislative body may not initiate the" and insert "The"

2.    Page 5, Line 4:    After "17-35a-202" insert "or 17-35a-203 may not be initiated" and after "approved" delete "or rejected"

3.    Page 5, Line 5:    After "optional plan" delete "proposed as a result of a process initiated by the county legislative body"

4.    Page 5, Lines 6-8:    Delete lines 6 through 8

5.    Page 5, Line 15:    After line 15 insert:

        "(5) The process to adopt an optional plan may not be initiated by registered voters under Section 17-35a-203 while another proceeding initiated by registered voters is pending."

6.    Page 9, Line 24:    After "any time" insert "before certification" and delete the remainder of line 24

7.    Page 9, Line 25:    Delete line 25