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S.B. 94





Sponsor: Peter C. Knudson

             8      This act affects sections of Utah Code Annotated 1953 as follows:
             9      AMENDS:
             10          58-17a-102, as enacted by Chapter 247, Laws of Utah 1996
             10a           S 58-17a-502, as enacted by Chapter 247, Laws of Utah 1996 s
             11      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             12          Section 1. Section 58-17a-102 is amended to read:
             13           58-17a-102. Definitions.
             14          In addition to the definitions in Section 58-1-102 , as used in this chapter:
             15          (1) "Administering" means:
             16          (a) the direct application of a prescription drug or device, whether by injection, inhalation,
             17      ingestion, or by any other means, to the body of a human patient or research subject by another
             18      person; or
             19          (b) the placement by a veterinarian with the owner or caretaker of an animal or group of
             20      animals of a prescription drug for the purpose of injection, inhalation, ingestion, or any other
             21      means directed to the body of the animal by the owner or caretaker in accordance with written
             22      directions of the veterinarian.
             23          (2) "Analytical laboratory":
             24          (a) means a facility in possession of prescription drugs for the purpose of analysis; and
             25          (b) does not include a laboratory possessing prescription drugs used as standards and
             26      controls in performing drug monitoring or drug screening analysis if the prescription drugs are
             27      prediluted in a human or animal body fluid, human or animal body fluid components, organic

             28      solvents, or inorganic buffers at a concentration not exceeding one milligram per milliliter when
             29      labeled or otherwise designated as being for in-vitro diagnostic use.
             30          (3) "Animal euthanasia agency" means an agency performing euthanasia on animals by
             31      the use of prescription drugs.
             32          (4) "Board" means the State Board of Pharmacy created in Section 58-17a-201 .
             33          (5) "Branch pharmacy" means a drug outlet or other facility in a rural or medically
             34      underserved area, used for the storage and dispensing of prescription drugs, which is dependent
             35      upon, stocked by, and supervised by a pharmacist in another licensed pharmacy designated and
             36      approved by the division as the parent pharmacy.
             37          (6) "Compounding":
             38          (a) means the preparation, mixing, assembling, packaging, or labeling of reasonable
             39      quantities of a prescription drug or device by a licensed pharmacist or pharmacy intern upon
             40      receipt of a valid prescription or medication order from a practitioner for an individually identified
             41      patient;
             42          (b) includes preparation, mixing, assembling, packaging, or labeling of reasonable
             43      quantities of a prescription drug for the purpose of, or incidental to research, teaching, or chemical
             44      analysis on the condition the prescription drug is not offered for sale or dispensing;
             45          (c) includes the preparation of a reasonable quantity of a prescription drug by a licensed
             46      pharmacist or pharmacy intern in anticipation of a valid prescription or medication order to be
             47      dispensed or administered to a patient based on routine, regularly observed prescribing patterns
             48      of a practitioner; and
             49          (d) does not include the preparation of prescription drugs by a pharmacist or pharmacy
             50      intern for sale to another pharmacist, drug outlet, or the preparation by a pharmacist or pharmacy
             51      intern of any prescription drug in a dosage form which is regularly and commonly available from
             52      a manufacturer in quantities and strengths prescribed by a practitioner.
             53          (7) "Controlled substance" has the same definition as in Section 58-37-2 .
             54          (8) "Device" means an instrument, apparatus, implement, machine, contrivance, implant,
             55      in-vitro reagent, or other similar or related article, including any component part or accessory,
             56      which is required under federal or state law to be prescribed by a practitioner and dispensed by a
             57      pharmacist or pharmacy intern.
             58          (9) "Dispense" means to prepare and deliver a prescription drug or device or

