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H.J.R. 12
10 Be it resolved by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
11 WHEREAS, good health is a basic right for every citizen of the world and access to the
12 highest standards of health information and services is necessary to help guarantee this right;
13 WHEREAS, direct and unobstructed participation in international health cooperation forms
14 and programs is therefore crucial, especially with today's greater potential for the cross-border
15 spread of various infectious diseases through increased trade and travel;
16 WHEREAS, the World Health Organization set forth in the first chapter of its charter the
17 objective of attaining the highest possible level of health for all people;
18 WHEREAS, in 1977 the World Health Organization established "Health for all by the year
19 2000" as its overriding priority and reaffirmed that central vision with the initiation of its 'Health
20 for All' renewal process in 1995;
21 WHEREAS, Taiwan's population of 21 million people is larger than that of 3/4 of the
22 member states already in the World Health Organization and shares the noble goals of the
23 organization;
24 WHEREAS, Taiwan's achievements in the field of health are substantial, including one of
25 the highest life expectancy levels in Asia, maternal and infant mortality rates comparable to those
26 of western countries, the eradication of such infectious diseases as cholera, smallpox, and the
27 plague, the first country in the world to provide children with free hepatitis B vaccinations;
28 WHEREAS, prior to 1972 and its loss of membership in the World Health Organization,
29 Taiwan sent specialists to serve in other member countries on countless health projects and its
30 health experts held key positions in the organization, all to the benefit of the entire Pacific region;
31 WHEREAS, Taiwan is not allowed to participate in any World Health
32 Organization-organized forums and workshops concerning the latest technologies in the diagnosis,
33 monitoring, and control of diseases;
34 WHEREAS, in recent years both the Taiwanese Government and individual Taiwanese
35 experts have expressed a willingness to assist financially or technically in World Health
36 Organization-supported international aid and health activities, but have ultimately been unable to
37 render such assistance;
38 WHEREAS, according to the constitutions of the World Health Organization, Taiwan does
39 not fulfill the criteria for membership;
40 WHEREAS, the World Health Organization does allow observers to participate in the
41 activities of the organization; and
42 WHEREAS, in light of all of the benefits that such participation could bring to the state
43 of health not only in Taiwan, but also regionally and globally:
44 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Legislature of the state of Utah urge the
45 Clinton Administration to support Taiwan and its 21 million people in obtaining appropriate and
46 meaningful participation in the World Health Organization.
47 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that United States policy should include the pursuit of
48 some initiative in the World Health Organization which will give Taiwan meaningful participation
49 in a manner that is consistent with such organization's requirements.
50 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be sent to the President of the
51 United States, the United States Secretary of State, the Secretary of Health, Education, and
52 Welfare, the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, the members of Utah's
53 congressional delegation, the Government of Taiwan, and the World Health Organization.
Legislative Review Note
as of 2-11-99 12:00 PM
A limited legal review of this legislation raises no obvious constitutional or statutory concerns.