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S.B. 1



Sponsor: David Steele

    Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Utah:
Section 1. Under the terms and conditions of Section 63-38-3, the following sums of money are appropriated out of money not otherwise appropriated from the funds or fund accounts indicated for the use and support of certain State departments and agencies for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1998 and ending June 30, 1999. This is in addition to amounts appropriated by Chapter 394, Laws of Utah 1998.
ITEM    1    To State Treasurer
        From Trust Fund - Unclaimed Property Trust Fund              75,000
        Schedule of Programs:
            Unclaimed Property         75,000
ITEM    2    To Office of the Attorney General - Anti-Trust
        From Anti-Trust Revolving Fund              50,000
        Schedule of Programs:    
            Anti-Trust             50,000
ITEM    3    To Department of Human Services - Division of Youth Corrections
        From Revenue Transfers - UCCJJ              300,000
        Schedule of Programs:
            Grant Monitoring         25,000
            Out-of-State Placements         75,000
            Electronic Monitoring/Home Confinement         200,000
                    It is the intent of the Legislature that these funds be nonlapsing.

ITEM    4    To Department of Corrections - Institutional Operations
        From General Funds              146,800
        Schedule of Programs:
            800 MHz Conversion         146,800
                    It is the intent of the Legislature that funds provided for 800 MHz conversion in FY 1999 be nonlapsing and that those funds not used to pay service charges be used to purchase radio equipment.
                    It is the intent of the Legislature that $4.1 million of the funds identified in line 28, Senate Bill 1, 1998 General Session be nonlapsing for the operation of VOITIS facility at Draper Prison.
ITEM    5    To Department of Corrections
                    Under the terms of UCA 63-38-8.1 (UCA), the Legislature intends not to lapse Items 26, 27, and 30, Chapter 394, Laws of Utah 1998. Expenditure of these funds is limited to:
                Line 26: Administration:
                    Computers    $100,000
                    Office equipment and supplies    25,000
                    Capital improvements    25,000
                    Communication equipment    225,000
                    Total    $375,000
                Line 27: Field Operations:
                    Computers    $450,000
                    Security equipment and supplies    450,000
                    Capital improvements    200,000
                    Communication equipment    600,000
                    Total    $1,700,000
                Line 30: Medical:
                    Computers    $280,000
                    Medication    250,000
                    Capital improvements    250,000
                    Communication equipment    80,000
                    Total    $860,000
ITEM    6    To Department of Corrections - Institutional Operations
        From General Fund              (222,000)
        Schedule of Programs:
            One-time Rent Savings         (222,000)
ITEM    7    To Judicial Council/State Court Administrator
        From Revenue Transfers - UCCJJ              943,400
        Schedule of Programs:
            Data Processing         450,000
            Pro-Tem Judges         133,000
            Juvenile Justice Block Grant         360,400
ITEM    8    To Judicial Council/State Court Administrator
                    Under the terms of UCA 63-38-8.1, the Legislature intends not to lapse Item 35, Chapter 394, Laws of Utah 1998. Expenditure of these funds is limited to:
                    Data Processing    $350,000
                    Capital Outlay    200,000
                    One-time contracts    200,000
                    Total    $750,000
ITEM    9    To Judicial Council/State Court Administrator
                    Under the terms of UCA 63-38-8.1, the Legislature intends not to lapse Item 39, Chapter 394, Laws of Utah 1998.
ITEM    10    To Judicial Council/State Court Administrator - Contracts and Leases
        From General Fund Restricted - State Court Complex Account              150,000
        Schedule of Programs:
            Contracts and Leases         150,000
                    It is the intent of the Legislature that funds appropriated for Contracts and Leases shall be nonlapsing and shall be used for data processing equipment and technology improvement in the Judiciary.
ITEM    11    To Judicial Council/State Court Administrator - Contracts and Leases
        From General Fund              (809,700)
        Schedule of Programs:
            One-time rent savings         (809,700)
ITEM    12    To Department of Public Safety - Driver License Division
        From Transportation Restricted - Public Safety Restricted              100,000
        Schedule of Programs:
            Digitized Driver License        100,000
                    It is the intent of the Legislature that funds for the HP-UNIX System be nonlaspsing

ITEM    13    To Department of Public Safety - Utah Highway Patrol
        From General Fund              203,100
        From Dedicated Credits Revenue              429,000
        Schedule of Programs:
            Intoxilyzers             109,000
            Safety Inspection         320,000
            800 MHz Conversion         203,100     
                    It is the intent of the Legislature that funds provided for 800 MHz conversion in FY 1999 be nonlapsing and that those funds not used to pay service charges be used to purchase radio equipment.
