TO: Members of the House Government Operations Standing Committee

FROM: Rep. Jordan Tanner, Chair

Rep. Margaret Dayton, Vice Chair

RE: Committee Meeting

DATE: Thursday, January 21, 1999

TIME: 2:00 PM

PLACE: Room 405 State Capitol

- Call to order and approval of minutes

- The following bills are scheduled for consideration:

1. HB0179 Political Party Amendments (L. Nelson)


2. HB0203 Operation and Maintenance Costs Set Aside for State Buildings (G. Adair)


3. HB0191 Utah Division of Indian Affairs Amendments (K. Johnson)


4. HB0229 State Olympic Coordination Amendments (J. Tanner)


5. HJR004 Resolution Changing State Election Cycle (D. Zolman)



Rep. Jordan Tanner, Chair

Rep. Margaret Dayton, Vice Chair

Rep. Afton B. Bradshaw

Rep. Perry L. Buckner

Rep. Neil Hansen

Rep. Neal B. Hendrickson

Rep. Dennis H. Iverson

Rep. Susan J. Koehn

Rep. Becky Lockhart

Rep. Marlon O. Snow

Speaker Martin R. Stephens

Rep. Bill Wright Committee Analyst: John Q. Cannon HGOC0121.AG

Committee Secretary: Louise Russell