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H.B. 79 Enrolled





Sponsor: Lawanna Shurtliff

                  David L. Gladwell
                  Jackie Biskupski
Karen W. Morgan
Patrice M. Arent

                  TECHNICAL CORRECTIONS.
                  This act affects sections of Utah Code Annotated 1953 as follows:
                      76-5-106.5, as last amended by Chapter 10, Laws of Utah 1997
                  Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
                      Section 1. Section 76-5-106.5 is amended to read:
                       76-5-106.5. Definitions -- Crime of stalking.
                      (1) As used in this section:
                      (a) "Course of conduct" means repeatedly maintaining a visual or physical proximity to
                  a person or repeatedly conveying verbal or written threats or threats implied by conduct or a
                  combination thereof directed at or toward a person.
                      (b) "Immediate family" means a spouse, parent, child, sibling, or any other person who
                  regularly resides in the household or who regularly resided in the household within the prior six
                      (c) "Repeatedly" means on two or more occasions.
                      (2) A person is guilty of stalking who:
                      (a) intentionally or knowingly engages in a course of conduct directed at a specific person
                  that would cause a reasonable person:
                      (i) to fear bodily injury to himself or a member of his immediate family; or
                      (ii) to suffer emotional distress to himself or a member of his immediate family;
                      (b) has knowledge or should have knowledge that the specific person:

                      (i) will be placed in reasonable fear of bodily injury to himself or a member of his immediate
                  family; or
                      (ii) will suffer emotional distress or a member of his immediate family will suffer emotional
                  distress; and
                      (c) whose conduct:
                      (i) induces fear in the specific person of bodily injury to himself or a member of his
                  immediate family; or
                      (ii) causes emotional distress in the specific person or a member of his immediate family.
                      (3) A person is also guilty of stalking who intentionally or knowingly violates a stalking
                  injunction issued pursuant to Title 77, Chapter 3a, Stalking Injunctions, or intentionally or                   knowingly
                  violates a permanent criminal stalking injunction issued pursuant to this section.
                      [(3)] (4) Stalking is a class [B] A misdemeanor[.]:
                      (a) upon the offender's first violation of Subsection (2); or
                      (b) if the offender violated a stalking injunction issued pursuant to Title 77, Chapter 3a,
                  Stalking Injunction.
                      [(4)] (5) Stalking is a [class A misdemeanor] third degree felony if the offender:
                      (a) has been previously convicted of an offense of stalking;
                      (b) has been convicted in another jurisdiction of an offense that is substantially similar to
                  the offense of stalking; [or]
                      (c) has been previously convicted of any felony offense in Utah or of any crime in another
                  jurisdiction which if committed in Utah would be a felony, in which the victim of the stalking or a
                  member of the victim's immediate family was also a victim of the previous felony offense; or
                      (d) violated a permanent criminal stalking injunction issued pursuant to Subsection (7).
                      [(5)] (6) Stalking is a felony of the [third] second degree if the offender:
                      (a) used a dangerous weapon as defined in Section 76-1-601 [under circumstances not
                  amounting to a violation of Subsection 76-5-103 (1)(a),] or used other means or force likely to
                  produce death or serious bodily injury, in the commission of the crime of stalking;
                      (b) has been previously convicted two or more times of the offense of stalking;

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                      (c) has been convicted two or more times in another jurisdiction or jurisdictions of offenses
                  that are substantially similar to the offense of stalking;
                      (d) has been convicted two or more times, in any combination, of offenses under Subsections
                  (5)[(b) and (c)]; or
                      (e) has been previously convicted two or more times of felony offenses in Utah or of crimes
                  in another jurisdiction or jurisdictions which, if committed in Utah, would be felonies, in which the
                  victim of the stalking was also a victim of the previous felony offenses.
                      (7) A conviction for stalking or a plea accepted by the court and held in abeyance for a
                  period of time shall operate as an application for a permanent criminal stalking injunction limiting
                  the contact of the defendant and the victim.
                      (a) A permanent criminal stalking injunction shall be issued without a hearing unless the
                  defendant requests a hearing at the time of the verdict, finding, or plea of guilty, guilty and mentally
                  ill, plea of no contest, or acceptance of plea in abeyance. The court shall give the defendant notice
                  of his right to request a hearing.
                      (i) If the defendant requests a hearing, it shall be held at the time of the verdict, finding, or
                  plea of guilty, guilty and mentally ill, plea of no contest, or acceptance of plea in abeyance unless
                  the victim requests otherwise, or for good cause.
                      (ii) If the verdict, finding, or plea of guilty, guilty and mentally ill, plea of no contest, or
                  acceptance of plea in abeyance was entered in a justice court, a certified copy of the judgment and
                  conviction or a certified copy of the court's order holding the plea in abeyance must be filed by the
                  victim in the district court as an application and request for hearing for a permanent criminal stalking
                      (b) A permanent criminal stalking injunction may grant the following relief:
                      (i) an order restraining the defendant from entering the residence, property, school, or place
                  of employment of the victim and requiring the defendant to stay away from the victim and members
                  of the victim's immediate family or household and to stay away from any specified place that is
                  named in the order and is frequented regularly by the victim; and
                      (ii) an order restraining the defendant from making contact with the victim, including an

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                  order forbidding the defendant from personally or through an agent initiating any communication
                  likely to cause annoyance or alarm, including personal, written, or telephone contact with the victim,
                  the victim's employers, employees, fellow workers, or others with whom communication would be
                  likely to cause annoyance or alarm to the victim.
                      (c) A permanent criminal stalking injunction may be dissolved upon application of the
                  victim to the court which granted the order.
                      (d) Notice of permanent criminal stalking injunctions issued pursuant to this section shall
                  be sent by the court to the statewide warrants network or similar system.
                      (e) A permanent criminal stalking injunction issued pursuant to this section shall be effective
                      (f) Violation of an injunction issued pursuant to this section shall constitute an offense of
                  stalking. Violations may be enforced in a civil action initiated by the stalking victim, a criminal
                  action initiated by a prosecuting attorney, or both.
                      (g) Nothing in this section shall preclude the filing of a criminal information for stalking
                  based on the same act which is the basis for the violation of the stalking injunction issued pursuant
                  to Title 77, Chapter 3a, Stalking Injunctions, or permanent criminal stalking injunction.

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