ITEM    14    To Department of Public Safety - Comprehensive Emergency Management
        From General Fund              13,400
        Schedule of Programs:
            800 MHz Conversion         13,400
                    It is the intent of the Legislature that funds provided for 800 MHz conversion in FY 1999 be nonlapsing and that those funds not used to pay service charges be used to purchase radio equipment.
ITEM    15    To Department of Public Safety - State Fire Marshal
        From General Fund Restricted - Fire Academy Support Account              100,000
        Schedule of Programs:
            Life Safety Trailers         100,000
ITEM    16    To Department of Administrative Services - Division of Finance - Mandated
        From General Fund              4,000,000
        From Uniform School Fund              3,500,000
        From Federal Funds              1,019,700
        From Commerce Service Fund              330,000
        Schedule of Programs:
            Year 2000 Mitigation         8,849,700
                    It is the intent of the Legislature that funds for statewide Year 2000 Mitigation are nonlapsing and shall be allocated among State agencies and institutions of higher education only for remediation of problems related to two-digit date fields in computing devices as directed by the State's Chief Information Officer and the Executive Director's Office within the Department of Administrative Services.

ITEM    17    To Department of Administrative Services - Division of Finance - Mandated
        From Indigent Felony Trust Fund              (104,000)
        To    Indigent Inmate Trust Fund              104,000
ITEM    18    To Department of Administrative Services - Risk Management
        From Risk Management Fund              (801,100)
        To General Fund                  659,200
        To Uniform School Fund              53,500
        To Transportation Fund              88,400
                    It is the intent of the Legislature that the appropriation come from retained earnings related to the Workers Compensation portion of the Risk Management Fund. It is further the intent of the Legislature that the federal share of retained earnings appropriated be paid to the federal government as required by federal cost allocation regulation. The federal share shall be paid from the appropriation to the General Fund.
ITEM    19    To Department of Administrative Services - Executive Director's Office -
            Fuel Mitigation
        From General Fund              537,600
        From Uniform School Fund              134,400
        Schedule of Programs:
            Fuel Mitigation         672,000
                    It is the intent of the Legislature that funds for Fuel Mitigation are nonlapsing.
ITEM    20    To Board of Bonding Commissioners - Debt Service
        From Centennial Highway Fund              10,091,700
        Schedule of Programs:
            General Obligation Interest         10,091,700
ITEM    21    To Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control
        From Liquor Control Fund              157,000         Schedule of Programs:
            Stores and Agencies         157,000
                    Under the terms of UCA 63-38-8.1, the Legislature intends not to lapse Item 76 Chapter 394, Laws of Utah 1998. Expenditure of these funds is limited to:
                    Stores and Agencies - Maintenance
                    and Capital Equipment    $100,000
ITEM    22    To Department of Commerce
        From General Fund Restricted - Commerce Service Fund              19,000
        From General Fund Restricted - Nurses Education
            and Enforcement Fund              10,000
        From General Fund Restricted - Factory Built Housing
            Fees Account              104,400
        Schedule of Programs:
            Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing         133,400
                    Under the terms of UCA 63-38-8.1, the Legislature intends not to lapse Item 77, Chapter 394, Laws of Utah 1998. Expenditure of these funds is limited to:
                    Computer Equipment and Software    $300,000
ITEM    23    To Insurance Department
        From General Fund Restricted - Bail Bond Surety
            Administration Account              15,000
        Schedule of Programs:
            Bail Bond Program         15,000
                    Under the terms of UCA 63-38-8.1, the Legislature intends not to lapse Item 84, Chapter 394, Laws of Utah 1998. Expenditure of these funds is limited to:
                    Data Processing Equipment,
                    Software and Training     $75,000
ITEM    24    To Labor Commission
                    It is the intent of the Legislature to allow the Labor Commission to make fees received from sponsoring and holding seminars as nonlapsing funds, allowing the agency to continue offering yearly training seminars using the funds collected from fees instead of using General Fund money.
