1st Sub. S.B. 180

House Floor Amendments

February 26, 1998 5:00 PM

Representative Jeff Alexander proposes the following amendments:

1.    Page 7, Line 1:    Delete "leading to a degree or certificate" and insert "that supports the mission of the institution"

2.    Page 7, Line 2:    Delete "one of"

3.    Page 7, Line 3:    Delete "exceptions" and insert "exception"

4.    Page 7, Line 3:    After "Subsection (3)" insert "(a)(v)"

5.    Page 7, Line 17:    After line 17 insert:
        "(6) The University of Utah Health Sciences Center and any of its departments, offices, divisions, or authorities are exempt from the provisions of this section."

6.    Page 7, Line 21:    Delete "any provision of this chapter" and insert "Subsection 63-95-104(2)"