             59      nonprescription drug or device under a lawful order of a practitioner in a suitable container
             60      appropriately labeled for subsequent administration to or use by a patient, research subject, an
             61      animal, or other individual entitled to receive the prescription drug or device.
             62          (10) "Distribute" means to deliver a drug or device other than by administering or
             63      dispensing.
             64          (11) "Drug" or "drugs" means a prescription drug as defined in this chapter.
             65          (12) "Drug outlet" means any person, other than an individual licensed as a pharmacist,
             66      pharmacy technician, or pharmacy intern, who engages in dispensing, delivering, distributing,
             67      manufacturing, or wholesaling prescription drugs or devices within or into this state.
             68          (13) "Drug product equivalent" means a drug product that is designated the therapeutic
             69      equivalent of another drug product in the Approved Drug Products with Therapeutic Equivalence
             70      Evaluations prepared by the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research of the Federal Food and
             71      Drug Administration.
             72          (14) "Drug sample" means a prescription drug packaged in small quantities consistent with
             73      limited dosage therapy of the particular drug, which is marked "sample," is not intended to be sold,
             74      and is intended to be provided to practitioners for the immediate needs of patients for trial
             75      purposes or to provide the drug to the patient until a prescription can be filled by the patient.
             76          (15) "Extern" means a college of pharmacy student enrolled in a college coordinated
             77      practical experience program in a licensed pharmacy under the supervision of a preceptor, as
             78      defined in Subsection (45), and approved by the college of pharmacy.
             79          (16) "Filling" or "refilling" have same meaning as dispense.
             80          (17) "General supervision" means the supervising pharmacist is in the pharmacy or the
             81      facility in which the pharmacy is located and is available for immediate oral contact with the
             82      supervised pharmacy technician or pharmacy intern.
             83          (18) "Hospital pharmacy" means a drug outlet providing pharmaceutical service to
             84      inpatients of a general acute hospital or specialty hospital licensed by the Department of Health
             85      under Title 26, Chapter 21, Health Care Facility [Licensure] Licensing and Inspection Act.
             86          (19) "Institutional pharmacy":
             87          (a) means a drug outlet providing pharmaceutical service to a defined and exclusive group
             88      of patients who have access to the services of the pharmacy because they are treated by or have an
             89      affiliation with a specific entity including health maintenance organizations and infusion

             90      companies; and
             91          (b) does not include hospital pharmacies, drug outlets engaged in retail sales of
             92      prescription drugs and devices to the general public, or the offices of practitioners.
             93          (20) "Labeling" means the process of preparing and affixing a label to the container of any
             94      drug or device, exclusive of the labeling by a manufacturer, packer, or distributor of a
             95      nonprescription drug or commercially packaged legend drug or device. Any label shall include
             96      all information required by federal and state law or rule.
             97          (21) "Licensee" means any person to whom a license has been granted under this chapter.
             98          (22) "Manufacture":
             99          (a) means the production, preparation, propagation, compounding, conversion, or
             100      processing of a prescription drug or a device, either directly or indirectly by extraction from
             101      substances of natural origin or independently by means of chemical synthesis or by a combination
             102      of extraction and chemical synthesis and includes any packaging or repackaging of a substance or
             103      labeling or relabeling of its container; and
             104          (b) does not include the preparation or compounding of a noncontrolled substance drug
             105      by an individual for that individual's own use or the preparation, compounding, packaging, or
             106      labeling of a drug:
             107          (i) by a pharmacist, pharmacy intern, or practitioner incident to administering or
             108      dispensing of a drug in the course of professional practice; or
             109          (ii) by a practitioner or by that practitioner's authorization under supervision for the
             110      purpose of or incident to research, teaching, or chemical analysis and not for sale.
             111          (23) "Medication profile" or "profile" means a record system maintained as to drugs or
             112      devices prescribed for a pharmacy patient to enable a pharmacist, or pharmacy intern to analyze
             113      for potential harmful or dangerous interactions, or other factors, or other drugs or devices
             114      prescribed for the patient.
             115          (24) "Nonprescription drugs" means medicines or drugs which may be sold without a
             116      prescription and which are prepackaged for use by the consumer and labeled in accordance with
             117      the requirements of the statutes and rules of this state and of the federal government.
             118          (25) "Nuclear pharmacy" means a drug outlet providing radiopharmaceutical service.
             119          (26) "Out-of-state mail service pharmacy" means a drug outlet located outside the state
             120      that:

             121          (a) ships, mails, or delivers by any lawful means a dispensed legend drug to a resident in
             122      this state pursuant to a legally issued prescription;
             123          (b) provides information to a resident of this state on drugs or devices which may include,
             124      but is not limited to, advice relating to therapeutic values, potential hazards, and uses; or
             125          (c) counsels pharmacy patients residing in this state concerning adverse and therapeutic
             126      effects of drugs.
             127          (27) "Person" means an individual, corporation, partnership, association, or any other legal
             128      entity.
             129          (28) "Pharmaceutical administration facility" means a health care facility or agency,
             130      including birthing centers, ambulatory surgical facilities, abortion clinics, home health agencies,
             131      hospices, nursing care facilities, end stage renal disease facilities, and penal institutions in which:
             132          (a) a licensed drug outlet is not located;
             133          (b) prescription drugs are held, stored, or are otherwise under the control of the facility or
             134      agency for administration to patients of that facility or agency;
             135          (c) prescription drugs are dispensed to the facility or agency by a licensed pharmacist or
             136      pharmacy intern with whom the facility has established a prescription drug supervising relationship
             137      under which the pharmacist or pharmacy intern provides counseling to the facility or agency staff
             138      as required, and oversees drug control, accounting, and destruction; and
             139          (d) prescription drugs are professionally administered in accordance with the order of a
             140      practitioner by an employee or agent of the facility or agency.
             141          (29) (a) "Pharmaceutical care" means carrying out the following in collaboration with a
             142      prescribing practitioner, and in accordance with division rule:
             143          (i) designing, implementing, and monitoring a therapeutic drug plan intended to achieve
             144      favorable outcomes related to a specific patient for the purpose of curing or preventing the patient's
             145      disease;
             146          (ii) eliminating or reducing a patient's symptoms; or
             147          (iii) arresting or slowing a disease process.
             148          (b) "Pharmaceutical care" does not include prescribing of drugs without consent of a
             149      prescribing practitioner.
             150          (30) "Pharmaceutical dog trainer" means a person who is employed by or under contract
             151      to a law enforcement agency who uses prescription drugs for the purpose of training dogs in the