                    Under the terms of UCA 63-38-8.1, the Legislature intends not to lapse Item 94, Chapter 394, Laws of Utah 1998. Expenditure of these funds is limited to:
                    Data Processing Equipment, Software    
                        and Copy Machine    $50,000
ITEM    25    To Public Service Commission
                    Under the terms of UCA 63-38-8.1, the Legislature intends not to lapse Item 86, Chapter 394, Laws of Utah 1998. Expenditure of these funds is limited to:
                    Data Processing Equipment    $35,000
                    Training and Employee Incentives    5,000
                    Capital Equipment and Improvements    10,000
ITEM    26    To Utah State Tax Commission
        From General Fund              (23,200)
        Schedule of Programs:
            Customer Service Division         (23,200)
                    It is the intent of the Legislature that the Utah State Tax Commission carry forward unexpended year end balances during the term of the UTAX project for costs directly related to UTAX, and that funding availability is contingent upon the Utah State Tax Commission demonstrating to the Executive Appropriations Committee three consecutive months of observed positive net monthly benefits when compared with agreed upon benchmark revenue projections as a result of the Computer Assisted Collection System for Government module.
                    It is the intent of the Legislature to appropriate funding to the Utah State Tax Commission for the UTAX project, from the collection of out-sourced accounts receivables. The appropriation will be limited to the amount of funds recovered not to exceed $6,600,000.
                    It is the intent of the Legislature that the Utah State Tax Commission may only use the appropriation from out-sourced accounts receivable up to the amount actually collected.
ITEM    27    To Department of Workforce Services
        From General Fund              1,500,000
        From Federal Funds              1,000,000
        Schedule of Programs:
            General Assistance         500,000
            Regional Administration - Food Stamp Program         2,000,000
                    It is the intent of the Legislature that these funds be nonlapsing.
ITEM    28    To Department of Community and Economic Development -
            Business and Economic Development
        From General Fund              70,000
        Schedule of Programs:
            Administration - Atlas Tailings Task Force         20,000
            Local Economic Development Initiatives         50,000
                    It is the intent of the Legislature that the Division of Business and Economic Development use remaining Defense Conversion funds for other job training programs and promotional opportunities.
ITEM    29    To Department of Community and Economic Development -
            Special Initiatives
        From General Fund              (20,000)
        Schedule of Programs
            Salt Lake County Parks         (20,000)
ITEM    30    To Department of Community and Economic Development -
            Special Initiatives
                    It is the intent of the Legislature that these funds are nonlapsing.
ITEM    31    To Department of Community and Economic Development -
        From General Fund              (50,000)
        Schedule of Programs:
            Executive - Moving Expense         (50,000)
ITEM    32    To Career Service Review Board
        From General Fund              15,000
        Schedule of Programs:
            Career Service Review Board         15,000
ITEM    33    To Department of Community and Economic Development -
            State History
                    It is the intent of the Legislature that the Utah Centennial Writing Program be completed by June 30, 1999. All remaining project funds shall lapse to the General Fund.
ITEM    34    To Department of Community and Economic Development -
            Industrial Assistance Fund
        From General Fund              4,162,000
        Schedule of Programs
            Administration         4,162,000
ITEM    35    To Department of Community and Economic Development -
            Business and Economic Development
        From General Fund              450,000
        Schedule of Programs:
            Administration - Hill Field Easements         450,000
ITEM    36    To Department of Health -
             Division of Epidemiology and Laboratory Services
        From General Fund Restricted - State Laboratory Drug
            Testing Account              150,000
        Schedule of Programs:
            Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology         150,000
ITEM    37    To Department of Health -
             Division of Epidemiology and Laboratory Services
                    Under the terms of UCA 63-38-8.1, the Legislature intends not to lapse Item 125, Chapter 394, Laws of Utah 1998. Expenditure of these funds is limited to:
                    Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology:
                     Gas chromatograph    $48,000
                     Centrifuge    10,000
                     Laboratory computer equipment    10,000
                     Thermocycler    30,000
                     Microscope    12,000
ITEM    38    To Department of Health -
            Division of Community and Family Health Services
        From General Fund Restricted - Cigarette Tax Restricted
            Account                  250,000
        Schedule of Programs:
            Health Education         250,000     
ITEM    39    To Department of Human Services - Executive Director Operations
                    Under the terms of UCA 63-38-8.1, the Legislature intends not to lapse Item 130, Chapter 394, Laws of Utah 1998. Expenditure of these funds is limited to:
                Computer Equipment/Software    $25,000
ITEM    40    To Department of Human Services - Division of Mental Health
                    It is the intent of the Legislature that funds appropriated to the Division of Mental Health, Utah State Hospital, for the development

of its information system are nonlapsing.
                    Under the terms of UCA 63-38-8.1, the Legislature intends not to lapse Item 131, Chapter 394, Laws of Utah 1998. Expenditure of these funds is limited to:
                Computer Equipment/Software    $25,000
                Special Projects/Studies    25,000
ITEM    41    To Department of Human Services - Division of Child and Family Services
        From General Fund              (5,098,000)
        From Federal Funds              5,098,000
ITEM    42    To Department of Human Services - Division of Child and Family Services
                    It is the intent of the Legislature that funds appropriated to the Division of Child and Family Services for development of the Child Welfare Management Information System, Christmas Box funding and any funding appropriated for the Foster Care Foundation are nonlapsing.
                    Under the terms of UCA 63-38-8.1, the Legislature intends not to lapse Item 135, Chapter 394, Laws of Utah 1998. Expenditure of these funds is limited to:
                Computer Equipment/Software    $25,000
                Equipment/Supplies    25,000
ITEM    43    To Department of Human Services - Division of Aging and Adult Services
                    It is the intent of the Legislature that funds appropriated for the National Aging Information System in the Division of Aging and Adult Services are nonlapsing.
                    Under terms of UCA 63-38-8.1, the Legislature intends not to lapse Item 136, Chapter 394, Laws of Utah 1998. Expenditure of these funds is limited to:
                Special Projects/Studies    $100,000
                Medicaid Waiver Late Billings    10,000
                Computer Equipment/Software    5,000
                Transportation    25,000
ITEM    44    To Department of Human Services - Division of Substance Abuse
                    Under the terms of UCA 63-38-8.1, the Legislature intends not to lapse Item 132, Chapter 394, Laws of Utah 1998. Expenditure of these funds is limited to:
                    Computer Equipment/Software    $20,000
ITEM    45    To Department of Human Services - Division of Services for People with Disabilities
                    Under the terms of UCA 63-38-8.1, the Legislature intends not to lapse Item 133, Chapter 394, Laws of Utah 1998. Expenditure of these funds is limited to:
                    Computer Equipment/Software    $25,000
                    Equipment/Supplies    25,000
ITEM    46    To Department of Agriculture and Food - General Administration         
        From Dedicated Credits Revenue              1,500
        Schedule of Programs:              
            Animal Health         1,500     
                     Under the terms of UCA 63-38-8.1, the Legislature intends not to lapse Item 200, Chapter 394, Laws of Utah 1998. Expenditure of these funds is limited to:             
                    Agriculture in the Classroom    $10,000          
                    ISF Rate Adjustments    2,400          
                    Capital Equipment or Improvements    65,000          
                    Computer Equipment/Software    141,000          
                    Employee Training/Incentives    63,000          
                    Equipment/Supplies    40,000          
                    Special Projects/Studies    25,000          
                    Brucellosis vaccine RB 51    10,000          
                    Small tools    1,000          
                    Cellular phones    500          
                    Microbiological Sampling and Analysis    7,500          
                    Capital Equipment    290,000          
                    Laboratory Equipment/Supplies    100,000          
ITEM    47    To Department of Agriculture and Food -               
            Agriculture Marketing and Development              
                     Under the terms of UCA 63-38-8.1, the Legislature intends not to lapse Item 201, Chapter 394, Laws of Utah 1998. Expenditure of these funds is limited to:             
                    Capital Equipment or Improvements    $11,000          
                    Computer Equipment/Software    20,000          
                    Employee Training/Incentives    5,000          
                    Equipment/Supplies    7,000          
                    Special Projects/Studies    4,000          
ITEM    48    To Department Of Agriculture and Food - Brand Inspection              
                     Under the terms of UCA 63-38-8.1, the Legislature intends not to lapse Item 203, Chapter 394, Laws of Utah 1998. Expenditure of these funds is limited to:             
                    Computer Equipment/Software    $35,000          
                    Employee Training/Incentives    3,000          
                    Equipment/Supplies    5,000          
                    Uniforms    4,000          
                    Printing    15,000          
ITEM    49    To Department of Agriculture and Food - Predatory Animal Control         
                     Under the terms of UCA 63-38-8.1, the Legislature intends not to lapse Item 204, Chapter 394, Laws of Utah 1998. Expenditure of funds is limited to:             
                    Capital Equipment or Improvements    $10,000          
                    Employee Training/Incentives    5,000          
                    Special Projects/Studies    10,000          