             152      detection of prescription drugs.
             153          (31) "Pharmaceutical manufacturer" means a person engaged in the manufacture of
             154      prescription drugs or devices.
             155          (32) "Pharmaceutical researcher" means a person who is engaged in conducting scientific
             156      research regarding drugs and their use in accordance with standard research protocols and
             157      techniques, who maintains competent documentation with respect to the research, and who uses
             158      prescription drugs in the conduct of the research.
             159          (33) "Pharmaceutical teaching organization" means an accredited school of pharmacy
             160      within the state, or a school or program meeting the requirements established in accordance with
             161      Subsection 58-17a-302 (4) providing education for pharmacy technicians within the state.
             162          (34) "Pharmaceutical wholesaler/distributor":
             163          (a) means a drug outlet engaged in the business of wholesale vending or selling of any
             164      prescription drug or device to other than the consumer or user of the prescription drug or device,
             165      which the drug outlet has not produced, manufactured, compounded, or dispensed; and
             166          (b) does not include a drug outlet carrying out the following business activities:
             167          (i) intracompany sales;
             168          (ii) the sale, purchase, or trade of a prescription drug or device, or offer to sell, purchase,
             169      or trade a prescription drug or device between hospitals or other health care facilities that are under
             170      common ownership or control of the management and operation of the facilities;
             171          (iii) the sale, purchase, or trade of a prescription drug or device, or offer to sell, purchase,
             172      or trade a prescription drug or device for emergency medical reasons, or to supply another drug
             173      outlet to alleviate a temporary shortage; or
             174          (iv) the distribution of a prescription drug or device as a sample by representatives of a
             175      manufacturer.
             176          (35) "Pharmacist" means an individual licensed by this state to engage in the practice of
             177      pharmacy.
             178          (36) "Pharmacy" means a facility or location where the practice of pharmacy is carried out.
             179          (37) "Pharmacy intern" means an individual licensed by this state to engage in practice as
             180      a pharmacy intern.
             181          (38) "Pharmacy patient" or "patient" means an individual for whom a practitioner has
             182      prescribed a drug or device which is to be administered to or taken or used by that individual or