ITEM    50    To Department of Agriculture and Food - Plant Industry              
            Grain Inspection              
                     Under the terms of UCA 63-38-8.1, the Legislature intends not to lapse Item 208, Chapter 394, Laws of Utah 1998. Expenditure of these funds is limited to:             
                    Capital Equipment or Improvements    $2,000          
                    Employee Training/Incentives    5,000          
                    Grain Exchange Maintenance    12,000          
                    Equipment/Supplies    12,800          
ITEM    51    To Department of Agriculture and Food - Agriculture              
            Marketing and Development - Environmental Quality              
                     Under the terms of UCA 63-38-8.1, the Legislature intends not to lapse Item 209, Chapter 394, Laws of Utah 1998. Expenditure of these funds is limited to:             
                    Capital Equipment or Improvements    $15,000          
                    Computer Equipment/Software    5,000          
                    Employee Training/Incentives    3,000          
                    Equipment/Supplies    1,000          
ITEM    52    To Department of Natural Resources -              
            Department Administration              
                     Under the terms of UCA 63-38-8.1, the Legislature intends not to lapse Item 214, Chapter 394, Laws of Utah 1998. Expenditure of these funds is limited to:             
                    Computer Equipment/Software    $9,500          
                    Employee Training/Incentives    10,000          
                    Equipment/Supplies    11,500          
                    Special Projects/Studies    44,000          
I ITEM    53    To Department of Natural Resources - Rent              
                     Under the terms of UCA 63-38-8.1, the Legislature intends not to lapse Item 217, Chapter 394, Laws of Utah 1998. Expenditure of these funds is limited to:             
                    Computer/Printer for Security System    $3,000          
                    Renovate Security/Copy Room    5,000          
                    Landscaping Areas of DNR Complex    10,000          
                    Replace Old Furniture with "System" Furniture    12,000          
ITEM    54    To Department of Natural Resources -              
            Division of Forestry, Fire and State Lands              
        From General Fund Restricted - Sovereign Lands Management Account         120,000
        Schedule of Programs:              
            Program Delivery Cooperators         120,000     
ITEM    55    To Department of Natural Resources -              
            Division of Oil, Gas and Mining              
                     Under the terms of UCA 63-38-8.1, the Legislature intends not lapse Item 219, Chapter 394, Laws of Utah 1998. Expenditure of funds is limited to:             
                    Computer Equipment/Software    $45,000          
                    Employee Training/Incentives    30,000          
                    Equipment/Supplies    20,000          
                    Special Projects/Studies    5,000          
ITEM    56    To Department of Natural Resources -              
            Utah Geological Survey

                    Under the terms of UCA 63-38-8.1, the Legislature intends not to lapse Item 220, Chapter 394, Laws of Utah 1998. Expenditure of funds is limited to:             
                    Computer Equipment/Software    $20,000          
                    Employee Training/Incentives    5,000          
ITEM    57    To Department of Natural Resources -               
            Division of Water Resources              
                    Under the terms of UCA 63-38-8.1, the Legislature intends not to lapse Item 221, Chapter 394, Laws of Utah 1998. Expenditure of these funds is limited to:             
                    Capital Equipment    $6,000          
                    Computer Equipment/Software    17,000          
                    Printing/Binding Costs for State Water Plan    6,000          
                    Engineering Equipment    5,000          
                    Office Equipment/Furnishings    6,000          
ITEM    58    To Department of Natural Resources -              
            Division of Water Rights              
                     Under the terms of UCA 63-38-8.1, the Legislature intends not to lapse Item 223, Chapter 394, Laws of Utah 1998. Expenditure of funds is limited to:             
                    Computer Equipment/Software    $25,000          
                    Geographic Positioning Satellite
                        (GPS) Equipment    25,000          
I ITEM    59    To Department of Natural Resources -               
            Division of Wildlife Resources              
        From General Fund              30,000
        From General Fund Restricted - Wildlife              
            Resources Account              1,650,400
        From General Fund Restricted - Wildlife              
            Habitat Account              (1,650,400)
        Schedule of Programs:              
            Law Enforcement (800 MHz Conversion)         30,000     
                     It is the intent of the Legislature that funds provided for 800 MHz conversion in FY 1999 be nonlapsing and that those funds not used to pay service charges be used to purchase radio equipment.
                     It is the intent of the Legislature that $1,130,000 of FY 1998 nonlapsing General Fund Restricted - Lifetime License Trust Account (Fund 172) be transferred from the Wildlife Resources Operating Budget to the Wildlife Resources Capital Budget (Fisheries).
                     Under the terms of UCA 63-38-8.1, the Legislature intends not to lapse Item 224, Chapter 394, Laws of Utah 1998. Expenditure of these funds is limited to:             
                    Depredation Carryover    $371,000          
                    Hatchery Funding    1,130,000          
                    Habitat Projects    1,436,400          
                    Capital Facilities, Dam Safety    131,500          
ITEM    60    To Department of Natural Resources -               
            Division of Parks and Recreation              
        From General Fund              (72,300)
        Schedule of Programs:              
            Law Enforcement (800 MHz Conversion)          27,700     
            Construction and Planning         (100,000)     
                     It is the intent of the Legislature that funds provided for 800 MHz conversion in FY 1999 be nonlapsing and that those funds not used to pay service charges be used to purchase radio equipment.
                     Under the terms of UCA 63-38-8.1, the Legislature intends not to lapse Item 229, Chapter 394, Laws of Utah 1998. Expenditure of these funds is limited to:             
                    Computer Equipment/Software    $15,000          
                    Employee Training/Incentives    35,000          
                    Equipment/Supplies/Publications    40,000          
                    Signs    10,000          
                    State Park Planning    50,000          
ITEM    61    To School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration              
        From Land Grant Management Fund              20,500
        Schedule of Programs:              
            Data Processing         20,500     
ITEM    62    To Department of Natural Resources -               
            Division of Parks and Recreation - Capital Budget              
        From General Fund              100,000
        From General Fund Restricted - Boating Account              600,000
        From General Fund Restricted - Off-Highway Vehicle Account              111,000
        From Federal Funds              375,000
        Schedule of Programs:              
            Facilities Acquisition and Development         100,000     
            Boating Access Grants         975,000     
            Off-Highway Trails         111,000     
ITEM    63    Minimum School Program
        From Uniform School Fund              (6,000,000)
        Schedule of Programs:
            Minimum School Program         (6,000,000)
ITEM    64    To State Board of Education - Applied Technology Education
            Custom Fit Training
        From Uniform School Fund              500,000
        Schedule of Programs:
            Custom Fit Training         500,000
ITEM    65    To Utah National Guard
                    Under the terms of UCA 63-38-8.1, the Legislature intends not to lapse Item 256, Chapter 394, Laws of Utah 1998. Expenditure of these funds is limited to:
                    Armory Maintenance    $50,000
                    It is the intent of the Legislature that funds appropriated for tuition assistance be considered as nonlapsing.
ITEM    66    To Department of Environmental Quality
            Executive Director         
                    It is the intent of the Legislature that funds appropriated for FY 1999 for the purpose of addressing High Level Nuclear Waste shall be nonlapsing.
ITEM    67    To Department of Environmental Quality
        From General Fund Restricted - Petroleum Storage Tank              50,000         Schedule of Programs:
            Environmental Response and Remediation         50,000
                    It is the intent of the Legislature that remaining funds in the Sharon Steel litigation be lapsed to the Hazardous Substance Mitigation Fund to be used as matching money for the State's share of Sharon Steel Cleanup project.