             183      an animal.
             184          (39) "Pharmacy technician" means an individual licensed by this state to engage in practice
             185      as a pharmacy technician.
             186          (40) "Physician" means an individual licensed by this state to engage in the practice of
             187      medicine.
             188          (41) "Practice as a pharmacy intern" means engaging in the practice of pharmacy under
             189      the general supervision of a licensed pharmacist approved by the division in collaboration with the
             190      board and in accordance with a scope of practice as defined by division rule made in collaboration
             191      with the board.
             192          (42) "Practice as a pharmacy technician":
             193          (a) means engaging in practice as a pharmacy technician under the general supervision of
             194      a licensed pharmacist and in accordance with a scope of practice as defined by division rule made
             195      in collaboration with the board; and
             196          (b) does not include performing a final review of the prescription and prescribed drug
             197      prepared for dispensing, dispensing of the drug, or counseling a patient with respect to a
             198      prescription drug or nonprescription drug.
             199          (43) "Practice of pharmacy" includes any of the following:
             200          (a) interpreting prescription orders;
             201          (b) compounding, packaging, labeling, dispensing, administering, and the coincident
             202      distribution of prescription drugs and devices S , PROVIDED THAT THE ADMINISTRATION OF A
             202a      PRESCRIPTION DRUG OR DEVICE IS:
             202c      LAW; AND
             202j      PHARMACIST h ;
             203          (c) participating in drug utilization review;
             204          (d) ensuring proper and safe storage of drugs and devices;
             205          (e) maintaining records of drugs and devices in accordance with state and federal law and
             206      the standards and ethics of the profession;
             207          (f) providing information on drugs or devices, which may include advice relating to
             208      therapeutic values, potential hazards, and uses;
             209          (g) providing drug product equivalents;
             210          (h) supervising pharmacist's supportive personnel, pharmacy interns, and pharmacy
             211      technicians;
             212          (i) providing patient counseling, including adverse and therapeutic effects of drugs; and
             213          (j) providing pharmaceutical care.
             214          (44) "Practitioner" means any person licensed by the state to prescribe drugs, medications,
             215      or devices dispensed by prescription only.
             216          (45) "Preceptor" means a licensed pharmacist approved by the division in collaboration
             217      with the board to serve as a teacher, example of professional conduct, and supervisor of interns and
             218      externs in the professional practice of pharmacy.
             219          (46) "Prescription" means an order issued by a licensed practitioner, in the course of that
             220      practitioner's professional practice, for a controlled substance, other prescription drug or device
             221      with the intent the prescription drug or device will be used by a patient or an animal. The order
             222      may be issued by word of mouth, written document, telephone, facsimile transmission, computer,
             223      or other electronic means of communication as defined by division rule.
             224          (47) "Prescription drug or device" or "legend drug or device" means:
             225          (a) a drug or device which, under federal law, is required to be labeled with either of the
             226      following statements or their equivalent:
             227          (i) "CAUTION: Federal law prohibits dispensing without prescription"; or
             228          (ii) "CAUTION: Federal law restricts this drug to use by or on the order of a licensed
             229      veterinarian"; or
             230          (b) a drug or device that is required by any applicable federal or state law or rule to be
             231      dispensed on prescription only or is restricted to use by practitioners only.
             232          (48) "Prescription drug or device order" means a lawful written or oral order of a
             233      practitioner for a prescription drug or device for use in humans or animals.
             234          (49) "Retail pharmacy" means a drug outlet dispensing prescription drugs and devices to
             235      the general public.
             236          (50) "Supportive personnel" means unlicensed individuals who:
             237          (a) may assist a pharmacist, pharmacy intern, or pharmacy technician in nonjudgmental
             238      duties not included in the definition of the practice of pharmacy, and as those duties may be further
             239      defined by division rule made in collaboration with the board; and
             240          (b) are supervised by a pharmacist in accordance with rules made by the division in
             241      collaboration with the board.
             242          (51) "Unlawful conduct" is as defined in Sections 58-1-501 and 58-17a-501 .
             243          (52) "Unprofessional conduct" is as defined in Sections 58-1-501 and 58-17a-502 , and as
             244      may be further defined by rule.

             245          (53) "Veterinary pharmaceutical outlet" means a drug outlet dispensing veterinary
             246      prescription drugs.
             246a           S Section 2. Section 58-17a-502 is amended to read:
             246b          58-17a-502. Unprofessional conduct.
             246c          "Unprofessional conduct" includes:
             246d          (1) willfully deceiving or attempting to deceive the division, the board, or their agents as to
             246e      any relevant matter regarding compliance under this chapter;
             246f          (2) (a) paying rebates to practitioners or any other health care providers, or entering into any
             246g      agreement with a medical practitioner or any other person for the payment or acceptance of
             246h      compensation or its economic equivalent for recommending of the professional services of either
             246i      party, except as allowed under Subsection (2)(b); and
             246j          (b) price discounts conditional upon volume purchases are not prohibited under Subsection
             246k      (2)(a);
             246l          (3) misbranding or adulteration of any drug or device or the sale, distribution, or dispensing of
             246m      any misbranded or adulterated drug or device;
             246n          (4) engaging in the sale or purchase of drugs or devices that are samples or packages bearing
             246o      the inscription "sample" or "not for resale" or similar words or phrases;
             246p          (5) accepting back and redistributing of any unused drug, or a part of it, after it has left the
             246q      premises of any pharmacy, unless the drug is in the original sealed unit dose package or
             246r      manufacturer's sealed container;
             246s          (6) being employed as a pharmacist, pharmacy intern, or pharmacy technician, or sharing or
             246t      receiving compensation in any form arising out of an act incidental to professional activities in the
             246u      course of which any person requires him to engage in any aspects of the practice of pharmacy in
             246v      violation of this chapter;
             246w          (7) violation of Federal Title II, P.L. 91, Controlled Substances Act, or Title 58, Chapter 37,
             246x      Utah Controlled Substances Act, or rules and regulations adopted under either of them; [and]
             246y          (8) requiring or permitting pharmacy interns or technicians to engage in activities outside the
             246z      scope of practice for their respective license classifications as defined in this chapter and division
             246aa      rules made in collaboration with the board, or beyond an individual's scope of training and ability[.];
             246ab      AND
             246ac          (9) ADMINISTERING WITHOUT:
             246ad          (a) APPROPRIATE TRAINING AS DEFINED BY RULE;
             246af      SUCH GUIDELINES OR PROTOCOLS; OR
             246ag          (c) A LAWFUL ORDER, WHEN ONE IS REQUIRED BY LAW. s

Legislative Review Note
    as of 1-19-99 9:46 AM

A limited legal review of this legislation raises no obvious constitutional or statutory concerns.

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

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