                    It is the intent of the Legislature that remaining funds in the Underground Storage Tank Cleanup appropriations be transferred to the Petroleum Storage Tank Cleanup Fund, to be used for the purpose of cleaning up leaking underground storage tank sites that are not covered under the Petroleum Storage Tank Expendable Trust Fund.
                    It is the intent of the Legislature that funds appropriated for Underground Storage Tank ACCESS database are to be considered nonlapsing.
ITEM    68    To Department of Environmental Quality - Radiation
                    It is the intent of the Legislature that unexpended licensing fees paid in FY 1999 for purpose of applying for new radioactive waste disposal licenses are to be considered as nonlapsing.
ITEM    69    To Expendable Trust Fund - Petroleum Storage Tank
        From Centennial Highway Fund               5,000,000
        Schedule of Programs:
            Expendable Trust Fund - Petroleum Storage Tank         5,000,000
ITEM    70    To Department of Transportation - Centennial Highway Fund
        From General Fund              5,000,000
        From Debt Service              (1,691,300)
        Schedule of Programs:
            Centennial Highway Fund         3,308,700
ITEM    71    To Department of Transportation - Support Services
        From Transportation Fund              699,400
        From Federal Funds              (8,900)
        Schedule of Programs:
            Administrative Services         2,800
            Data Processing         205,800
            Comptroller             505,400
            Community Relations         (23,500)
                    Under the terms of UCA 63-38-8.1, the Legislature intends not to lapse Item 257, Chapter 394, Laws of Utah 1998. Expenditure of

these funds is limited to:
                    Support Services
                        Data Processing Equipment    $350,000
                        Training    100,000
                        Performance Audits    80,000
ITEM    72    To Department of Transportation - Engineering Services
        From Transportation Fund              (899,800)
        From Federal Funds              (2,700)
        From Dedicated Credits Revenue              14,000
        Schedule of Programs:
            Safety Division         (198,300)
            Program Development         (191,900)
            Preconstruction         (498,300)
ITEM    73    To Department of Transportation - Construction
        From Transportation Fund              (198,800)
        From Federal Funds               59,900
        Schedule of Programs:
            Construction Management         (29,700)
            I-15 Team             (42,100)
            Field Crews              76,400
            Federal Construction - New         33,800
            State Construction - New         (177,300)
ITEM    74    To Department of Transportation - Region Management
        From Transportation Fund              273,600
        From Federal Funds              117,000
        Schedule of Programs:
            Region I             (113,200)
            Region 2             671,500
            Region 3             10,400
            Region 4             (13,400)
            Richfield              (55,600)
            Price                 (59,700)
            Cedar City             (49,400)
ITEM    75    To Department of Transportation - Maintenance Management
        From Transportation Fund              85,100
        Schedule of Programs:
            Region 1             45,100
            Region 2             1,900
            Region 3             53,400
            Richfield              55,600
            Price                  59,700
            Cedar City              49,400
            Land and Buildings         (180,000)
                    Under the terms of UCA 63-38-8.1, the Legislature intends not to lapse Item 261, Chapter 394, Laws of Utah 1998. Expenditure of these funds is limited to:
                    Maintenance Management
                        Contractual Maintenance    $600,000
ITEM    76    To Department of Transportation - Equipment Management
        From Transportation Fund              16,100
        Schedule of Programs:
            Maintenance Planning         46,400
            Shops                 (30,300)
                    Under the terms of UCA 63-38-8.1, the Legislature intends not to lapse Item 260, Chapter 394, Laws of Utah 1998. Expenditure of these funds is limited to:
                    Equipment Management
                        Equipment Purchases    $754,300
ITEM    77    To Department of Transportation - Aeronautics
                    Under the terms of UCA 63-38-8.1, the Legislature intends not to lapse Item 262, Chapter 394, Laws of Utah 1998. Expenditure of these funds is limited to:
                        Airport Construction    $100,000
ITEM    78    To Department of Transportation - Mineral Lease
        From General Fund Restricted - Mineral Lease              1,400,000
        Schedule of Programs:
            Mineral Lease         1,400,000
Section 2. Section 1 takes effect upon approval by the Governor, or the day following the constitutional time limit of Article VII, Section 8 without the Governor's signature, or in the case of a veto, the date of override.

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